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Verified Independent
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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Well, that settles that! Now all these potentially exploited women will just stay home and have wonderful, happy fulfilling lives and be treated with respect. Something tells me that the most outrageous exploitation in Canada is probably better than what they face at home or elsewhere. This doesn't fix any problem. It just limits opportunity and imposes prejudice on our industry. It smells suspiciously like another pander to the base, along the lines of doing away with the long gun registry. Oh well! Maybe all our terminated scientists and statisticians can get jobs peeling!
  2. I won't be able to make it, but I hope there's a good turnout. What this government is doing to Canada is unCanadian. Anti-Canadian even!
  3. I believe in love, but I never hoped for it before it happened to me. Oh, all through my life, I experienced love in some limited sense with people I connected with. But one day, about 30 years ago, I found love. I never expected it. It just happened. I don't know if some love only lasts a short while. I just happened to stumble into a love that lasts a lifetime. Not sure what I did to deserve it.
  4. That's true. But I only advertise online these days. If they found my ad, if they emailed me, even if they found my phone number, then they're familiar with the www.
  5. The best way for your friend to lose his virginity is with a young woman who is interested in him (maybe even in love with him) and the two of them can enjoy the adventure. But I suspect your friend's true problem isn't virginity, but that he lacks the social skills to get to know eligible women, to play the field, and embark on relationships. His lack of confidence and his willingness to take risks and deal with rejection. I have seen so very many times in my life than when young men start using SPs, it often results in being condemned to do so for the rest of their lives. It takes the edge off, sure, but it doesn't leave them much incentive to develop the social skills they need to unlock a life that includes healthy relationships with women. It becomes the crutch that cripples. So many of the young men I've known like this over the years (and being a former skydiver, I spent a huge chunk of my life with a lot of young men) were their own worst enemies. Sometimes there would even be young women who showed interest in them, but they were so afraid of rejection that hey practically seemed to undermine themselves before anything got off the ground. Meanwhile, I'd see other young men with not half the looks and brains enjoying their pick of the eligible young women. It's a confidence thing. Any man can choose to use the services of a professional, but it should be a choice. It sounds to me like, at present, your young friend doesn't have other options, and that's really his problem.
  6. Happy Canada Day to all. I was an immigrant, and I feel so lucky to have become a Canadian. I love this country so much!
  7. I hope you're able to salvage it, for personal reasons if nothing else. I don't know much about orchids except to know that they're fussy. Good luck to you! A dear friend (and client) gave me some Christmas cactus cuttings years ago. We did just what we were supposed to with them and.... nothing. As is so often the case in my business, I never knew what happened to my dear friend. He just dropped out of sight. I had no way of knowing whether he suffered a stroke (a good possibility for him) or passed away or what. But we held onto those cuttings he gave us. They didn't wither and die; nor did they grow. About two years after he gave them to us, they suddenly took off! We have a couple pots of Christmas cactus here that bloom beautifully every year now. Who knows?
  8. I do believe that most human beings (although not all) are inherently honest and decent; I tend to believe that most corporations are the exact opposite. It all depends if an entity puts profit above all, or relationship above all. I believe, in my heart, that relationships pay off better over the long run than immediate profits. But that's not the way most corporations and, sadly, some individual entrepreneurs operate.
  9. I guess my concern with those who want us to communicate stuff like scheduling, terms of service, and most especially rates on a unique basis is that they can later claim that we didn't tell them something or they misunderstood. Like most here, I put a lot of work into my web site ("sparse"?? BRM??? Really?? I have all my info, FAQ, blog, archives. What else should I have??). And I do it so that there's no question of my rates, policies, terms, etc. I don't have many bad dates, but there was one, maybe 15-20 years ago now, who called me and emailed me numerous times. I did have a site and I did refer him to it, but he insisted I give him info by email and phone. He arrived. Stripped down quick and dove onto my massage table. ??? I'm not a stickler for payment up front, but something made me go hmmm. I asked him about paying me and he said, "oh! how much." Um. We'd discussed this. So I told him again. He said he didn't have that much. He tried to say I'd said less, and I offered to show him our email exchange. He tried to say he'd confused me with someone else. In short, he tried to haggle me down. Normally, I wouldn't haggle, but here the dude was there, nakies on my massage table. We arrived at a price, and he flipped back over. ... My intuition was dinging like crazy, so I asked him to pay me up front. Again, not my norm. Reluctantly, he got up and hauled out his wallet. He opened it right under my nose, and there had to have been several hundred dollars in bills in there! I realized I was being had. And wouldn't you know it! I suddenly got the most intense migraine ever. I couldn't, in good conscience, go through with the session. It wouldn't have been fair to him. I apologized for wasting his time and sent him on his way. This is one of the few guys I have ever put on a bad date list. These days, I'm seriously considering a pop quiz to ensure that people have familiarized themselves with the content of my web site before meeting. But really, with the overwhelming majority of people, it's not a problem. It's just a small minority that seem info challenged.
  10. I agree. No one should jump to the conclusion that the reason is "sinister," but too, not only in contracting SPs, but in any kind of dealing, I think we should all be aware of the reasons behind any "cut deal." Deals are usually cut more for the seller's reasons than the buyer's, and it pays to know what that reason is before you strike a deal. It's just common sense.
  11. I can't agree with you, Amelia. People do cut deals all the time, but there are always reasons behind it. As a customer, you should understand the reason for the deal or you run the risk of making a bad deal. If someone undergoes a radical price drop in a short period of time, I think it's very reasonable to wonder why she's doing that. Specifically, I think he should wonder if the reason she dropped her rate (or her feelings about dropping her rate) is going to affect the quality of the session.
  12. I'm sure most of you don't do this, but at least once a week, someone will write and ask for the address of my web site. I'll send it. Then they get back, often complimenting on my site, and then ask what my rates are or what my phone number is. ::FACEPALM:: Why? Why? Why? Why??
  13. I don't think it's so much a matter of guys "chickening out" or not being able to go through with it. It's more that, they just came. What was a very arousing notion before orgasm, is somewhat pointless after. It's like that porny thing a lot of guys want us to do, where we spit it out, let it dribble down and then suck it back up. It makes for some really hot porn, but it's not as hot in person because, in order for it to work, the guy's already cum. It's not going to be much of a turn on at that point because he's coming down.
  14. Today's best moment was when our dog, Dude, came and jumped in my arms in bed this morning when a thunderstorm hit. He's such a sweetheart!
  15. But really, sometimes it's so hard not to swallow! It just comes naturally, you know?
  16. I always dreaded working here at home, The Love Shack, a 100+ year old farmhouse with... well... creative wiring and plumbing. We obviously don't have central air here. I do have a small window air conditioner, but of course, that limits my play to one room. I'm definitely a multi-room type of girl. But I had guests each of the three really hot days this week, and it went quite well! For the first two, I knew no a/c would be necessary. I used it for my guest yesterday, but he said it wouldn't have mattered. So that's good to know. I don't prefer it. I can't stand air conditioning. Physically, I don't think the heat bothers me that much, but I do prefer to stick to regulars on such days, and avoid seeing anyone new. While it's very rare, if you're going to have a problem, it's probably going to be with someone new. And it's probably going to be because you screwed up and skipped a step in your screening process. I find my brain really shuts down on super hot days. I do less reading. We're the people that friends and neighbours bring their tech problems too, and someone brought something in on Thursday. I just sat and stared in front of it for maybe 15-20 minutes before I realized that my brain was not working. I went out and hopped in the pool for a bit, brought my body temperature down, came back in and my troubleshooting was much improved. I am an Autumn/Winter person, though. A chill to the air makes me super frisky! ;)
  17. Definitely today, mine was a kinky romp with a visitor with magic hands and tongue. But it was closely followed by eating disembodied springroll guts for dinner. Note to self: when planning springrolls for dinner, make sure you have wrappers. (...the shrimp was cooked *just* perfect!)
  18. So we should be charged for your shower? Provide shower facilities and launder towels for you for free? Most guys shower before they arrive. But if some want to shower after arriving or before leaving, they should expect it to come out of their time. Again, regulars probably get a lot more leeway on something like this, but to view it as an entitlement is offputting.
  19. I'm not making a value judgment on snobbery. Almost all of us are snobby, one way or the other. Me? I'm a major food snob. If it's not homemade, get it away from me! A friend once asked me what the difference is between a $200-300 escort and a $3500 one, such as the one Elliot Spitzer was seeing. I told him that a $200-300 escort will see a $3500 customer, but the $3500 escort won't see a $200-$300 customer. It's not so much about the calibre of the escort, but the calibre of her clientele. So I can see where you might not be interested in the services of an SP who offers 15 minute sessions. It's completely understandable. But it is actually a form of (completely inoffensive) snobbery. (@BackRubMan, I would view myself as more of a '68 VW Beetle with a peace sign painted on the bonnet. ;) )
  20. So how would the fact that an SP offers half hour or even 15-minute sessions affect your belief that she wouldn't offer the type of experience you're looking for, given the chance? You admit that there's pressure to offer such sessions because of the economy. I think that, out of practicality, what an SP might offer in a shorter session is going to differ greatly from what she might be able to offer in a lengthier session. Should it be held against her that she does what she has to to survive in a tough economy? Maybe. But in that case, yes, I do think those holding it against her are somewhat snobby. Especially if she's otherwise appealing and has excellent recommendations. All of us need to get across town sometimes, but some of us just won't settle for getting across in anything less than a Porsche. Which is fine. But also snobby. Let's not mince words!
  21. Exactly, and with good reason. Shorter sessions involve all the same getting ready, clearing the schedule, cleaning up after, and buffer for things that happen (like the customer being late). There's the time we spend making arrangments (emailing, texting, on the phone). If it's a new customer, there's all the same security precautions to take with a 15 minute as with a 2-hour. Plus, if it's an incall, there's the risk involved in giving out the address; with an outcall, the travel. You pay us for the time you're with us, but we put a lot more time into each session than just the time we spend with you. For a half hour session, I need at least an hour's notice to get myself and the premises ready, and then it's usually another 15-20 minutes cleaning up after you leave. So in other words, I plan to spend about 2 hours delivering a half hour session. It takes a 2-hour chunk out of my day. Our rates are what we charge. But they are far from what we make per hour we put into our businesses. Exactly!
  22. I do offer a 20 minute massage session, but it's manual only with no reverse. There are people who only want that. And that's fine. I offer it. What I don't appreciate are those who try to barter for FS in this type of session. Or worse, those who think they can just "go for it" once they're here. That always ends poorly for all! Always make sure you understand what's in the contract (and what isn't) beforehand. It will save some red faces and blue balls. One big concern I have with ultra short sessions is not being compensated for any time that the session goes over. And it's a much bigger deal with a 15 minute session than a 30 or 60 minute session. 5 minutes over in a 15 minute session is like ten minutes over in a 30 minute or 20 minutes in an hour. To those who want 15 minute sessions, can I ask what solution you would offer to this problem? Maybe pay for half hour, and get a rebate for unused minutes when you leave?
  23. In my mind, there has to be a big difference between someone who likes young girls and someone who'd see someone who is obviously being coerced. I worked when I was underaged, and while at the time, I deluded myself that the men who saw me viewed me as being mature beyond my years (um.... no!), I was never coerced, and I'm sure it's always showed, through all my years in the business, that I enthusiastically wanted to be doing what I was doing. The New York Times' Nicholas D. Kristoff is a huge voice for banning certain types of internet advertising as a way to combat sex slavery and prostitution of minors. I think he's wrong. First, I think allowing (even necessitating) such operations to advertise openly give the police a break on catching them and getting them shut down. Also, I think one of the best resources the community at large has for any prostitution related problems are adult, independent prostitutes and customers. Making it more difficult for us to do our business, driving us into the shadows might make it more difficult for us, but it will serve those with criminal intentions better than open advertising would. It would create a blackmarket that those interested will get onto (just like with child pornography) but at the same time, serve to shield and hide their activities, make them more difficult to catch.
  24. Funny thing is, for the past six years, I've lived in a small town. I really don't know much about the gossip as I haven't heard much. But the "over sharing" -- OMG!!!! I've had neighbours tell me stuff that makes my hair stand on end. And I think to myself, "why are they telling me this?????" I used to worry a lot about keeping my secret out here in the boonies. But anymore, I really don't. My secret is pretty bland compared to some of the accounts locals have confessed to me about themselves. EEEK!
  25. I believe teenage girls are capable of organizing something like this, but the customers would mostly be adults, no? This is something I've always wondered about. Wouldn't a customer know when he's with someone who's been coerced? When someone has to be beaten and threatened into doing something, it seems to me that it would be obvious that she doesn't want to do it. I always wonder what kind of customers these sexual slavery ops get. I'm pretty sure they're a whole different species from the kind that I and my fellow independents see! Any person who knowingly uses the services of a sexual slave or coerced person should be charged just the same as the person(s) operating the ring.
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