As someone who resides in NB and tours full time I can tell you the province can support the higher donations without issue. Just because your budget doesn't allow for some of the higher end ladies - doesn't give your the right to speak for the men whose budget does. Your comments are your personal preference and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so unless you want women to judge you keep your unwanted comments on peoples looks to yourself.
Looks and rates do not go hand in hand and a woman pretty ur unattractive as you say can charge what she wants, if people will pay it what's it to you?
Expensive isn't always better but neither is cheaper.
In regards to your comment on the cheap Asian market, it is no threat to any of us, it never has been and never will be. You can't compare a real verified independent to a bait and switch Asian ad. There is zero impact on any of our businesses by these fake ads.