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Verified Independent
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JoyfulC last won the day on October 28 2016

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About JoyfulC

  • Rank
    Verified Independent

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    Back in Ottawa, & looking forward to seeing all my old friends.
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    Ottawa, ON
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  1. Thanks to everyone for their patience as I've sorted out phone & website issues the past couple weeks. It's great to be back, & I'm having more fun than I have in a long time. It's great to see so many new friends, & I'm enjoying some new ones, too! Check out my new web site, as well as my new verification method & policies. Looking forward to connecting with you soon! Kisses! Christine ❤️ JoyfulC.com
  2. I am looking to reconnect with a friend of mine, with whom I've lost touch. She worked under the name Hot Wife Katie when she was here in Ottawa, and she was pure joy! We corresponded for a while after she moved back east, but I haven't heard from her in about five years. If you know and are still in contact with Katie, would you please give her my contact info and ask her to drop me a line? She can write me at [email protected] or contact me through this site. To respect her privacy, please do not give me her contact info, unless she specifically instructs you to. I have no idea what her current situation is, and so I plan to let her contact me, as is convenable. Thanks!
  3. Still, they'd need evidence to lay charges. How would they get it? (But yeah, I know some cops can just be jerks and give people a hard time, purely on spec. Most wouldn't, but the rare one would.)
  4. Uniformed cops in marked cars don't usually perform this type of enforcement. You had nothing to worry about. Still, if it happened to one of my clients, and it put him off, I'd understand.
  5. (It seems like sex worker laws change far more slowly than our political leadership does.)
  6. I find Trudeau underwhelming. I like many of NDP's ideas, but I don't see how they can get there from here. Weirdly, I like O'Toole, what I've seen of him. What scares me is the Tory support base. Look at the comments on just about any Canadian news article! Who are these people? I wouldn't want to see the country led by someone who felt he had to placate those people.
  7. Those who've missed me the past few years may be glad to hear I'm back in town. In Westboro, again. I'm still semi-retired, but I look forward to seeing those I knew in the past.
  8. My SIL is cleaning up after my BIL died last winter, and she wants to sell a couple of old motorcycles he had in the garage, including a '68 Triumph Saint that used to belong to my husband. It hasn't been plated since 1973 and isn't currently roadworthy. Of course I get to research this, and Service Ontario isn't easy this week. Any advice? Will I need to get a registration? Or is there some alternative for a vintage vehicle being sold as-in? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
  9. Yeah, my husband has them too. But as the article points out, the thing roller coasters are best for is dislodging small stones before they become big painful ones. A scan showed my husband has two small ones just now, but neither their size or location is significant. Yet. I keep thinking he should go ride roller coasters!
  10. Maybe you should plan to hit Canada's Wonderland in a regular basis this season. Not sure if it's a specific kind of roller coaster, but check this out: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/04/science/roller-coaster-kidney-stones.html
  11. Still, a "business call" lasting more than an hour is unthinkable in any session.
  12. Yep! I'm with Kilt Boy. Silver is sexy!
  13. I got my husband a set of Bluetooth speakers for his b-day, which he loves. While shopping, I saw a Bluetooth headset, and finally decided to treat myself to it. It arrived by mail today. He picks up the mail. You see where this is going? He's so tickled with them, I don't have the heart to tell him I didn't order them for him. Sigh.
  14. Perhaps because this is a business in which discretion is crucial, or maybe just because I've met so many people, my memory is not great. But oddly, the things that jog my memory most are things that someone may have told me about their pets, their vacations or their home renovations. Someone could tell me he was an MP or an astronaut or owned the largest car dealership in town. I wouldn't remember. But if he told me he had a toy poodle named Fifi, that might ring a bell!
  15. For goodness sake, people! If you can't remember the name or contact method you used the last time you dealt with someone, don't expect her to be able to find you in her crystal ball. This morning, someone texted me from a number my phone didn't recognize and gave me a name that didn't appear anywhere on my ledger or calendar, except attached to other people who aren't him. At first, he insisted he'd seen me in 2017. I have no evidence of that. Then he says he knows I'm not taking any new business, but would I happen to feel like taking a chance on him? Yeah, I always feel like taking chances on people who try to trick me. Then he changes tack again, and swears we really did meet (doubtful), but he just can't remember what name or number he might have been using. At this point, I know he's a liar. I just don't know when he lies or why. I'm semi-retired now (and loving the hell out of it, thank you!). But this used to happen all the time, back in the days when sometimes I needed an appointment to pay the bills. It's very frustrating. I understand why it's second nature for you guys to want to act like secret agents, sneaking around and leaving no traces. And I won't even ask you not to do it, because I know it wouldn't do any good. But here's the thing: these days, with disposable phones, calling and texting apps, number spoofing software and more, if you want us to remember you for next time, it's up to YOU to give us a way to do that. And if you can't--if you can't remember what name you used or what number or email address you used, you know what? You might be better off just starting over from square one, and never mentioning any previous meeting. You'll have to be revetted and you forfeit any privileges you'd enjoy from being a known customer, but consider that the price for being untraceable. It's probably better not to try to have it both ways. It only calls attention to your lack of candor in your dealings with us. If you want us to remember you, leave a trail of breadcrumbs.
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