Missing the old days; the good days.
This is the time of year that I'd be soliciting requests for gifts from all of my favourite girls at the clubs. Then, I'd come in with a mitten full of gift cards and chocolate covered whatevers from my favourite shops and just spread the cheer around.
I'd meet with my regular cohorts, bring a couple of bottles of egg nog into the club, get a nice bottle of rum and have a great, fun party. Someone would bring a couple of cans of whipped cream and that helped the party mood as well.
Now, I don't get out as much as I'd like. I don't pal around with the old crew like I used to. I don't have any regulars/favourites.
Now, when I go to a club, I have no idea who is dancing and haven't spent the time to build up a rapport with anyone. I don't have that sense of (marginal) human connection that I used to treasure: that familiarity and continuing relationship. It's just drink, dance, drink, dance. No time for chitchat.
Oh, well. I am now an old.