Hey, as a SP/advertiser on Leolist, just wanted to chime in with a possible reason ads might show up as "Deleted" (When you get the "Sorry, this ad is no longer active" message), if that's alright 🙂
On the user interface, Leolist gives us the option to select "hide ad"- so the ad won't be deleted, but it will display the above message as though it were. Sometimes if I am making significant edits to an ad, I will do this til I'm able to finish them.
More commonly, I have heard some providers will hide their ad when they are done working for the day; hiding the ad will stop, or at least slow down, the amount of calls and texts they get once they're done.
Lastly sometimes it really is deleted- like if a provider is just passing through, they may delete the ad so that after they've left they won't keep getting texts and calls for booking in a location they're no longer in. Or may delete if they're taking some time off, and don't want their phone blowing up.
Wanted to offer that insight/different perspective on it, to clarify that there are normal/unconcerning reasons ads may be "deleted" sometimes. Hope this helps 🙂