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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Thanks for the solid advice. Perhaps I should start with a scaled down model of just those core components that I use most and that work really well. Despite the increased costs, I hate the thought of farming out a job offshore. After all, my customers are people who work in this job market, and I should really support that. Additional Comments: As for the runtime, I'll check into it. I built this in MS Access 2000. I seem to recall having looked into it before and there was some problem, but maybe I'll slap some fresh eyes on it.
  2. After reading some of these recent entries, my thing that sucks today seems sorta sucky. But here goes: Didn't get home until after 4 AM this morning. Was out helping my husband with his business, which is sort of an Operation Rednose thing. The roads and visibility were really ugly! And did I mention that, as much as I love drinking, I hate dealing with drunk people? Especially drunk people who just can't seem to make up their minds. And to top it all, I lost the best pair of gloves I ever had. They seem to have just vanished. We scoured every place they could have possibly fallen out of the car. It looks like I can replace them easily enough, but man!
  3. I have a database that I developed in Microsoft Access that I would like to develop into a stand-alone app to make it available to other SPs. Anyone have any idea what that would cost? I guess you have to have some developer's tools to do it, which I don't have. It's basically a system for managing contact info so, at a glance, one can see if someone has ever contacted them before from a particular phone number or email address, the history and details of those contacts, whether the contact method is linked with any known person, any other contact info associated with them, and any code that might have been applied. It's also set up to handle scheduling and reporting (for tax time) and trend tracking and such. All the tables and forms and such are already built, although I might need some advice on how to build in an ability for running custom queries (like for tracking a specific ad response). I'd also like to build in an expense tracker. Anyone have any experience in this? Is my best bet to go to one of those bidding boards? Any advice? I'd love to pick your brain!
  4. I find Lee Child's character, Jack Reacher, very hot. I snap up his books whenever my library gets a new one. I am particularly attracted to the idea that he lives no where and owns nothing but the clothes on his back. And now I learn they're going to cast Tom Cruise (...Tom Cruise??) in the role for the movie. Oh, that is just so wrong. I pictured him more of a Daniel Craig type. Pity!
  5. Earlier this week, a visitor brought me some sweet corn he'd grown. I had it tonight for dinner with a little butter and a sprinkle of salt, alongside a steak. Mmmm! Tasted just like August! (I love a man who brings me gifts from his kitchen or garden.)
  6. From my own experience, it's possible to have mind-blowing orgasms from anal sex. There are a lot of pleasure centres in that area, but too, it serves to remember that the mind is the most erogenous zone. Without the mind engaged (at least for me) I'm not sure there could be any orgasm. Once my head is in the right place, anything is possible.
  7. I read earlier this year that some study was done that proved the G-spot does not exist. That's news to me! Maybe what I've been calling a g-spot all along is something else. But there's definitely _something_ there.
  8. Being amazed at how your perspective changes with age: A couple hours ago, I was in Byward Market, St-George St. My husband and I were there to get a young local man and his truck home safe after a night of clubbing. It was around closing time, so there were people and cops everywhere. I couldn't help but notice that everywhere I looked were young women wearing very little on their lower bodies. Nothing but bare skin from the ankles to the asscheeks!! Brrr!!!! On the other side of the coin, I noticed not a single young man wearing shorts. Hmmmm....
  9. Woke up this morning and could see the growth in our new puppy, Buddy! He's going to be MASSIVE. And he's doing so well with his housetraining and getting to know what's what around here. (And yes, I know. At 12 weeks, I shouldn't crow too much yet. Still a lot of Puppy of Mass Destruction ahead of us. But for now, I'm thrilled!)
  10. I'd never judge anyone on their sexual fantasies, but in action, with all the people on this planet, I can't for the life of me understand why people don't trawl further from home when it comes to sex, to protect precious relationships. Not only don't I get incest, I can't see why anyone would get involved with their partner's best friend or their best friend's ex or their sibling's best friend. Too hot to handle!! I think that's why it's taboo, because of the risk for catastrophe associated with it. But I don't get how that makes it hot. All my life, people have come to me for sex that's hot particularly because of its low risk for catastrophe.
  11. Due to the high price of lemons, we scan the "quick sale" racks for them. As soon as we get them home, I wash and zest them. Lemon zest can be kept in the freezer, but I also like to make up a little candied lemon zest to keep on hand. This can be used in everything from yogurt to veggie dishes to baked goods. I especially like to add it to anything with a cream or yogurt cheese filling, just to bump up the flavour a bit. Then I squeeze the juice and pour it into ice cube bags to store in the freezer. The portions are usually perfect for recipes that call for lemon juice, such as mayonnaise. I haven't figured out a better way to use what's leftover yet than the compost pile. I'm not one who believes that any magic food will prevent cancer or keep us healthy. I believe we should eat a wide variety of food, and if anything, keep the commercially processed shit to a minimum. IT's amazing what some people will do to other people to make a buck.
  12. Karma's a bitch! Here I am shaking my head and laughing at some of the crazy fixes that Meg gets herself into, and then, when I was semi-conscious with a fever last Monday, two dogs chased a cat over my face in the bed, and now I have a remarkable divot over my lip. That's gonna leave a mark.
  13. I wish I were better at talking dirty. I love to write erotica, so I know those thoughts are in there and articulated. But too, it takes time to write out my hottest thoughts. (Not the least of which because of all the breaks I take for ... editing.) Sometimes, dirty talk is hot, but other times, it can be damned distracting! One of these days, when some fellow is commanding, "Cum for me, baby! Cum for me, baby! Cum for me, baby!" I'm going to lose it and scream, "Will you shut the fuck up so I can???"
  14. Bronchitis! It's probably not that bad, but I rarely get sick so I'm being a complete suck about it. Our poor puppy! We haven't been the most involved parents the past couple days.
  15. Oh man! Tough choice. Either my husband or my right hand. ;)
  16. Tonight was Raid The Fridge night when I came in from an outcall. We ate standing in the kitchen, leftover wings, steak, bbq ribs, potato salad. Not the most nutritious meal ever, but it sure hit the spot!
  17. 1. A twinkly smile. 2. A guy who's a suck for doggies and kitties. 3. The natural warm fragrance of a man's clean hair and skin. 4. Getting lost in a kiss. 5. Feeling a man's hands on my belly.
  18. I'm a fe-male... which is like a male, only a lot stronger (due to the iron component).
  19. I like the Bluetooth headsets. Very Star Trek-y.
  20. This is dedicated to our delightful Nicolette Vaughn. I know she can relate:
  21. Bit of a long story. I love blue jeans, but they don't love me. I'd live in them if I could, but a couple chronic soft tissue injuries prevent me from wearing them. So instead, I wear skirts. My husband makes them. They have elastic waistbands. They're comfy and they're feminine. We just acquired a 10-week-old black lab/boxer mix. He has a new fun thing to do. He comes up behind me, grabs a mouthful of skirt and yanks it down around my knees. Oh joy!
  22. I LOVE this! Especially the part about not seeing her own face in 10 years. I always wondered about that. Pretty: http://www.upworthy.com/now-for-sale-daughters-10000-each-if-theyre-pretty?g=3&c=ufb1
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