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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/22 in Posts

  1. 2 points
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    Or do like some other countries are doing…if you choose not to be vaccinated and end up in hospital, you have to pay the cost. No free healthcare in that situation.
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    Lets toast to those freakin' hot fripples ! Cheers !!!!
  14. 2 points
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    I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you. 90%-ish of people in hospital right now from Covid are unvaccinated. They are taking up space and resources that could be used for others that are waiting for life saving surgeries…cancer related, heart related, etc. I don’t respect their choice. It’s selfish and is causing harm to everyone else. My father was told last summer he needed open heart surgery within the year. He was placed ahead of others already waiting because of the severity of his condition. He is still waiting to get in. Bumped back twice now because the hospital is unable to accommodate him due to Covid patients. Right now he’s living on borrowed time due to a bunch of people who read something on Facebook about the evil vaccine.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Total agree. Those who do not choose to get vaccinated the hospitals are closed for them. The amount of backloads of surgeries that need to done is completely stupidity. People health are in jeopardy. What about the rights of people dying because of these idiots.
  18. 1 point
    I will more comfortable once I get my booster and a couple weeks after. not scared of getting it. Just rather have that extra boost to immunity before. i agree with above. The government has to say that if you don’t accept the health protocol then you are at the back of the line if you need the icu bed. And then start opening everything up to normal.
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    Had chance to see Veronica Bee...Have to say Nice addition to our Island. She is Genuine, warm and has a Beautiful Smile. On Top she has skills to Match & Offers Duo with Everleigh. See Her Guys 👍
  38. 1 point
    This is the first time I am openly advertising that I'm in Dartmouth, but I moved to a new townhouse in September. We're in the fancy area now. 😉
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    One more because I adore you all and some of these shots cum out purrrfectly! Hope this one isn't pushing boundaries, or maybe I want to make the naughty list 😼 Merry Christmas everyone ❤️
  44. 1 point
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    Well thought today I was getting lucky...laundry room free. So I got my laundry washed or so I thought. Yes got a load in the washer. When I went to change loads around there was water coming up from the drain in the floor flooding the laundry room...second time this has happened in the past three weeks, first time to me. So I have wet laundry hanging up in the bathroom drying right now and will hopefully finish the load Monday or Tuesday Plumbing in this old apartment building has been an on going problem for as long as I can remember. Downside of renting in old buildings A Rambling RG
  46. 0 points
    All clubs closed likely till spring. If you don't like that fact, there is an election in June where you can vote Ford out and in Quebec Oct 3 where you can vote Legault out. Numbers count, if people don't fight this government control, the government will continue to walk over us and restrict our rights.
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