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  1. 8 points
    I'm very curious too, as I am part of that "choice words and blocked" umbrella. Unprofessional approaches and lack of respect for someones protocol, doesn't vibe well with most people. This feels like something a "SB/SD" arrangement would start like. First hand actually, yes... this is how most would start. But what people don't understand is that protocol for online SW, Sugaring SW and FSSW are all VERY DIFFERENT. If you get used to the protocol for SBs or online SW, you're going to have to go through alot more hoops and follow a way more strict protocol to see someone who gets paid for their TIME (including random outcall meets). Emotional vampires are the biggest issue when a John goes from OF to booking someone... "$4.33/minute." This means if you email talking about random bs, we're probably not going to respond if you don't attach a payment for our time taken to read and respond. It's really that simple. Manda hit the nail on the head, no sane SW is going to go out in a public place and meet "you" in person, to decide if they should meet you in person. That's fucking weird man. Best of luck. * what also bothers me is that if someone asks for compensation for their time, that they don't willingly offer for free - they get labeled as "not passionate about it." WELL NO! IM PASSIONATE ABOUT MAKING MONEY... not seeing you for free and making a connection to see if we vibe. It's my job to make sure we vibe and if you don't like how the first session went, don't come back. But you're not going to waste MY time to figure that out. I'm still going to be paid. This is not Amazon, no refunds or exchanges. No 30 day trial. You get what you get and you take the chance... I dont ask John's to meet in public first to see if we vibe, I take the risk because that's all part of the game. Okay, I'm done. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Have a good day.
  2. 8 points
    Darling, there are literally thousands of my pictures and videos on my maintained, and easily verifiable socials and fansites.. I've left the sexiest trail of breadcrumbs for anyone who cares to do their own research and follow it 😈 If that & 100+ reviews on multiple sites over nearly a decade aren't enough to verify that I'm legitimate, I don't think that my sending a non sexual selfie is going to convince anyone 😂 But for what it's worth, in case a newer sp is reading this.. I would also not meet a stranger in public without a deposit.. Too many scams of people having us show up to random places for a date that isn't real.. It's a big reason why many of us require deposits for outcalls 🤷 I've shown up for lunch dates who no show, only to message me details of how nice I looked, or they liked my outfit, afterwards.. Then they've already seen who I am, and could easily follow me,without me knowing who they are. I do prefer not to be stalked or followed lol For this reason especially, I require a deposit for public meetings with a new guest, just to ensure my own safety and privacy is respected I honestly don't know any providers who are meeting strangers in public first..
  3. 6 points
    There is the truth right there. If you can't afford an hour of an SPs, Mistress or Subs time to learn about them and see if you vibe then you shouldn't be asking.
  4. 6 points
    Your expectations are completely out of line. I am probably the worst new client ever for approaching things the right way, and not following proper protocol...I'm lucky that the lovely ladies I have met were patient and gracious, but they didn't have to be. I would love to spend time with them anywhere, anytime, and they likely know that, haha...but I would never ask anything like what you suggest. Their jobs are hard enough already. Don't make them harder, and respect them and their time.
  5. 5 points
    This thread is hilarious, I've learned a ton and am going to change the way I approach making bookings. I'm gonna start requiring SPs to send me a photo of them with their keyboard on their head to verify their pics. If they can accomplish this task then they may have the privilege of meeting me for coffee so I can determine if they're truly worthy of me. I'm an old fashioned guy though so I'll gladly pay for their coffee (none of that frappuccino shit though, I don't come across money easily). I expect this rigorous screening process will weed out approximately 100% of all SPs on planet earth and I'll finally have the time and energy to get back to my true passion: whittling.
  6. 4 points
    Oh it shows. 🤷‍♀️ Gotta run! Having lunch with another provider. I'm gunna ask my waitress if I can sample the food first, before I decide to pay for it. Wish me luck!
  7. 4 points
    I have to question how many times this has actually worked for you? I've been at this a long time and I think most of the ladies I have met over the years would immediately block/ignore you for even asking. (Especially for a one hour appointment). The rest of them would likely have some choice words for you ;) . Maybe I'm wrong but I have a hard time believing that you ask this regularly with any degree of success, at least without offering some compensation for their time.
  8. 3 points
    Polite gentlemen are my absolute favorite! And, while I respect others and myself -and require the same (hence my avid love of gentlemen), I dont think so highly of myself that I believe Im a rare breed in that way around here!! Most of the lyla ladies directly speak of respect in their ads 💯 Fair warning: I can smell a fake though so you have to be genuinely polite and respectful, not using niceties to mask arrogance. For any new SWs here, if you want to but dont know how to yet, read Clays posts closely and you will find examples of this so you too can learn to spot the fake gentlemen. They dont come around here often, or last long here! Thank you to Clay for the educational examples provided here, such a prince... Last words from me on this are directly for all the impeccable gentlemen of Lyla; I adore you ALL and what better time to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for making being part of this industry worth the toll it sometimes takes. Every industry has its downside, and you all are definitely top the list of upsides! Cheers 🥂 S.
  9. 3 points
    Then pay for their time that they meet you. But you'll rarely get a yes. You're allowed to have your view and allowed to be old fashion... but knowledge is power and if you open your mind up to other peoples thoughts, feelings, emotions and SAFETY... you might get somewhere instead of bitching on the internet. Like someone else said... YOU are the common factor here. Fix yourself. Fix the issue.
  10. 3 points
    THIS! WE ARE A LUXURY, NOT A RIGHT. If you can't afford to keep your phone on, then you can't afford a SW. That simple. If someone tells me they don't have an active number, how will they text when they arrive? Not an excuse. You are not a Prince and we are not "hired by you" we accept you as a client and you PAY our SERVICE FEE. You are not owners of our time. Simple as that. Have good day!
  11. 3 points
    I came here to leave my 2 cents but I see I don’t have to because @SarahAlexxx @StephanieMystique and @MsManda have all said everything crossing my mind!
  12. 3 points
    I understand the desire, and the rationale from your side. The reality for these ladies is it is not practical, nor is it safe. As @MsManda pointed out, it would be very easy to arrange a meet and then follow them when they leave. as @SarahAlexxx said, it's her job to make sure you feel well looked after. Read her reviews...they'll tell you if she's good at her job. (They all agree, btw,,,she is)
  13. 3 points
    Why would you wish for more women to be in such a vulnerable position that they have to walk the blade? How vile and disturbing tbh.
  14. 2 points
    Sarah and MS Manda - you are so right on the money!!!!
  15. 2 points
    Oh I won't... and it definitely won't be on account of some self proclaimed Prince. 😆
  16. 2 points
    This may totally work for you and I'm glad it does. But there will be NO negotiations on my rates. Meet me for dinner for 10 minutes when I only allow one hour minimums, means you will still be required to pay me for the HOUR I set aside for you... even if you leave after 10 minutes.
  17. 2 points
    Then don't eat it. But don't expect those who do eat it, to let you try a bite of theirs. XD
  18. 2 points
    To SarahAlexxx point taken . Education is important and yes that is what LYLA is about . Now I'm done lol
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
    I play fair. Doesn't always mean nice. 😉 There's a difference between bullying and educating. Sometimes children throw tempertantrums to get what they want. It's up to the parent to explain why ABC isn't happening. Exactly what's going on here. We (as a SW community) are trying to EDUCATE someone on how things are done, as well as protect other, and future SW in the industry. This thread and kind of discussion are extremely important for new people. However, if they don't want to listen to the class, they WILL get detention. 😉 I know how to use a meter stick.
  21. 2 points
    Not that in any way I'm against free speech but this thread is about to go sideways very soon in my opinion . Sometimes we must agree to disagree and move on . Prince Clay will continue to justify his actions and those on the other side will put theirs forward , I don't see any common ground here . That's my final say . Let's remember to all play nice .
  22. 2 points
    Then you will never truly be an ally. It's that simple. Byeeeeeeee
  23. 2 points
    Using SWs as a therapist or ANY kind of emotional outlet is extremely selfish. We aren't trained professionals - seek help. Also, your emotional and financial safety is NOTHING compared to finding one of us dead in a hotel room, or as Manda said, stalked and beaten. I'm sorry, but I do not give you sympathy. You need to seek your own aid that isn't putting someone else at risk.
  24. 2 points
    If this is "always" being told to you, and "many" try to diagnose you...YOU are the common factor here. I don't know about the gaslighting, but I do know denial isn't just a river in Egypt. To everyone else...I'm sorry, yes, I know that was lame. I have my brilliant moments, today isn't one of them.
  25. 2 points
    If safety is important to you, I think you have to realize that safety is an incredibly important factor for these ladies. Also, if your emotional safety is that much of a concern, it might be better to consider a different hobby until that is under control. I don't say that in a rude or condescending way...you can't convey tone over text. Emotional regulation isn't easy, so if you have any issues in that area, you have my sympathy.
  26. 2 points
    Make sure to contact a provider that requires phone conversations to verify otherwise it's rude to expect one from someone that doesn't offer them. Imo and experience, those that want phone calls are time waster and beating it on the other end. Top it off, it's never a discrete conversation, nor can you insure someone isn't recording the conversation.
  27. 2 points
    I will not be spending any extra time, money or effort above what I have put into my marketing (website, social medias, Lyla, online content, creating profiles, advertising, professional photos, ect) to meet some entitled person who thinks they are above my safety, security and thinks less of me because they don't value my time to compensate for meeting. As @MsManda put it, we leave sexy breadcrumb trails for you to follow and get all the information you need to make a decision to see us. For an SP that is new, don't send them photos. I have seen enough pic collector collections to know you are risking your safety. It takes them showing the wrong person or blasting it out to hurt you, be it psychical, mental or emotionally, or lose your job(s), family and housing. Build your content, build you ads, build your website if you choose too. If you need help, there is a ton of helpful information on this board to get you up and running. AMEN!!!!
  28. 2 points
    I agree with Ms Manda on this one. It's not fair nor realistic to expect an SP to meet you for free . Their time should be respected and compensated for . In my experience most providers allow a little chit chat to make sure the comfort level is there . I've left when I have not felt comfortable but I leave something for their time. Most have understood graciously some not so . Maybe this may not be considered proper but I feel it's fair .
  29. 2 points
    It says a lot, not that it needed to be said, that people are still posting even after shes gone 🥲 Lydia sure left a mark, and its not the same here without her 💔
  30. 2 points
    It's nothing personal. I just have to meet someone in person before I can hire them. The way they speak, their scent, their body-language. It's just nice to know what I'm paying for, for that fleeting hour.
  31. 1 point
    When writing a pm, email or texting, please do not send one liners! Many times, it come across as being rude. Ive been on the recieving end of this threw txting, hence the reason why I do not text anymore to make a 1st appointment! WE can not hear your tone of voice, so when you send something like this: "WHEN CAN I SEE YOU?" It just sounds rude. First off, INTRODUCE yourself! Say hello, how are you, I am Mr.XXX. The reason why you are emailing or pm'ing: I am interested in meeting with you on this date and time for this long. A little about yourself, if your comfortable saying anything, some ladies actually request that you do, some don't. Then sign off... Looking forward to hearing from you, Until we meet, or what ever. When you write an actual pm or email, we WILL respond! When I see something that is not like the above described, I dont even want to put in the effort to respond, since you did not take the effort to say more than 3 or 4 words to me! And I am sure I am not the only lady that feels like that! And most importantly!! Read her Ads, website and profile!! They are very imformative. Hence the reason why we put so much effort into them! The effort your going to put in by pm'ing "Whats your rates?", "What time do you start?", or the big question, "What do you look like?" will be alot less than clicking your mouse on the link to her website/profile! You just look very lazy and disrespectful! We are not asking you to write an autobiography about yourself or a novel! 5-6 lines is not asking for much! I know some men are men of very few words, but if you cant take a few minutes to learn about us and say more then a few words, then imagin how we think the encounter will go with you?! Starting an email/pm politely can and will get you a better or if any encounter with your choosen SP/MA! ****************** I've searched and could not find a thread about etiquette on pm'ing, but found this thread, which only shows you how to START a pm: http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15861 If I missed it someone let me know and Ill ask the Mod to add this post to it! Thanks, Tiffany Amber xoxo
  32. 1 point
    YES! The ones that know, know. Gentlemen don't need to say they are. They keep there mouth shut (can't talk with a full mouth. 😉 ) You get it!
  33. 1 point
    She’s top notch. I seen her a few months ago, pics don’t do her justice and provides a great service
  34. 1 point
    Michelle or Leanne (who works Monday and Friday evenings) are both excellent!
  35. 1 point
    FULLY VACCINATED Hey lovers I am visiting Charlottetown Monday-Sunday (Feb.28 - March 3) and would love to spend some time with you! If we haven't yet met let me introduce myself.. . I am the perfect choice for those mature professional gentlemen 25+ seeking Fun and Excitement (I will see you 21+ depending on our conversation and connection) I am all about positive energy and making genuine connections I love to please and be pleased 40+ Curvaceous..with amazing ASSsets All natural D38 Shaved Pretty face Long black hair(sometimes red) with hazel eyes and kissable lips Soft skin with a soft touch and sweet to taste Fetish/Kink friendly (sexy attire and toys) SAFE DATES ALWAYS I am providing In service in a relaxing non smoking location with shower Outcalls to surrounding hotels ONLY on the hour with a deposit sent to secure my time Half hour/Hourly/Multi hour/Erotic massage and more I wanna be the reason you smile today 😊😘 If interested in seeing me please text/call to book (902)2*9*2*6*8*9*3 No blocked calls or text apps 15/30 minute Skype dates Sexting sessions Http://twitter.com/ExoticTouchd Http://onlyfans.com/sexxymilfnextdoor Snapchat-1093270838.mp4 Snapchat-1063873093.mp4
  36. 1 point
    I've never been to one of those. But if you scroll down, there's something about Michelle
  37. 1 point
    I will b booking with her this trip...can't wait based on her reco's....
  38. 1 point
    She is amazing! Nuru massage is something everyone should experience
  39. 1 point
    My pleasure! Personally, I dont bother with LeoList, never have, never will. Its a total crap chute on both sides so I personally see no point in attracting unsavory characters while being amongs a bunch of scammers when the good hobbyists will end up checking me out somewhere like Lyla or an Indy Companion collective in the end anyway. If I were a hobbyist, I wouldn't go anywhere near there. Why go sifting for gold though a bunch of sand? Sure a lot of good ones are there but they will ALSO be on lyla or in a collective, so why bother? Same with our end with clients. A good hobbyist will find me and will either know better than bother with leolist or eventually do research and find me in a better place. So yes, I would recommend avoiding it. All hassle, no benefit if you ask me. And verification is a joke on there. It means nothing. For recos and reviews: take one timer posters with a grain of salt. Completely disbelieve ones that only post for one person and no one else. If thats just a recent thing fine... he just found his dream girl but I mean EVER. And sadly, I would not trust reviews from agency SPs unless its from a well known Poster here or from multiple posters who have recoed SPs from other agencies or independents as well. Although the mods are pretty hardcore at catching those. I once had pages of recos removed because a stupid driver made fake reviews for girls hoping he could drive for them. I didnt ask for it, need it or appreciate it! So his one BS reco deleted a years worth of genuine ones. Thankfully the mods understood it wasnt my doing. Anyway, the sniffed it out because he only recoed SPs from that agency and funny... only on nights he woked. lol Wanted to throttle the guy. For his stupid 20$ he brought me (and others) to square one. Many members only trust recos for new SPs if they are done by members who word they trust. But as long as the poster has reviewed SPs that arent all from the same place and has reviewed SPs that have nothing to do with each other, its trustworthy. I'm so sorry you have been burned. Enrages me. May I ask your area? You may have already but if not, please check if there is a collective there. Google keywords like ___city/town name___ indy companions " ----------------------------" independent companions "------------" indy/independent sex workers collective Another good move would be to post what you are looking for in your area's section. I once found a regular client who had posted that he was looking for a lady with strong legs lol Not something anyone usually advertise but i contacted him and it just so happened we were a perfect match. Again, I was starting out back then so spent a lot more time on admin. I go for long periods without even advertising let alone perusing forums but... takes a few mins, doesnt hurt and may give fruit! We should make a thread for how much we've each lost... SPs and Hobbyists alike, too depressing though Again, Im so sorry for every cent you lost and all your frustration. Jessy
  40. 1 point
    Hi, I hear your frustration, I really do and I'm not about to preach or tell you off in anyway. Only empathy & some advice on how to verify & also how to be able to tell if she is consistently available. I've had clients I really care about fall victim. I dont know what city you are in but there are other ways to verify SWs, it gets more difficult with younger ones because they won't have the years of good reviews & recommendations. But that is certainly one way. In terms of whether they tour or are actually local, their site & their recos can also help u. You can contact those who have seen or still see them & ask if they really are in town as much as they say they are. Another hint is often if rates work on a declining scale. This will give you an idea that she prefers longer appointments over many 1hr ones, which regardless of how long each appointment your preference is, it will give you an insight into the fact that she prefers seeing less people more often as opposed to quantity or having no preference one way or the other. The trouble is a lot of the SPs who are established, available regularly and have regular agents, dont need to and therefore dont advertise as much. Myself I'm only on lyla & Twitter & although I've been available in Ottawa every week pretty much since I started, if you look into my post history, my 'schedules & announcements' wont reflect that. I'm often already somewhat prebooked & know enough of my regs will contact me regardless if I'm advertising (because they know I do this). I would hate for someone new to constantly be trying to contact me when I'm busy and get declined and give up or think I "never reply" so I just dont advertise unless I think I'll have booking time to spare. I'm also only in lyla & twitter. I'm giving myself as an example but there are many like me. I'm truly sorry for all you have endured. It's really rough esp for someone just starting out, on both sides of the industry. I know you are experienced. Many SWers will accept reference alone. Another key with deposits is if she has her own incall vs renting a space. The reason deposits have become such a widespread thing is because during covid, after months of no income, SWs would get booked, specifically rent their space out (many apts are either just Air BnBs or another SPs incall) they are on the hook either way, they pay the sum & then the gent cancels sitting fear of covid. This was a pandemic on it's own. It didnt happen to me as I have my own incall plus until i was vaccinated i only offered Covid-Smart apts. But it happened to many and so deposits became standard. Scammers saw this and took advantage. Many arent even in canada. (I had a hacker I know trace one cuz I was so mad they got a reg of mine) He blamed himself as he booked off leolist with someone without reviews. So anyway, the fact that SPs who are legit and consistent end up not advertising much, is adding to your troubles. If you're in Ottawa & tell me your preferences, I can vouch for many & know a diverse group. Outside ottawa I cant help. Oh! Many cities have had regular/established ladies create their own network. OIC in Ottawa, IndyCompanions in Mtl, I know TO & even Saskatoon have their own. While not all members are in for the long hall you can tell who is. I really hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck. C36 has fed this getting worse. The states are worse too. The more laws u add, the further underground it drives it and along come the sociopaths & exploiters! Our laws were fine as they were prior to C36. Alas, all we can do is call our local MPs and organize. Anyhow, I hop my advice helps & I really hope you find what you are looking for. It saddens me because I know theres an SP out there who would love a new reg. Even those of us with regs, they do sometimes leave us before we leave the industry so keep your eyes peeled for ads that may not appear all the time yet say things like "As usual I'll be available from (insert days of the week). " and "my incall is..." if she has an apt itll always have the same characteristics. Also look for recos where the same gent posts again or says "I've been seeing her for the last ___ years" When you go to their sites you can often tell if they tour. Myself I dont tour but I do always set a day or two aside when I'm visiting a city. So I mention TO but it's also clear that I dont go often and dont stay long. If you see far away cities listed as an constant, she tours. Also beyond OIC and such their are twitter accounts that will offer a list of who is active & whether they are local or tour. Finally, network with some of the other hobbyists in your area. Send them a msg and ask who is legit & if interested in a particular SW but cant tell if shes consistently available, contact one of the reco posters & ask them. They'll definitely know if she is around a lot & easy to book with. Take care of yourself ! JessyCeleste .
  41. 1 point
    Ouuu thanks for subscribing! ❤️ I'm reeeeealllllllll 😈 and I'm happy to have had a hand in introducing you to this sexy underworld hehe To be fair, I'm not sure if a new sp would have a system for selling pics.. It'd depend on the provider for sure. When I started, it was a different era 😂 Those of us who have a website/onlyfans/etc generally love to send people there lol but perhaps asking if she's got a site, social media, OF, or offering something for her troubles to take said pic? It's still an easy way to get ripped off, on either side, but it's less costly/risky than booking a date with a scammer, or having an sp sending out oddly specific pics that sound like they're about to be used as verification on another site, or worse 🤷 Idk.. I don't really have a solution; I know it's a risk to book with anyone, especially without reviews.. I was more hoping to offer some perspective from the Sp side, and why a provider might not be immediately a sketch bag just for not sending pics to the people who contact them ❤️
  42. 1 point
    Glad to know she is real but I would rather wait for her to provide an incall location where I don't have to worry about other room mates.
  43. 1 point
    Have seen Kimmy 10-15 times over the years, and a couple of times since last reporting, so guess it's time for an update. Have visited her on the past three Canada Days, including this year, and a hot & sweaty session it was. A great start to the Day. 🇨🇦 She texted me recently to say hello, and fortunately agreed to a weekend rendezvous. Wow Kimmy is looking fine. She was wearing a classy red silk robe with a Japanese-inspired rose motif. Didn't realize it at the time, but she had a sexy surprise underneath. We hugged, light kisses, and went down the stairs. Kimmy asked me to wash my hands. No worries. Asked her which towel to use, she indicated the little one. Roger that. Realized that she was in the washroom behind me, turned to see Sexy Kimmy wearing a sexy black camisole and a cat ears tiara. Hello Kitty! 🐈 We headed for the bedroom and things started to heat up. She unclipped the camisole, and soon it was on the floor. Her yoga classes are paying off. Her lovely bottom is petite and firm as always. Her lips were soft and pouty and begged for a kiss. Pushed on for a very long time, enjoying the sweet sights, sounds and sensations with this lovely girl. {Note: Graphic descriptions of salacious events have been removed so as not to shock delicate sensibilities} Afterwards, caught my breath and got caught up while she lounged at the bottom of the bed, au natural of course. Things are well with Kimmy. She's more Zen now, more relaxed and able to go with the flow. She is a perfectionist and likes things done a certain way, and I'm happy to follow her lead on housekeeping items so she's happy & comfortable. On the way out, she reintroduced me to her Cat Monsieur Chanel. He likes to be scratched, and seemed to remember me as I scratched his ears and tummy. He has a new house-mate, a new Kitty named Stripey was lounging on the couch. Kimmy is a very sexy Cat Lady. We chatted a bit more, light kisses, hugged and parted. À la prochaine, Sweet Kimmy 💋 ---—-------------------------------------- Happy New Year 2020! 🎉🎊 Got the Decade started off right with a visit with my favourite College Cutie. A big hug, then down the stairs. She takes the lead and I go with the flow. Kimmy's yoga lessons are paying off. Firm bottom, defined Abs, pretty lips... Watched in admiration as she rode me like a Stallion. She's tight and right, and my good fortune to visit. Afterwards, we had a good tête-à-tête and got caught up. Kimmy is very interesting, intelligent, focussed, strong-willed, kind-hearted, and sexy af. A great start to the decade. Bonne année douce Kimmy. Jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions. 💋 Current Ad https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/south-eastern-ontario/ottawa_hot_tight_college_girl-3660470
  44. 1 point
    I will reiterate what I said in the above post because it's happening to me again. Please don't send me a PM and a text asking for a specific time a couple of days in advance and then you don't respond back by text or PM when I need to confirm for the next day. If I don't hear back from you with an "Okay, I'll call you on this day an hour before we meet", there is no appointment. I'm not going to chase anyone down nor am I going to call anyone without their permission if they don't have the courtesy to reply back which takes only a minute or two. I have better things to do with my time.
  45. 1 point
    Please don't send PMs with one likers like the classic "What's up?" or "Hi". I don't have time to start a dialogue and go back and forth. Please state your intentions from the beginning. Please read our ads from start to finish. Don't PM me and ask what I look like, services or rates. It's all in the ad that I post everyday. Or if you PM an SP for a certain time don't send the message then disappearing and leaving us hanging. That's why I get people to text me or call me directly because there are times when I'm not on this site when I'm at one of my incall locations. Don't send out PMs to several SPs asking for the same time. Many of us know each other and in some cases are good friends. You will be branded as someone who is a time waster and you will never get a serious reply or be blown off and I don't mean in a good way!
  46. 1 point
    Yes, I agree with you ladies. A one line Pm comes across as it may be from someone who is not serious about getting together however the tone of the Pm says a lot. I have learned that some here are 'men of few words' but that does not make them disrespectful. A message like the one Gabrielle posted though is disrespectful for sure. It is 'funny' some people need to be taught on Pm etiquette. I doubt they comunicate that way when they send an email or letter to anyone outside of this industry. But what bothers me the most is when I get asked by someone to send a message with my availability or upon my return when I have been away only to get ignored. As Meg said common courtesy is very simple to have and expected, especially if you started or requested the communication.
  47. 1 point
    I agree with Shelly, all one liners or anything rude is deleted and fast. I used to write back and explain my idea of proper manners but then realized if I have to explain common sense I don't want to see the person anyway.
  48. 1 point
    When you send a PM requesting information such as availability, please respond to the response. I answer each and every PM as quickly as possible and if between 8am and 8pm it's usually within 30mins. When I get a PM asking if I am available at, let's say, 10:30am tomorrow morning and I reply within 10 minutes saying, not until 11:30; common decency indicates that you let me know that it's not convenient...even if it takes you 12hrs to reply, a reply is warranted!!!!!!!!!!!
  49. 1 point
    I had my first sp encounter ever on saturday and admit I used a one liner pm. Now that I've gone through the forums and read these types of posts, I won't do it again. I totally missed the "New to this" as I was "so excited to be new to this".
  50. 1 point
    I agree, a respectful pm (or for that matter email or text) is a must. A person gets one chance to make a first impression, your pm kinda makes that first impression RG
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