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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Coney dogs with cheddar cheese. (oh... I know. :icon_redface: )
  2. Not sure about tonight, but last night, we made French dip sandwiches. My partner made a beautiful roast the day before, and there was lots of drippings for the au jus. Then yesterday, we made up some onion rolls from a brioche recipe we found on Pinterest. It's gonna be a tough act to follow. :icon_cool:
  3. Hmm.. that surprises me a little. Here's where I saw it, and I'll admit: I don't get it!
  4. I continue to struggle with French Canadian slang. I know what the words mean, but what would a fair English translation of "On a la criss de paix icitte" be? PlzKThx
  5. People who complain that they're bored. Seriously, there's only one person responsible for that.
  6. Yeah, I was wondering about that. For one thing, I remember articles about antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea from back during the Vietnam war era. Also, I've read many articles recently about how we're coming to the end of the antibiotic age, primarily due to the use of antibiotics in food production. In the situation described in the article, it seems like the goal is to encourage doctors and clinics to correctly prescribe.
  7. http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/gonorrhea-s-resistance-could-soon-make-it-untreatable
  8. We had leftovers too tonight: leftover cheese florentine ravioli with creamy shrimp sauce. This is a dish I've been dreaming of making for weeks now, since I perfected my noodle recipe. It came out really well, and was even better the second night, warmed up. We still haven't done our turkey. We'd planned to do it Friday, but Wednesday, a friend needed my husband's help getting to and from a company Christmas party. I'd been nagging him to make bread for days before that, so I could make the croutons for the stuffing, but he didn't get around to it. Then Thursday, our power went out for about 7 hours. Ugh! The damned turkey is still hanging over our heads. Maybe tomorrow. Why is turkey such an ordeal?? This is the perfect sized turkey for us:
  9. Thanks everybody! I can't claim this is the best b-day ever, but your wishes more than make up for it!
  10. This weather... too warm. My allergies are having a stellar year. Every time the dogs come in, I go into a sneezing fit. My birthday is this week. All I want is snow But no such luck. I think I'm gonna get rain and mud. Drat.
  11. Wondering why in hell I can't go to sleep! Must be that nap I took this afternoon.
  12. I find myself a bit uncomfortable with much younger guys. I ask you guys to accept that it's me, not you. In order to deliver a great experience, I have to feel comfortable. And I just don't with guys under 30. I can try. And sometimes it clicks. But it is harder.
  13. I got my husband a Chromebook when my little netbook died earlier this year. I figured I'd take over his deadly slow Satellite, and give him something he couldn't get in as much trouble with. I have all the household files he needs set up in the cloud and all our stuff on ebilling anyway. But I ADORE this thing! I may have to get a second one for me. Most of the time, I don't even bother firing up the Satellite any more. There are apps I can use to modify and ftp my web stuff. Seriously, I might have to get one for myself. I'm tired of sneaking his, only to look up and find him looking at me like, "...you almost done with that??"
  14. We had steak and a salad, with garden fresh lettuce, carrots, red cabbage and a creamy dill dressing. And local corn, which is super this year. I would have thought such huge ears would be woody, but no! Tender and sweet.
  15. For whatever reason, my better half wants pan fried chicken and potatoes with gravy. I didn't think it was a gravy kind of day, but... whatever!
  16. Years ago, I bought a couple bras at LaSenza that had little fabric covered gel packs for creating a push up effect. I promptly decided they were useless and tossed them in a drawer. Where they remained until last year, when we moved, and I got medieval about purging crap that was just taking up space. So today, I have a little bit of prickly heat, right under each boob. They're not big spots, but they're tender and today is hot and humid. I think to myself, hey! I could find those gel pack thingies and toss them in the freezer, and then tuck them in my bra to both provide cooling relief and to help me heal. But when I go to where they languished, unused, for year, I see that they are gone. Along with all the other junk that was in that particular box with them, AND that particular box. This is why we never throw anything away. :(
  17. Watching your daughter go through a dissolution of her marriage, and not being able to find it in yourself to encourage her to hang in there--like you did through the toughest times--because you don't really see any reason for her too.
  18. Pork chops with maple garlic mustard braise. And salad. Lots of freaking salad because, with all the rain, everybody's got lettuce to pass off.
  19. I understand that, for many guys, this is a spur of the moment thing. I don't judge them for that. I understand, having asked enough people why they book that way over the years. Truth is, my husband was in a similar job for many years, where if he'd wanted to do something like this, he couldn't have given much notice, and where he might have had to cancel short. (He explained as much to me.) So yes, I do understand. But that said, as much as I might want to be available on such a basis, my situation simply doesn't allow it. All we can do is pass. With no animosity. All we can do is wish one another the best.
  20. JoyfulC

    From the album: JoyfulC

  21. JoyfulC


  22. JoyfulC

    From the album: JoyfulC

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