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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Dogs do not share beds and blankets well.
  2. When we checked the mail today, there was a package from my daughter with her old iPhone 4 for her stepdaddy, and some hats she knitted for me! What a surprise!
  3. Tonight will be mac & cheese again, but I'd better run and make some fresh breadcrumbs! In worse news, the St-Albert Cheese Factory burned down over the weekend. It may take the better part of a year to get them back up and running. Huge local employer! I heard something about their having a factory in Québec too, so hopefully we can continue to enjoy their cheese. But man. Too many fires out here.
  4. Is it tomorrow? One of my resolutions was to get to a social this year. But I somehow think it won't be this one. Drat. When's the next one? (St. Paddy's Day??)
  5. Just like the Americans! Always running off at the mouth about the value of independence and self-reliance. Oh, but let a woman use the gifts that nature gave her? Nail her to the wall. I hope she comes out the other side of this ordeal relatively unscathed. My best wishes are with her.
  6. The day's still young, but I must say that sitting at my vanity and brushing my hair, seeing the silver in it, just fills me with wonder. Why would anyone want to cover a miracle like this up?
  7. I've had a couple of highlights today, and the day's still young! First, I met a very nice guy this morning who enjoyed kissing and caressing my belly as much as I love having it done! Heaven!! And just now, my daughter told me a hilarious story about my grandson. He was in the bath last night, and they let him play while they sat in the other room where they could see and hear and get to him, need be. They're sitting there, and they suddenly hear him yell: "GRRRRR!! WEE-WEE!!??!!" They look at each other. Her husband calls in to ask what's wrong. "MY WEE WEE! IT WON'T GO DOWN!!" After picking themselves up off the floor laughing, they go in to investigate. The little guy is standing there in the tub with a raging hard on. My son-in-law tried to explain that it was okay, sometimes wee-wees do that. It's normal. "BUT I DON'T WANT IT UP!!!" I figure, give him a few decades! ;)
  8. And I'm just the opposite. In fact, "drive by" sex might very well describe my favourite kind of offering. These days, I find myself entertaining from home, a quick hop off and back on the 417 for those travelling through. It works well for them because they don't have to block out a half a day for a session. If they jump off the highway and spend a half hour with me, it's unlikely to raise too many questions about where they were. And it works well for me too! My family may be all the 4-legged furry kinds, but they demand a lot of my attention. Plus I have a life to live. I've always got books on the go, some project in the kitchen, something I'm in the middle of studying. A half hour break is refreshing for both of us, and we can each get back to our previously scheduled programming with renewed vigour and big smiles on our faces. I find an hour to be more than enough time for most people. Some enjoy longer, but two hours is simply the most I can do here at home because it's not just my home. The natives get restless if they're ignored much longer than that.
  9. I have a big pot of pea soup on the stove, with lots of ham hocks, onions and carrots. We'll be making up fresh rolls for dipping. Does anybody remember Shake-&-Bake? It was a '60s thing. My mom made it a few times. Last night, I made my own shake-&-bake chicken! Turned out pretty good!
  10. That's a good question, Zorotime, but maybe you should start a new thread for it, eh? I wanted to say to those, here and in another similar thread, that they should not worry about preferring younger, older, whatever; nor should they be upset by the preferences of any provider. All the older customers and providers here were once younger. And all the younger ones will be older someday. It all balances out in the end. The most important thing is to never second guess your preferences. Go for what's right for you.
  11. I spent most nights this week studying! Tonight? French grammar. Learning is like falling in love.
  12. Having someone phone up and play 20 questions. When I ask him if he's seen my web site, he insists he has not. I ask him where he got my phone number then. He insists it's in my ad. Wrong! In fact, it's not anywhere online EXCEPT on my web site. He insists he's looking right at it. I don't get why some guys lie to me. Who does he think places my ads? I had to hang up. I never know what to make of that nonsense.
  13. I should note that I used to stress about telling guys they were younger than I prefer. But these days, I don't bother. I just sit back and let them disqualify themselves. I had one this morning write me, 27. I sent him my info. He got right back to ask if my half hour rate was flexible and if he could finish more than once in that time. I told him we could do whatever he wanted, as long as we don't go over the time. If we go over, I expect to be paid. And no, my rate's not flexible, but I will accept tips. Far preferable than launching a volley of emails with him arguing how he's very mature for 27. Augh! Nobody my age would cop to being mature.
  14. Happy birthday, Jen! It was a pleasure to meet you and Summer.
  15. As long as your preferences are legal, I don't think you should second guess them. And yes, many younger SPs find older men more attractive than men their own age. I was like that when I was younger. And I still prefer older men today. As an SP, though, a word of advice: stay fit. This doesn't mean you have to be as thin as a model or run off and invest in hair plugs. I'm not talking about that type of fitness. I'm talking about flexibility and stamina. The oldest customer I've ever had was going to turn 90 in the last year I saw him. And yet, he was one rompin' stompin' experience! I have had many friends in their 70s and 80s who love to play on my liberator shapes and who will chase me around the massage table, or just take time out to invite me to dance nude when a favourite song comes on the radio. But I've also had problems with customers with physical challenges, and these have happened with men as young as their 30s. There is an amount of energy required to achieve an orgasm. We never think about it until it is isn't there, but this is definitely one of the biggest obstacles to enjoying yourself in a session. The other is flexibility. And again, you really don't have to be too old to lose this. You don't need to be able to bend over backwards or put your head between your knees, but if you have difficulty (in the absence of arthritis or some disability) getting on and off the bed, moving around the bed, getting up, etc., it will diminish your enjoyment of this experience. It doesn't take a big commitment to exercise to stay within a good range of fitness and flexibility, but walking a few extra steps a day, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and stretching regularly will go a long way to ensuring you can continue to enjoy this sport well into your golden years. Additional Comments: Oh! And masturbate daily!!
  16. I do prefer older men. I can't say why. It's not because younger men aren't decent or sexy, it's just a personal preference. I wish younger men wouldn't take this personally. The vast majority of hobbyists do not prefer a woman my age (55) but if I took that personally, I'd be a wreck. But I don't. I respect others' preferences and I always advertise my true age. The good thing about age is we get to sample every age at some point! But there's another reason why I turn down appointments with younger men these days. I'm based out in the sticks, and when we moved out here, we seem to have been adopted by one of the local young men. Never, in 30 years of marriage, has any other person spent so much time in my home! For a few hours yesterday, I thought we were going to have him living with us for a while (his furnace had a problem). He has introduced us to a lot of the 20-something guys in this end of the county. I need to be discreet about what I do, to protect my customers' privacy. I always worry that some young guy I might meet through business will know our young friend. Since we haven't told him, I wouldn't want him to find out this way. So for me, it's just best to stick to older guys for now.
  17. I said WTF this weekend when I reached for a root beer and noticed the word "aspartame" on the side of the case. At first, I assumed my husband had accidentally bought diet soda, but on investigating further, I saw the ingredients listed not only aspartame, but also sugar and ace-K. WTF???? Why would anyone do that? And there was no mention of "diet" or "calorie reduced" on the packaging, so they obviously aren't trying to market it that way. I wrote the company about it. I'll probably only get the standard, polite "go eff yourself" response, but I really would like to know! WTF?? (Oh, and the root beer goes back. I don't ingest artificial sweeteners.)
  18. Hi Gntlmn! I responded to your kind offer privately. Backrubman, don't think I haven't thought of that. When I first started using VoxOx, I had visions of either being able to link it to my base or encouraging them to build similar capability into it. But after three years, it's still in beta, there doesn't seem to be much interest in developing the phone features and making good on their original promises, and I've pretty much given up hope. So now I see why there are no Data Access Pages in my base. Usually, I go in and play with everything. So why didn't I do that before? Probably same reason I'm not doing it now. I can't get it to work. Not sure what the problem is. I found a Visual Basic tutorial online that I think I'm going to check out. For now, I guess it stays in Access. For the moment, I'm trying to put some of the finer touches on it. Thanks to everyone.
  19. Last night, I got the most mind-blowing, unrushed foot massage ever! It stoned me harder than a double shot of moonshine.
  20. This bed just ain't big enough for the seven of us. Don't anybody get between me and my inversion table today.
  21. Yeah, with respect to Data Access Pages, I'd only be using them on my own system. Not even on my network. It would just be a convenience so I didn't have to open Access every time I wanted to do something or look something up. No system of security is 100% perfect. If someone can make it, someone else can break it. But that said, most people here only have a small number of people for whom their participation here would be relevant, and for those people, suspecting that it's happening, figuring out where it's at, getting in and getting it is probably more trouble than it's worth. There are better ways to skin a cat.
  22. I'm shocked peanut butter isn't on the list. I'm pretty sure PB&Js are the aphrodisiac of the gods.
  23. And so many of them were helpful to others here! Congrats, Angela.
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