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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. No, that's just not true. Sometimes cheap can be reliable, especially if she doesn't know better. We like to pretend that pricing is an indicator of quality, but that's not exactly so. Staying the course is an indicator of quality. If someone is advertising the same rates for a long time, then that's an indication that she's worth those rates. If someone advertises a rate for a while, then disappears or appears under another name, then that's a hint that she wasn't worth the rate. If she reappears under a higher rate, it's a clue that she's worth more. But if someone stays at a rate for a prolonged time, then chances are she's worth that rate and getting it easily. Trying to haggle her down will only insult her.
  2. I dunno. I'm interested to know too. I think I could refer a few guys her way. They're obviously not looking for me. Many years ago, I used to visit a town and see a few guys there. To be honest, it was a stressful trip for me. At some point, they informed me that they'd found someone who'd do the job for a lot less plus some groceries. They graciously offered me the chance to counter offer. I declined. It wasn't a whole year later when they were begging me to visit again, but by that time, my circumstances had changed, and it was no longer convenient. I don't blame people for trying to get a better deal, if that's what they want. And maybe people don't need the quality they don't want to pay for. Who's to say that's wrong? Each of us can only decide that for themselves. If someone would be happy with a lacklustre session for cheap dollars, sure. He probably won't like my rates. But I don't price for him. I price for the guy looking for a quality experience. To each his or her own.
  3. So I've been reading. That's unusual. I wonder if it had been in for maintenance or ground transported recently.
  4. Reeling from the realization that our CAD has plunged to $0.77 USD. Thanks Harper!
  5. Girl! They should name a terminal after you!!
  6. We tossed a package of chopped spinach into some mac & cheese recently. It was so good, we had it again two nights later. I'm thinking of making this version later today, although it actually uses spaghetti instead of elbow macaroni. Spinach would be a nice addition. http://gardenandgun.com/blog/macaroni-pie
  7. We had my husband's maple/cider brined pork roast. Everybody's favourite!! The dogs and the kitties all got a cut. Roasted just perfectly!
  8. I also only ever wear panties for meetings, and I wish I didn't have to. Funny thing is, I live in a small town and dress very conservatively (think Amish here). Mostly in full-length skirts, or at least skirts well below the knee. I'm sure (and I hope!) my neighbours all think I'm a prudish wife. What would they think if they knew I never wear anything more than a thin dusting of baby powder under these skirts?
  9. I've been blowing through a bunch of old films noir on YouTube: DOA, Johnny O'Clock, Scarlet Street, The Man Who Cheated Himself, The Bat and more. The female roles are a bit weird, but enjoyable entertainment.
  10. So far this year already, we've had two movies marketed through outrageous marketing gimmicks. The first was The Interview: we were told North Korea threatened repercussions if it was released. Then, with 50 Shades of Grey, we were treated to news stories of movie theatres purchasing washable plastic covers for their seats, and of course, all the preachers denounced the movie. Do these sorts of tactics make you want to see a movie more? Or skip it altogether?
  11. Every few years, I would decide to make myself a sweater. But I'd pretty much just figure out a pattern myself, and always wound up with ginormous, chunky sweaters that could double as homeless shelters--even if I always loved them and lived in them the colder days of the year. This year, I finally got around to making my first sweater from a published pattern. Voila!! I was able to adjust a bit for areas where regular sizing doesn't fit me (I'm too long in the waist, too long in the arms), but I whipped off four lovely sweaters that I'm really happy with! Two crew necks and two v-necks. Tonight, I'm putting the finishing touches on a knitted tee for spring. And I already have the yarn for a second one. WHY didn't I ever try this sooner?? Next? Crochet!
  12. We watched The Grand Budapest Hotel last weekend. Delightful! I also finally got around to watching The Big Lebowsky. Honestly, I never thought I'd ever hear anyone drop more F-bombs than we do around here. Finally, we watched some movie--I forget the name--chronicling the life and career of "Knuckles" Nylund. Really depressing! Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be hockey goons!
  13. Monte Cristo sandwiches with applesauce and cranberries. Puppies and kitties were dancing around like Cirque du Soleil for their cuts!
  14. One point: the cop would have no grounds to bust in on two people in private. What evidence would exist of solicitation? This video does a great job of showing the ridiculousness of the new law, but I don't think any consenting adult couples can expect to see any doors kicked in any time soon.
  15. Tonight's dinner seemed like a flop to me. I fried some chicken up, just plain, in the electric skillet. Threw in a couple whole carrots and some potatoes. Made up some gravy from the drippings. I found it uninspiring, but everyone else around here loved it. Go figure!
  16. One of my best friends ever has gone MIA. He is in his 80s, and so I have a bad feeling. I haven't heard from him since early August. Even worse, I've found nothing in the obits (which I'd prefer to thinking he's in some state of hell between life and death). Because we met in this way, I can't really approach his family to find out what's going on. Even though I know so much about them, they know nothing about me and it has to stay that way. We met the morning of the 911 attacks. Throughout our first encounter (which went very well), my phone was ringing off the hook downstairs, and people were screaming on my answering machine. At that time, I was very involved with sport politics with skydiving. At first, I thought someone went in. Then I began to wonder if we'd lost a whole plane load. But I stayed in my session to the end. Afterwards I ran down to answer my phone while my new client cleaned up. A friend told me to turn on the TV. I asked what channel. He said "any channel." Hours later, my new client and the person who was to become one of my dearest friends, were sitting on my couch, still staring at the TV. Trying to make sense of it all. In the years to follow, we shared so much: thoughts on politics, books, gardening, family, cooking, art. We stopped meeting professionally a couple years back, but really, he became one of the most important people in my life. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. When it happens, it's always heartbreaking because I'm shut out at the end. I cannot visit him if he's in the hospital. I can't attend the funeral. I have an obligation to protect his privacy, above all. I'll hold up my end of the bargain. But it's painful.
  17. Who knew registering a 4-letter dot-com domain would, one day, come in useful?? I'm just glad to learn it did.
  18. Aw! Thanks! You guys are sweet. I had a great birthday.
  19. Watched Psycho last night with Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins!
  20. As ridiculous as it sounds, I have had a really nice electric skillet for more than ten years which I rarely used for the sole reason that it was a b*tch to get in and out of the place I stored it. Now that I have moved, I'm rediscovering it. Did you know you can make really pretty damned good pizza in an electric skillet? I didn't! Until last night. Tonight? Ribs in the electric skillet. Wish me luck!
  21. Mofo used some of my good bondage rope to gerryrig the broken toilet flushy thing. Grrr!
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