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Everything posted by rickoshadows

  1. Hmm, the establishment for which the URL was "removed by their request" doesn't seem to have an issue advertising on here in the Ottawa service provider's forum, and they are not on the DNR list. What gives?
  2. So, why can brothels operate openly in Victoria, but not in Ottawa? Don't even ask about Calgary/Edmonton or Halifax. All are subject to the same criminal code. The difference is enforcement by local authorities which tend to be influenced by local politicians. I use Victoria as an example becasue they have it really good right now, but if the next Mayor is another "Gretchen Brewin", the weekly busts will again be a staple in the daily news. The situation you have described in Alberta is the hippocritical situation that New Zealand found itself in when they decided that their bawdy house laws along with unreasonable licencing practices constituted pimping by the state.
  3. Ah, the capitol of Canada leading from the rear, or at least the middle of the pack. I thought Alberta housed all the rednecks and bible thumpers, but eastern Ontario has there share. I'm glad the authorities are reaching out to a sector of society which hasn't been getting a fair shake, but unfortunately, until someone in politics grows some balls and corrects the criminal code with respect to prostitution related offences, this new attitude will only last until some city/provincial/federal politician wants to make some points with the bigoted religous right wing constituency and it will be back to stings and busts as usual.
  4. There was a young woman from Thrace Whose corset would no longer lace Said her mother "Dear Nelly There'is more in your belly Than ever went in through your face".
  5. Whew, Touchy! I think I like you. I'm talking about the extremes here. eg 1: I saw Ms X the other day and had a great time. she is highly recommended. Please treat her well. eg 2: I saw X the other day, she is a psycho and and a skank. Neither is very informative. the former will do nothing for the lady in question while the latter can cause a lot of pain and loss of reputation. Case 3: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=24633 So Annessa, tell me, What is you opinion on the information content in the linked recommendation? For myself, while enjoy reading "graphic detail" when it is well written, I am not that accomplished a writer myself and usually limit myself to the aspects of the encounter which support my recommendation.
  6. OK, I googled "Greek Facial" and didn't come up with anything. I have a suspicion on what this might be, but for clarity sake and for the SPs and rest of us who aren't sure what a "greek facial" is, how about enlightening us?
  7. This topics reminds me of a situation I found myself in a few years ago. After making the best deal i could for a car with the salesman and agreed to the purchase, we shook hands and my wife and I were introduced to the young lady who would then explain the ownership package and warranty information, register the warranty and of course, offer extended warranties, corrosion packages etc. As she looks up, horror of horrors, it is the same young women with whom, the afternoon before, I spent an entertaining couple of hours abusing each other with a large anatomical substitute, among other things. I must commend her on her self control and am fortunate my self that my wife didn't look my way as we were introduced. For the next 30 minutes or so, we sat there going through the papers and the warranties etc. She seemed to be coping better than I, as I know I bought way more extended warranty than I normally would have. But later we noticed that all of the paperwork work she had been filling in for us was for a truck that someone else was buying. I hope I never have as awkward a situation as this again.
  8. If there isn't enough detail in the description of the encounter to justify a recommendation (or bad review for another board), the the recommendation comes of like a shill (or drive-by-slagging). I want to know why this person is recommended and what made her worthy of your putting your reputation on the line. Not all of us are looking for the same things, and some thing that may make her your all time fave, might creep me out. Too little detail is simply noise.
  9. That would be a "rodeo" fawk! Although in my experience it was done with A535. Get yourself plugged in, swipe a dollop of A535 on her anus, then try to stay on for 8 seconds!
  10. Extortion is still extortion whether the reason you are being extorted for is legal or not. This guy appear to be eventually outing his targets whether he gets what he wants or not. Report him!
  11. Let's make a deal; You don't upsell me, and I won't start negotiating your price. Nuff said.
  12. That was Gordon Jump's line. Les Nessman said "They're hitting the pavement like bags of wet cement!"
  13. A quote I have just come across, and one I will certainly use when an opportunity arises. I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking
  14. Because I work downtown, I don't have car available to me during the day. So if you aren't within a 10 minute walk or along a frquent bus route, you may as well be at Smith Falls I'm sure thta for those guys who would have to drive into town and park, it is not worth the hassle to find a place to park and then still have to walk some distance to a location. I would bet that is the reason that you will never be able to please both downtowners and those who work where they have free parking. So to accuse one group or the other of being lazy doesn't serve any purpose, other than display a lack of awareness of your clients reality.
  15. Freedom of speech arguments aside, this guy is a stalker in progress. He just hasn't gotten to the restraining order stage yet. I hope Bethany has at least contacted the police about this, even if they can't do anything now, they can start a file.
  16. No worries on the cold shower, I realize things were a little busy, and it wasn't that much of a hardship, shrinkage notwithstanding.
  17. I met Katie at CMJ"s St Paddy's day bash. To tell the truth, I really didn't notice her to much at first, as my type is usually an athletic dark-eyed brunette, plus she was dressed fairly conservatively in a nice dress among some of the other lingerie clad eye candy which CMJ has an abundance of. I guess what really caused her to stand out was her personality as she came and sat with me and chatted. I was feeling a little overwhelmed as this was my first foray into an event consisting of more than myself and a chosen companion. Her friendly smile helped to set me at ease and conversation with her was effortless. The more we chatted, the more attractive Katie became. Eventually my lecherous intentions started to turn to wholesome thoughts and when I paid my annual dues, Jasmine asked if I would be taking advantage of an opportunity for a little relaxation, I decided it was time to get that little sweetheart nekkid. The next hour was great. Katie is a slender blond with a sparkling personality who makes you feel comfortable and desired, even the cold shower didn't dampen any of the ardour of the session. Allthough she isn't my usual type, Katie is by no means unattractive and this was really the first session at CMJ's where I chaffed at the massage only policy. When she was writhing in my arms, I so wanted to do so much more. I don't remember if the massage was above average or not, as I was basking in the light of her presence and just enjoying her company, but it was sufficient to do the job. Would I repeat? Absolutley! Just have to find another excuse to get away from spring cleaning.
  18. CHeck this out at min 1830 of Wednesday, 27 Jan 10 clip. It's all about brothels in Victoria, BC complete with a guided tour. Ya gotta love the West Coast! http://www.chtv.com/ch/cheknews/video/index.html
  19. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
  20. Parking downtown on weekdays is an absolute pain/expensive. And, I work downtown, so I'm a bus drone. That means if the place isn't accessible by bus or walking distance from downtown, it may as well be in Toronto or Montreal. Outside the downtown core is not an option for me as I don't have a vehicle during the day, and my evenings are otherwise occupied.
  21. SO! I wonder who will be the next guy to recommend Ms Malika? You know we are all going to be watching for him. :mrgreen: :motion:
  22. Even a low paying job can be lucrative if most of your paycheque goes to the bank and stays there.. No having to explain where it comes from and is a reference when applying for loans, credit cards etc. It is also explains to friends and relatives where your bread and butter comes from. They don't have to know that you are living better than that paycheque can support. They will probably assume you are deep in debt like many other twenty somethings.
  23. She would probably look something like this:
  24. I have never asked for a discount or assumed I would paying anything other than the posted rate. After all, I can decide to engage her services or not before I call, or in cases where I have had to call and ask for a price, I can still politely decline. On the other hand, when the "up-sell" comes, any inhibitions I may have had with regards to negotiating are out the window. There is a reason I like South America and the far-east. There negotiation is much like foreplay. I probably still pay too much, but I usually get better than the "tourist" pricing. The point here is that we "clients" view up-selling with the same distaste that you girls detest asking for discounts. While most of the SPs who have chimed in this thread are all inclusive, many others are not and have trained many hobbyists to go for the better deal
  25. I saw Anika at Spa Luna in Dorval and Jessica at Salon Fantasies in Longieuil in the last month. Both were very much like a CMJ experience minus the accompanied shower. The prices were from what I understand on the high side for Montreal, just As CMJ is for Ottawa, however the amenities, like CMJ, are top notch.
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