I agree, except when the pics are clearly fakes, or so old they don't look like that anymore. Bait and switch, imo, doesn't deserve compensation because of the intent to fraudulently misrepresent themselves.
Two examples:
Booking a date with a provider, I was concerned about the validity of the pics, but was on my phone, so vetting is more challenging.
I asked if they pics were her, because I would walk if they weren't. She said yes.
I showed up, and the white girl in the pics was clearly Asian. I disputed and walked.
Second event, her pics were very old. She didn't look like her pics at all. She had a thin face in her pics, but in person had chipmunk cheeks and was about 30 lbs heavier.
In my opinion, bait and switch, or very old inaccurate pics invalidate a courtesy partial payment because they're trying to get you to commit to an idea, rather than representing themselves honestly.