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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Applied *over* foundation?? You recommend applying foundaition (like facial foundation?) to your lips?
  2. I've always been worried that this stuff would feel like latex on my lips (yuck!) -- but "lip stain" sounds promising? Is it really light and lickable/kissable?
  3. Okay, the thing is, your situation can be confusing for even the most experienced providers. I realize this is not your fault -- as Jessica Rabbit might say, it's just how you're drawn. But please appreciate, as you go forward, that this can present confusing circumstances for your SP. It is unusual (... and I'm speaking from more than 3 decades experience here). Perhaps you need need to get to know someone well enough that you can discuss this with her. You do have an unusual situation, and it may not be entirely reasonable to expect someone unfamiliar with it to respond appropriately. Yep, you sure are. ;) I think that's expecting way too much of a review/recommendation site. Some things you really have to find on your own -- kinda like the Holy Grail. But the good news is that while it can be challenging, it's also an adventure. Like they say here in Ontario, it's YOURS TO DISCOVER. Best of luck!
  4. I have a zero drugs policy. I tell people flat out that if they bring drugs onto my premises, I will call the police on them. And it's not that I'm so anti-drug -- my husband partakes of the local crops, and I did a lot of acid as a kid. I'm for decriminalization* of drugs, especially marijuana. But I can't help but notice that drugs and this business don't mix well. I worked through the 80s and early 90s, and saw so many friends, both in the business and on the client side, totally ruin their lives with cocaine. I had one too many appointments where he couldn't get it up, and it was never the coke's fault, and it never happened to him before (although it always happened, every time), and he'd get right there, then need to jump up and run to the window, because in his coke-induced paranoia, he was positive someone was out there stalking him. Yeesh! My work life has been a lot more stable since I adopted this policy. Even if you enjoy drugs yourself, I would recommend it. The two just don't mix. *Funny thing about decriminalization of marijuana: ever notice how many people who are for that are also for outlawing tobacco? I'll admit, I'm conflicted over it. For me, the biggest issue is people smoking around children. Frankly, I don't care if they smoke in nightclubs or restaurants -- as an adult, if it bugs me too much, I just won't go. But who protects children in their own homes?
  5. If all is as said, then yes, the SP needs to realize that while she may make it "easier" on herself for that one hour, in the long run, she lost a chance at repeat business -- and really, that should always be the goal we work toward. As calculating as this may come off sounding, we put together our ads, our pics, our videos to get them in the door the first time. But it's what we do in the session that brings them back for the next. This lady seems to be missing half the equation. (But we haven't heard her side of it either, and I've been burned before, so I'm not sitting in judgment.) MS isn't everybody's style. I have one friend who can pull off 2 and sometimes even 3 in a half hour -- and take two showers during that time, and never goes minute over! (Yep, we're BUSY.) And then I have friends who will book several hours and enjoy most of the time teasing and pleasing each other, and who are happy with one single (if particularly explosive) shot before we wrap it up. While there are no hard & fast rules, I think MS is more the thing for younger, less sexually experienced guys. Mature, seasoned guys who have had not only plenty of sex, but a breadth of experience over the years, seem to relish the journey as much or more than the arrival at destination. Or to use the skating rink terminology, while the younger guys are stick handling and shooting goals, the more sexually seasoned guys are doing Ice Capades. ;)
  6. :) Or "gol'darn!" too, I suppose! (These days, with all the religious wingnuts running around, I hesitate before mentioning any term that might invoke their wrath.) My guy for sure wasn't in a drive-thru -- not unless it had one of the best sound systems of any drive-thru around. The voice quality and background noise suggested he was standing at the counter. To Angela: yeah, I get the guys who phone on their lunch hours with food in their mouths all the time. That is so rude and uncouth. But if I were to make an appointment with one of these guys, I wonder how they'd feel if I was eating my lunch all through it.
  7. Absolutely. One should never work less hard to ensure a repeat of the 40th visit than of the 1st. And I'm glad you brought up the part about the gentlemen not taking things for granted. Over the years, I have had to take a break from seeing some regulars who were once my favourite because of precisely that. I give them some time and, in most cases, they come to realize that they value the relationship enough to do right by it -- and me. I hope you don't mind, but I may have quoted you on that a few times over the years. ;) That's actually a sign on the wall at some Transport Canada aviation inspection offices.
  8. Although not as cheap as the Spay & Neuter Clinic, taking your pet to a rural or small town vet will usually cut your vet bill in half, roughly. And often we like the care better. Many of the veterinary clinics in town seem more into getting you on a regular schedule for vet visits and doing every test they can think of on them, which is probably great for their bottom line, but maybe not necessary for or in the best interests of the health of your pet. The small town/rural vets seem less predatory.
  9. A word of advice: don't have kids. (... or actually, even a spouse. Living with other humans can get particularly messy. ;) )
  10. For me, regulars are the only business that matters. I'm not really interested in seeing one timers. When I meet someone new (which is pretty rare), I'm working to earn repeat business. There's a lot less risk in seeing someone a second time or a forty-second time than the first time. I have regulars going back decades. However, WinnipegCub wrote: "In the traditional 'business world' many companies are seeing that it is greater value to retain existing clients than try and attract new ones." Perhaps that is true of B2B relationships (... and even that I wonder about), but for sure it's often not how many businesses treat their customers these days. They seem to blow a lot on marketing for new customers and switchovers, but cheap out on stuff like customer service or technical support for existing customers. (...talking Rogers, Bell, etc.) Often the only things that keep customers around through the frustration is 1) costs of switching over; and 2) knowing that the other guy is probably just as bad. Many companies these days treat their customers like dirt.
  11. Okay, so I get this call this morning, and as I say hello, I hear a woman's voice in the background talking. The caller says something to her that I don't quite catch. I say hello again, and he says hello. Then says something like "double double." Huh? I hang up. He phones right back. I ask him about the woman he was talking to. Turns out, he's at some fast food place, ordering, AND phoning me at the same time to ask for info. ????? Would you phone an SP for information whilst ordering at a fast food counter? Sheesh! I told him I didn't think we would get along and hung up again before he had a chance to launch into whether I do bbbj or greek. These days, everyone seems so concerned about their online privacy, and yet, they walk around in public with their cell phones plastered to their heads, discussing everything under the sun while innocent bystanders are subjected to it. And people wonder why I'm a homebody.
  12. Good point! Both sites are looking for feedback. Maybe you should add this. I do look at reviews when I buy or try something new, but I don't think I'm influenced much by them. Too often, there's 1 or 2 cranky people declaring "it's a rip off!" or some such thing, but I tend to buy on features; I use white papers when I can; and generally I tend to be satisfied with my purchases. The only place I could never ever use a review is on movies -- if the critics love it, I usually hate it (if I can stay awake).
  13. I had Mina for over a year before I felt comfortable getting her in to be spayed. Although her necessities had been met in her previous home, I don't think she got much human interaction and was very much not socialized. Frankly, I wanted her to be better about being handled before taking her in. But we had a hell of a time with her going into heat. At the height of it, sleep was out of the question. I looked around online, and there is a massage you can give your cat to help alleviate a bit of her distress. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO BRUISE HER! This has to be done just so. On either side of her tail are little indented areas, just enough to fit the tip of your finger into. If you massage very gently on one side or another, she will probably start making a low growl, then let out a loud meow when she's satisifed. (IKR! I never got paid a cent for providing this service either!!) Be particularly careful to avoid touching your cat's anus or genitals as you can easily damage them. She may, however, require a gentle wiping with a wet-one or wash cloth a couple times a day. BTW, Mina went from not liking to be touched at all to demanding multiple massages a day (just regular back rubs, ear rubs, leg rubs, tummy rubs these days). I got swatted last week for stopping before she was ready! As I type this, she is whacking my arm to give her some attention! Good luck! And believe me, you're going to love having her fixed.
  14. I happened upon a couple posts about fake reviews today (presumably not for escorts, but for anything from consumer goods to restaurants, hotels, etc.). My first thought was, boy, I know some people who could write the book on that topic! ;) Check them out: http://consumerist.com/2010/04/spot-fake-online-reviews.html http://lifehacker.com/5511726/hone-your-eye-for-fake-online-reviews?skyline=true&s=i
  15. Yes, I saw that too. Hopefully they can nail him on the kiddy porn charge. The other charge would truly open a massive can of worms.
  16. Intellectually, I'd agree with Buggernot -- but love at first sight did happen to me. I gotta tell you, it wasn't as pleasant as they make it seem. When I ran face first into the love of my life, I certainly wasn't looking for it. I had plans! And they involved being single. Even today, sometimes I look at him and wonder what my life might have been without this love complication. I was always very independent and quite content on my own, enjoying a spectrum of friends and lovers. I never needed to be in a relationship -- and I sure sidestepped enough opportunities -- but somehow I can't help but believe I was supposed to find Fred and live my life with him. Are we sexually great? No. Truthfully, he's very meat & potatoes and I'm more kinky. It's been weird. And in some other areas of our lives, we have had to make tremendous compromises. Each of us had been with other partners previously which didn't work out, and each of us had been on our own and been comfortable with it. Each of us was prepared to live on our own for the rest of our lives -- probably even looked forward to that prospect. But sometimes you run into your own true love, your counterpart -- and then there's nothing you can really do but go with the flow. I can't say that it makes sense to me on an intellectual level, but that's what seems to have happened to me.
  17. Every client is different too. Some need a few minutes to get acquainted; others don't want to waste a minute of the time they're paying for on small talk. I suspect most SPs go with the flow.
  18. Nope, it's not a reportable disease -- and I don't believe that there is any legal requirement to disclose at the present time. (Could legislation be made from the bench?) 20% seems a bit low -- but then, I take HSV 1 & 2 together, since both can be transmitted sexually. Also, that could be only 20% of sexually active Canadians are symptomatic for one or both -- many more could be infected and not be symptomatic. I have seen thousands of customers, and been contacted by tens of thousands over the years, and not once has anyone disclosed to me that they had HSV. (...although I have had a couple guys show up with cold sores) If this case proceeds, how will it affect us here? Will any SP who has ever had a cold sore or an outbreak of genital herpes need to disclose this in her advertising? In her private communications with prospective customers? Will customers have to disclose this to us? Since the overwhelming majority of people infected with HSV are asymptomatic, and since it's possible for HSV to be transmitted in the absence of visible symptoms, will all this disclosure do any good? In my case, I've never had an outbreak of either oral or genital herpes. I've also, to the best of my knowledge, never been tested for HSV-1 or HSV-2. (It isn't part of routine testing. If someone says they have been tested, I'd be suspicious because various available testing measures are not considered to be reliable in the absence of lesions, and generally aren't considered to justify costs in the presence of them.) And yet, since it is thought that the majority of people infected with and/or carrying HSV are asymptomatic and haven't been tested, how will my disclosure help anyone? This case looks to me like a situation where someone is being persecuted for having been diagnosed, possibly treated, for something that many other people have never been diagnosed with or treated for, and yet have. How will this increase people's eagerness to seek a diagnosis and treatment. Sorry, this prosecutor is way out of line.
  19. Clean healthy skin & hair recently washed with soap and water. No fragrances please! They're a turn off for me.
  20. I think before we buy a sous vide cooker, we'll invest in a high end digital thermometer with an alarm and immersion sensor. This may be the best thing we learned since brining! (... new to cooking... does it show? ;) )
  21. We cooked a steak tonight using the sous vide method -- it wasn't too bad! Perhaps a bit more done than I'd prefer (but I was expecting the opposite). Amazing consistency, though! We might prep all our steaks for the barby this way next summer. Anyone else here tried this technique? Thoughts? Safety advice? (We're thinking of trying ribs this way.)
  22. I dunno! We've seen some notable exceptions. Remember that escort agency that was charged back in the 90s here in Ottawa? When the owner/operator died, the crown decided to bring the bookkeeper up on charges. !!! The judge threw it out, of course, but not before that poor woman got dragged through a very expensive and unpleasant experience. And for what? Doing books? Friends of mine out west got brought up on negligent homicide charges over a skydiving accident. She was arrested and put in handcuffs while waiting with her son and several other kids and their parents at the bus stop. They went through more than two years of sheer hell, and again, it was tossed after the judge heard the crown's case. I'm glad you have so much faith in the courts and in our prosecutors. Probably most of them do a great job and do exercise common sense -- but we've seen enough times when they don't to cast doubt in my mind. Genital herpes -- while I'm sure no one would want to get it -- doesn't seem all that serious to me. Having studied both extensively throughout my career, I will go on record as saying that, if I had to have one, I'd rather have the genital variety. There is nothing, in my view, more disfiguring to a woman's beauty than a big old ugly cold sore.
  23. For sure! That's how I feel when someone comes to see me with an active cold sore, and then wants to kiss me. I have never had a cold sore, but if I ever got one after meeting with someone who wasn't considerate enough to wait until his outbreak passed, I think I'd want him dead. Being a woman, and being in this business, the last thing I'd need is for someone to give me something that leaves me facially disfigured, and put me at risk for blindness, Bell's Palsy, etc. I'd want the bastard in jail, or at least I'd want to be able to sue him for my damages. But that's how I feel emotionally. What I know intellectually tells me that is a bit ridiculous. Here's what I found on Wikipedia: "Some people experience negative feelings related to the condition following diagnosis, particularly if they have acquired the genital form of the disease. Feelings can include depression, fear of rejection, feelings of isolation, fear of being found out, self-destructive feelings, and fear of masturbation.[106] These feelings usually lessen over time. Much of the hysteria and stigma surrounding herpes stems from a media campaign beginning in the late 1970s and peaking in the early 1980s. There were multiple articles worded in fear-mongering and anxiety-provoking terminology, such as the now ubiquitous "attacks," "outbreaks," "victims," and "sufferers." At one point the term "herpetic" even entered the popular lexicon. The articles were published by Reader's Digest, U.S. News, and Time magazine, among others. A made-for-TV movie was named Intimate Agony. The peak was when Time magazine had 'Herpes: The New Scarlet Letter' on the cover in August 1982, forever stigmatizing the word in the public mind.[89] The scientific reality is that most people are asymptomatic, the virus causes no real health problems for a vast majority of people, and a vast majority of the Earth's population carries HSV-1, 2, or both." Still, that said, it is really rude for guys to show up with active cold sores. If this case makes it through the courts, I would not be surprised to see someone charged with transmitting cold sores to another person -- or at the very least sued for it.
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