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  1. Porn Star Experience (Is what PSE means)
  2. Thats not nice to say! A lot of guys like really thin ladies. Have you met her in person? How about some more feedback if so?
  3. Welcome to the board Jessica! I am sure I speak for everyone when I say thank you for the high level of professionalism and integrity your displaying by posting this comment here. It's nice to see a agency that everyone speaks well of.
  4. I moved this as it was posted on another thread that had nothing to do with Veronica
  5. It's coming... a little slower then I would like. I think the programmers have a few bald spots they didn't have before from the hair pulling. I hear "This is much harder then we anticipated originally" but they have not given up. The system is working but it has a few quarks we want to remove before it goes live and the admin area is still not 100% (we need that to approve ads and such). It's partially my fault as well cause I have asked them to change a few things slightly and add a few things now that it's functioning. I just want it to run as smooth as possible for the launch as some people are not very forgiving for a system like this that does not work 100%. Todays Problem: If you hit the wrong button on your phone when browsing ads the system panics, hangs up and locks up the server. Obviously we need to get the bugs like this out before going live. If it takes an extra month or more to get it perfect we will just have to suffer a little longer. On another note... The test server is right next to me (right now). It has two massive hot swap power supplies with 2 fans in each power supply and additional 3 fans inside plus 2 fans for the processors. The noise is rather unbearable so I am going to call it a night.
  6. She says she is 160lbs on her ad... she is a big girl and does not hide it. It sounds like you conception of 160lbs lady is a lot smaller then you thought when you booked a session with her.
  7. Just keep in mind that every time you guys bash a girl in public another lady may choose not to advertise because of it. Also we don't want the ladies afraid to get involved here and post messages. Did you call her with a blocked phone number? Did you say something in your email to her that may have made her choose not to reply? Many ladies will not answer phones with blocked or private numbers and will not reply to explicit emails or emails requesting certain sexual questions for security purposes. If that is not the case then she is just foolish or so very busy that she is missing business. I can see if she showed up and offered really bad service you would want to tell others but obviously someone is seeing her or she would not bother placing the ad! She also may be one of those girls who turns off the phone and doesn't check email until she has time to take a call, many of the ladies work part time. I think your over reacting to not getting a reply from her to be honest and I think it's silly to be that upset about something like this. If the ladies had superior business skills chances are they would not be escorts (Some would be - but most would apply this skill to another job). It's not a regular business so standard business practices and expectations DO NOT APPLY.
  8. We have determined that BigBoy05 has very high expectations.
  9. It's possible she is just busy, the ads on EC generate such a HUGE response that it often overwhelms the girls. We have been asked a number of times to let the ad run out for a few weeks so they can get caught up on email replies and because the get pre-booked. Many of them can pick and choose who they see because they are soo very busy so remember your emails and phone calls could be getting screened. ...and BigBoy05 I am not surprised you have a negative post here. You do know that you are loosing credibility by posting all these negative posts! I am starting to wonder!! People are going to start to think that you are one of the girls or affiliated somehow with them as it comes across as though you are trying to knock out the competition with all the negative posts. You obviously shop around and visit many of the ladies so if the only person in town that you like is Kayla and you visit all these ladies that you must (1) be really picky and have nothing else nice to say about anyone else or (2) do you have some sort of other motive for all these negative posts We want this board to be about positive posts (Recommendations) as you know. If that is the case then you are way too picky and you would not be very helpful for the other guys as your requirements and expectations are far too high to justly comment on the ladies.
  10. Here is her link to the escorts-canada.com ad http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=6472
  11. Here is the proper link http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=6595 She appears to be new on Escorts-Canada.com
  12. I have seen this time and time again... Mostly from husbands, other escorts who originally helped the lady get online and most commonly boyfriends of the ladies thinking they can help by pretending to be the lady and answering emails, chats and forum threads! Then something bad always happens and the boyfriends, girlfriends or husbands are no longer in the picture but feel the need to cause problems. TIP: Don't let them start to do this and you won't have to worry about it later on! Keep your passwords and information from boyfriends, other ladies, husbands and even "Friendly" clients who "Only wish to help" cause we all know that is not usually the case!
  13. Unfortunately lots of people dislike the ladies and build forums with the sole purpose being to slander them. Sad isn't it!
  14. Did you give the agency a call and let them know? If not you should give them a call (Especially with a NEW GIRL as they may not know about her bad habits yet). Sometimes this kind of stuff goes on for a while before the agency finds out... from what everyone is saying (all the positive comments here) the agency is getting a good reputation and would probably fire this girl (or at least sit her down and let her know this sort of thing is not appropriate). Reputable agencies can not afford to have problems like this. From the sounds of it you just got a bad girl... that happens to the best of the agencies so I would not give up on the agency just yet.
  15. We use VOIP lines here Carole (We have 8 of them actually) and always keep a standard PSTN (Standard Telecoms line) and cell phones just because VOIP has many limitations and many dependencies. For instance when the power goes out or INTERNET dies you loose your phone and even though our VOIP lines are registered with 911 I know many companies do not do this. If we dial 911 on a VOIP line our VOIP provider has set it up to go to our dispatch with our name and address and they sent out lots of notices about power failures, loss of INTERNET etc... that would limit your 911 access (They are a very responsible VOIP provider). Make sure if your only going with one VOIP line in your house you go with a provider that can offer this service (For residential service I believe Vonage registers you with 911 but some people have had echo problems with Vonage - maybe a Vonage user can enlighten us about this service provider?). I know that if your transferring an existing line to your VOIP provider expect your line to go off for a few days too! They promise it will be smooth but everyone I know in Canada who has attempted this has had lots of problems as the telecoms companies make it very difficult for the VOIP and other telecoms companies to take over a line. I would also recommend a cell phone just in case of power failures and INTERNET outages! Our VOIP lines are free long distance anywhere in North America (and some other countries as well) so it saves us approximately 600.00 a month using the New VOIP lines. They do have benefits in the right situation.
  16. GFE (Girl Friend Experience) was originally a indication that the girl is not mechanical. GFE was a way to indicate that the girl was responsive, attentive and pampering. (In most cases a illusion of being loving and passionate and a little more intimate then most - some girls even enjoy the time without it being an act but this appears to be rare). This always indicated that kissing was included but if you show up for the date and you have bad breath, smelling like an ashtray or poor hygiene even a real girlfriend would not kiss you so don't expect a SP to! People assume this service provides MSOG, DATY, etc... but one should NEVER assume!! - Ask her first if you have any requirements so your not surprised when those services are not included. PSE (Porn Star Experience) usually indicates exactly what you see on porn minus the bareback in most cases cause lets face it... if your having bareback sex with anyone these days your playing Russian roulette with STD's as bullets! Greek, facials, pearls, etc.. are usually included but again you should ask first to be 100% sure if you have any specific requirements. Analise Assodom.... First no one should "Force" you to do anything you do not want to! Find a way to tell them that you do not wish to do that and if they persist you end the date immediately. You MUST maintain control in all situations to ensure your safety. Is the reason you do not kiss all the clients due to hygiene? or does a bad kisser just kill the mood? If it's the bad kisser then you could find a way to stop the kiss and teach them how to kiss better (This would seam like a GFE thing to do) It sounds like you may be one of the ladies why really enjoys this work! If you can find out why you enjoy that with some and not others then you could probably find a way to work around it. A passionate woman can pretty much seduce any man, with the right approach you may find a way to make it enjoyable to both of you. If they just have bad breath, hygiene or smoker then you could let them know ahead of time that kissing MAY be available if they show up with fresh breath and a fresh shower.
  17. Some of the ladies have asked me about you Gary (You appear to have contacted some ladies from Escorts-Canada as well in the past) your website has no info, I have not seen any work you have done and your using a yahoo email address? At this stage I must warn all the ladies that your "Adult Film" requests sound shady. I would not recommend anyone agree to work with you until you can show some legitimate credentials. I also must ask that you refrain from contacting the ladies here in regards to filming porn on this site. This site is not to be used as a recruiting tool for you (or anyone else). Thank you.
  18. I agree with Carole, it looks like you are looking for trade (Sex for a place to stay) or looking for someone to date (In other words your motives for wanting to help appear to be bad).
  19. Looks like you may need to take one for the team with this lady! If anyone has seen her no one is speaking up about it.
  20. I had to remove a thread tonight and I am very upset that people are posting crap like this. Some idiot PM'd one of the members claiming that one of the local girls has aids. The member posted this along with other nonsense. Why he felt it was necessary to start a thread like this I will never know but I am done with people trying to slander other peoples reputations. If your too stupid to realize a PM or POST like this is just slanderous and made by either a jealous competitor, ex-boyfriend or drunken idiot trying to cause a problems then let me help you out by telling you first hand that you should just delete the PM and report the user name to me so we can get rid of the trolls! If you feel the need to accuse someone of such a thing publicly do it elsewhere as I don't care to slander anyone on this site and as long as I am moderator of this site I will NOT tolerate it from anyone else here! I will shut down the board before I allow that to happen so if you enjoy the site please respect this policy and rule.
  21. Here is her Escorts-Canada link http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=6586
  22. Here is a link to a Stripclub Bartender's Blogs from a Canadian Bartender! These are actual events & experiences but all the names have been changed. He takes a very sarcastic approach to his writing. I have only read a few myself but thought I would share the link for anyone who is interested. This is a look into the business for all those people who say "Boy I wish I had your job" without knowing the real deal. http://bartendersblues.blogspot.com/
  23. That is very true. If the girl is late or does not show without any phone call or anything it's not acceptable (Same goes for the client)... the difference is that the girl could loose a very good customer and the client will just go somewhere else so all those ladies who are late or don't bother showing up keep in mind that this thread here proves you potentially loose business and it may have been a good long term customer!
  24. Just a tip, someone has been private messaging guys in the Winnipeg area trying to discredit a number of girls. We think this is a agency owner, ex boyfriend or other girl who considers herself competition. If you receive a PM like this and the person is not posting publicly you may be getting false info. Public postings where the other members and the ladies can contribute are always more reliable.
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