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  1. Hi MD, I moved your post to the proper section... the announcement section is for the ladies to post in only. Welcome to the site. Please share your experiences with everyone in regards to London and Dasiy as well (in this section).
  2. I never said it was a bad resource. I have no comment as I know nothing about the site at this time. I said "They appear to have used copyright material in the header with the bad santa image so I am not sure if I would trust a site like this without investigating it further as moves like that just draw unwanted attention to the site" The image at the top of the site is a copyright image that you do not have permission to use. It is NOT a very smart idea to use such images on your site (Especially if you wish to remain low key) I feel resources like this are valuable as long as they are run professionally and are strict on who gains access. We are backed by Escorts-Canada.com here so we have a long positive reputation and that means a great deal in this industry. We are very careful who gains access to the SP Only area. You must be referred by an existing member (or) have a ad on either www.localescorts.ca (another affiliate of ours) or on www.escorts-canada.com and once we verify this and the ad has been online for 30+ days without any complaints we then grant you access to this section. MOD
  3. Thanks for the comment Elsa, it's good to hear more peoples opinions on sites like this. Many have come and gone and some are not secure and can become more unsafe for the ladies.
  4. This really is not a recommendation rather then a advertisement. PartyGuy is looking for advise from other hobbyists and not ads for agencies. If you wish to post info about your business please do so in the announcements section and not here in the public threads please.
  5. This appears to be for Escorts and this section is for the clients to post about bad stuff. We have a private section here on CERB (All escorts and service providers can join once we verify them) and you can post bad client info for other escorts to view. We do not know anything about this dangerzone411 site (They appear to have used copyright material in the header with the bad santa image so I am not sure if I would trust a site like this without investigating it further as moves like that just draw unwanted attention to the site)
  6. No one has reported a problem like this to us. I would suggest deleting your temporarty internet files and clearing your cookies in your web browser. Be sure you set your browser to accept cookies as the site uses cookies to confirm authentication so you can move page to page without logging in each time.
  7. FunValerie has asked to remove her name from the DNR/DND list so I am removing this old announcement reminding our members that she was on the list originally.
  8. It sure does smell fishy! It could be from a internet caf? but chances are it's the same person... cause that would be a very odd coincidence!
  9. I changed the title of your thread from "Ottawa Sluts" to "Has anyone seen this quickie pay per view on venus?" as your first title was not appropriate. Please make sure your thread titles are appropriate for your post.
  10. I would like to know why AL, Romeo3344, BrianMc and Esteven all have the same IP addres ?! You guys live together or something? Your not all hanging out at the same internet cafe are you??? The IP is resolving to the same Rogers High speed cable account??? Rogers does not share IP address's like this here so it sure looks like your all using the same connection. Is someone suffering from confused Identity here?? We will be watching for your IP address just to be sure!!!
  11. OTTAWA -- A leading advocacy group for decriminalizing prostitution in Canada is planning to take the federal government to court over laws it says endanger ... Full Story: Sex workers plan court challenge (Click this link) See all stories on this topic
  12. Group plans challenge of sex-trade laws (Click this link for full story) Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada ... to the panel took place in Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, Toronto, Winnipeg and ... the subcommittee couldn't agree on legislative changes to the prostitution laws ...
  13. This is a good reason to use a hotel and your cell phone if it's the first time seeing a outcall sp. Unfortunately not everyone is able to do this but if you see a few really good reviews from trustworthy members here as well then those who can not get the hotel room can at least make an informed decision. You can all work together to help beat this problem.
  14. A problem exists in Winnipeg where some bad agency (or agencies) keep trying to put up fake photos. Sometimes they are real photos but from the feedback we are getting is that if the girl who was requested is not available they send a "Replacement" without letting you know upfront. This is still considered "Bait and switch" so we need to know about it. I am giving everyone permission to post the bait and switch phone numbers, names, and any other detail here in this sticky thread. This way we can help fix this problem. For this to work you must also let everyone know in the main review area when you have a good experience as well... this will encourage the BAD agency to stop this behavior we hope!
  15. Here is a direct link http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=6241
  16. She has removed her ad so she may be taking a break from the business (Many ladies do this time of year) if she starts her ad again the link will once again work... consider the link being offline a indication that she is currently not available (at least not for new clients)
  17. A Parliamentary committee has failed to reach a consensus on how to make the lives of prostitutes safer. The committee was asked to prepare a report on whether the laws surrounding prostitution should be changed, after more than 60 women disappeared from Vancouver's troubled downtown eastside. Prostitution is legal in Canada but actually soliciting sex is illegal. Full story here http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061213/prostitution_061213/20061213?hub=Canada More stories (Same topic) A Report Trivialising Prostitution MPs 'vague' on aiding prostitutes Society helping killers, expert says
  18. The Legal Network is calling on the federal government to fulfill its responsibility to uphold sex workers' human rights by: - Protecting sex workers' rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international human rights law by repealing the four Criminal Code sections that make "communicating," "bawdy-houses" and "living on the avails" illegal; and - Recognizing sex work as work under employment standards and occupational health and safety laws. full details here http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/December2006/13/c7043.html
  19. Arieal C and Dreamer8 - I have edited both of your last two posts. If you want to publicly flame with each other please do it on another board. This just wastes the serious users time. PM each other if you want but I will remove you both if you continue to flame in the public threads like this! Final and only warning.
  20. This section is for Dangerous encounters, threats, harassment and rip off scams. They do not happen often but they have been known to happen in this business and to help prevent this let others know please. This is not an area to post a BAD REVIEW this is for warnings only of Dangerous encounters, threats, harassment and rip off scams. EXAMPLE: If you make an appointment with a lady and when you show up you feel that you have been bait and switched you should have the choice to leave (or send the person away) without any cost to you. You should post this here if... (1) this turns into a problem encounter and she demands money (2) She threatens to call in the driver (or some thug) (3) She makes a scene (4) She calls your phone after you sent her away threatening you, harassing you or for any reason that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you agree to pay her even though it is not the woman you agreed to see then you should post that in the other section (if you feel the need) and don't forget to bow your head in shame cause you are supporting this bait and switch problem. (If people continue to pay bait and switch scams they will continue to happen) MORE EXAMPLES: If you feel you were robed, if you were threatened (and you were not being threatening yourself) or if she took your money and ran away this would be a good area to let others know about your encounter. All other posts will be deleted from this area.
  21. A parliamentary committee will stop short next week of calling for wholesale decriminalization of prostitution after an exhaustive study of the country's prostitution laws. The special Justice subcommittee of MPs will, however, make a range of recommendations on how to revise the country's prostitution laws and how to make the streets safer and healthier for sex-trade workers. Full story here: http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=ca0b05d9-41fd-454a-8d4b-fa3fe84bfb8f&k=14232
  22. An RCMP executed 17 search warrents yesterday in BC on operations that were suspected of being linked to organized crime and human trafficking. Full Story here http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=51604a83-ecda-4171-a7ab-c113929fc1a9&k=87086
  23. I moved this post for you to a new thread. It should not have been posted on the thread about Ashlee
  24. I can say that the two that have good reputations are http://www.tog2.com/ http://www.torontoasiangirlfriends.com/
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