The thing with screening is that it is I think a catch 22. Most screening at this point in time comes from the service provider where she/he may ask to provide references and id checks. There in lies two problems. Not all service providers are comfortable being used as references in this industry; it all depends on their comfort level. Also like one the previous posts, what if SP used as reference flakes, ghosts or even blocks your number as they are uncomfortable knowing you are using another SP. The more SP's seen the more health risks are possible to each SP involved. Sometimes in this case, ignorance is bliss. That and what happens if the SP requesting the references are unhappy with the references as they don't know/trust/etc. the SP's referenced. Then what? Ask for more references? It's not like hobbyists keep a big list of references. Also SP contact information is very unreliable. SP's change their numbers all the time for all sorts of reasons. Then the second problem here is providing ID. Some people are in the hobby being completely anonymous. Providing valid ID immediately stops that. It is the same reason SP's almost never use their actual names for the services they are providing. If SP's don't need to provide valid ID, then why should the client.
And there in lies the rub. What if the client wants the exact same screening level as the SP. Will the SP be willing to do that as well (i.e. providing valid ID, references).
There is inherent risks involved from both sides of the hobbyist/SP relationship. The hobbyist looks at an ad and tries to pic a SP that they think will be a good possibility, someone that won't scam them of money they worked hard for and they can have a good service delivered. But every hobbyist knows and most likely has experienced being scammed by the SP. Stories of threats from friends, surprise pimps, boyfriends, and cops, forcing the hobbyist out after the SP has taken the money without any service is rampant; in some cases, the stories are so bad, that the hobbyist is happy losing the money cause they got out with losing their life. These types of encounters happen all the time because all the hobbyist has to make the decision is a simple ad; there is no confirmation of character before actually meeting for the first time.
So okay, the hobbyist agrees and gives you the references and ID's to your satisfaction. What if the hobbyist says okay can you provide all the information I gave you for screening questions? Would you be willing to provide references from fellow SP's? What if the hobbyist has never heard of or even seen the SP's you have referenced? Would you provide others? Would you be willing to show your client your valid ID?
Safety and healthiness is always going to be an issue in the SP/hobbyist relationship. In an ideal world, everyone would be 100% truthful and sincere. But everyone knows that is not going to happen. It all starts at the level of the name. SP's will make a name they can use that is different from their birth certificate names to keep what they do anonymous from their loved ones and families. Likewise the hobbyist, will likely be doing the same thing. Character judgement, is a two way street; as I said, all the hobbyist has to select an SP is the ad that the SP puts out. If the hobbyist provides an equivalent, is that sufficient for the SP as screening (most likely not). I don't know if there is a solution for this situation that is acceptable to both parties involved.. Looking forward to see what other think.