There is a different agency running out of the Maritime now. Past weeks in Moncton there were 10 to 15 ads running for Asian, Indo, and even white providers, all in the same hotel. In reality it was all for the same girl. A couple weeks ago, I answered an ad for a very pretty blonde. On arrival, she was Chinese!! LoL She was young, and really pretty, so I stayed. The service was not bad, and I have no regrets, but this is what they count on. They are now running several Bait and switch for the same, ONE girl. Think about it. if they run 1 ad, they have less than 1% of the market for that week. If they run 15 ads, for the one girl, they jump to 60 or 70% of that same market for that same week. Some guys will leave, but most will stay, so they are making customers that with just the one ad, they would not get. I have answered different ads, in the same few days, and been directed to the same hotel, room, and girl.