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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. JoyfulC

    From the album: JoyfulC

  2. June 25, 2015 --I park not too close to the door, but not too far away, either. At the tail end of winter, the lot is full of potholes and mud puddles. Wearing a jacket too light for the weather, and a pair of high-heeled strappy sandals, I pick my way across the lot to the glass doors. Not the main entranceway--in those days, hotel security wasn't as important as guest convenience, so you could pretty much enter and exit hotels by any door. The lounge is at the end of a short, squat hallway, lit by fluorescent panels interspersed among the ceiling tiles. At the end, on the left, is a double-wide open doorway leading to the hotel lounge. It's the Holiday Inn at DTW. One of my favourite "freelancing" venues. The music is loud and a little too disco for my taste. ... See more
  3. Too many things again: listening to a Lee Child audiobook, shopping for yarn, drinking, calculating molarity, playing WWF and Dice, arguing several threads on FB, and bartering with the kids about an ice cream treat. They actually treat people for attention deficit disorder?? How can anyone survive without it?
  4. Exactly. You've pulled the curtain back on yet another noble, but hardly truthful, platitude. In disasters, you can damned well bet wealthy men got their butts to safety well before any women or children in steerage! But too, there were probably many women who refused a seat in a lifeboat, if it meant leaving behind a husband. Many of us would rather stand by our partners' sides and perish together than face a life without them.
  5. So because you can cherry pick a handful of women in top positions, that negates the evidence that women are under represented in top executive ranks? I don't get it.
  6. Where did you see a proposal mandating that 50% of CEOs and elected officials be female? I don't recall seeing that. I have seen people remark, and find it odd myself, that women tend to be underrepresented in positions of authority, compared to their percentage of the general population. And "fighting for our country"? We don't need to fight for Canada. At least not at this time. And if the US's and UK's recent misadventures are any indicator, fighting isn't really going to be an effective response to unrest elsewhere in the world. About all anyone can be shown to be fighting for are military-industrial complex profits. IMNSHO, anyone would be a fool to fight and possibly die for that. Male or female.
  7. I was just reading an article on Lifehacker about how to follow up with questions after an interview to improve your chances of getting hired next time. It struck me that customers could probably do the same when they find they're being rejected by SPs they'd like to see. I know I end up having to say no to people every week, and it's always for a handful of the same dumb mistakes. I bet this happens to others too. Nobody wants to have to turn down business. We'd of course rather meet, have a good time and earn some money. Even worse, I often come away feeling that the guy I turned down probably would have been an okay guy, but his approach style compromised me and put me in a position where I had to say no. Maybe a little tune-up in initial contact etiquette would help us get to go. BTW, here's that article I was reading. http://lifehacker.com/find-out-why-you-didnt-get-the-job-with-these-followup-1712254953?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_facebook&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  8. Deep fried chicken, and a crunchy salad with lots of red cabbage and carrots with a creamy apple cider/dill dressing. Is this summer coming round sweet, or what? ;)
  9. I find it offputting when people: Fire right out the gate with explicit comments or questions. Don't compromise me, please! Refuse to coöperate with what I ask them for, and then tell me it's okay, they're great guys and I'm going to really like them. This is my job. I am looking for good experiences, and I've learned what to do to optimize my chances of having them. I'm trying to avoid problems. I know what I'm doing. It's not your place to tell me how to do my business. Lie to me. Don't tell me things that don't check out, like we've talked in the past (if I can't find any record of that under any number or email address you provide) or that we've met in the past (when again, I have no record of it). Tell me stuff about myself that I haven't yet disclosed. This doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look creepy. Call me "baby" or any other cutsie name before we even know each other. Let's be respectful! Ask me to drop my rate. I can commiserate with your being on a budget. I live with one myself. I can adjust my rates for beggars the day that I can go, hat in hand, to my creditors and ask them to give me the same goods and services for a lower price, because my budget doesn't allow me to pay full price. Until that day, don't bother to ask. Normally, I prefer to focus on what goes right and the great people that cross my path. But since the question was asked, ^^ there it is!
  10. When someone you never saw before and don't know contacts you to make an appointment, and proceeds to raise just about every red flag he can. I don't know why anyone would think it's a good idea to phone me up and give me information about myself that I never gave him. Would anyone think that makes him look smart? No. Makes him look like a problem. If a guy wants to feel informed, he should start by reading the relevant parts of the law, so he doesn't do or say anything to compromise us and spoil his chances of getting an appointment. Some of us don't take a much new business. Some of us don't have to. Honestly, some of us are just trying to do our jobs and stay out of trouble. If we can have fun too, that's the cherry on top. Nobody likes having to turn down business. Don't put us in that position!
  11. He made dinner: mac & cheese with spinach and crab. He left the kitchen for me to clean up. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! I may have to throw out the one pan.
  12. Updated! (I'm such a crappy blogger!) June 3, 2015 --This is gonna be a long one. Many years ago, a man I'd entertained a few times when visiting Toronto asked to buy me dinner before our meeting. I agreed. During our meal, he pitched an MLM scheme at me. I wasn't into that sort of thing, and I let him know it. Disappointed, he tried one last strategy: "Oh. Well, do you have any friends who, you know, have better business sense than you do?" See More
  13. Checking my messages in between making the first and second batch of tortillas. Making tortillas wasn't what I had planned for this afternoon, but I was strongarmed.
  14. I made a really nice dinner tonight, but someone insisted he was in an "intense" poker game on his iphone, and basically stuffed his face without ever taking his eyes off it once or even grunting in my direction. So I imagine it will be cold shoulder on the menu for the foreseeable future. ;)
  15. I've been on a Hitchcock kick this week. Watched: Frenzy (1972) and Family Plot (1976)
  16. Sitting in the sun, knitting, listening to Maria Callas and enjoying the flagrant blooming lilacs. My pug is helping me.
  17. Our youngest cat is getting HUGE. We've had pets go through fat phases before, but seriously, I had to pick her up to move her during a meeting last week, and I had to use both hands. She doesn't seem to eat more than anybody else, and she's always romping around, getting plenty of exercise. I'm wondering if a trip to the vet is in order.
  18. Google Docs finally fixed their Different First Page Header and page count issues! Sweet hallelujah! That took long enough. Just in time for me, as we just replaced one of our Windows systems with a Chromebook.
  19. We had barbequed ribs and potato salad. We were going to do something for Cinco de Mayo, but fact is, Fast Freddy and I are calendar challenged. So we did Detroit Cinco de Mayo. Yes! Detroit has a Cinco de Mayo. Same way Canada has a Fourth of July.
  20. Desperately needing an antihistamine at 1am, and there's none in the house. Spring really isn't my favourite season.
  21. A Chromebook! OMGoodness, where has this been all my life?? We had been limping along on Fred's ancient Satellite and my little Aspire One (that I picked up off Kijiji for $70 a couple years back). But the Satellite just gets more sluggish all the time. And I screwed up and allowed my netbook to overheat last December. I swapped out the crashed HD with another I had around here, but have been getting SMART warnings ever since. And wouldn't you know it, right in the middle of doing our taxes, that HD crashed too. I had been thinking of replacing Fred's satellite with a chromebook for some time now. I think there's a lot less trouble he can get into with it than with a Windows system. Plus most stuff can be kept in the cloud (which we do a lot of anyway). But really, I might not even have to look for a used netbook for myself. I already found an app to modify and manage my web pages. If I can find something to run more advanced queries on my Access tables, I think I'm all set! And it's fast and it runs cool. Win!
  22. Last year, my landlord answered one of my ads. He used the same email address he uses for everything else, so I knew who he was, right away. I was just honest and said it was too close for comfort, same as I do for all the guys in my own town. Around that time, we were planning to move out of the house that we'd previously rented from him, but which his ex had taken from him in court after their split. He was very keen to have us move into another of his premises, despite now being fully aware of what I do. (He insists that he had no inkling prior, and I believe that, as I'm ultra discreet.) We did move into our old landlord's other place, but it's not the same as renting from him before. He seems determined to gouge us on the rent, charging us a much higher rate than he previously charged for this apartment, and nearly as much as he does for his other place, which is a better apartment. It really sucks the way people suddenly get dollar signs in their eyes when they find out what we do. It also sucks that they suddenly get the attitude that we have no rights under the law (like the landlord/tenant act, for example) because of it. They're going to get a big surprise on that last point! But it's especially hurtful when the person behaving this way is a customer. Of course, he insists he's not. He just happened to see my ad and responded to it, for, you know, no real reason. Uh huh.
  23. That's weird. Because my experience has been the opposite. Whenever I use a generic brand, as opposed to a name brand, I find I get pretty much the same thing for a lower price. That's how mass produced products are. But SPs are not like mass-produced products. We run more the gamut from artists to service providers (think plumbers, accountants here) to fraud artists. You can't tell from our marketing alone where we fall in that range. You have to interact with us and try to discern. I know it isn't easy, but looking for quality (or even reliability) at a bargain basement price just makes it that much more difficult. Prepare for a tough journey.
  24. Knitting. And contemplating getting myself a grape juice cicle from the freezer. Oh, my oral fixation!
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