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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Please bear in mind, this is a federal government town. We can't be sending these boys back to Parliament after lunch with pubic hairs in their teeth. (just kidding ... no, really! ;-) ) ..c..
  2. Yeah, I'm not saying for sure that's not it. Could be. But it does happen with us that we get these guys claiming to be "first timers" who use lingo that would make Raymond Chandler blush -- you know? It's just a red flag for me. But in truth, I don't really know. I'm inclined to be skeptical on this one, but since I don't really know anyone involved, I can't say definitively one way or the other, of course. ..c..
  3. I dunno. I'm always sorry to hear of anyone having a bad experience, let alone a bad first experience... ...but ... does the language here strike anyone else as being a bit more jaded than the average first timer? Does this guy write gumshoe novels or what? I have talked to tens of thousands of people over the years, and thus I tend to be attuned to various language stuff. The language in the review of this "first experience" -- while I'm not saying he's lying -- somehow strikes an off chord with me. (But I'm totally willing to admit that I might must be being super sensitive -- after all, being super sensitive is part of my job description.) ..c..
  4. I'm not sure what I even know, but sometimes people have totally unrelated circumstances that affect their public profile -- you know? If you know her, I suggest you contact her privately. If you don't know her, then I think you've missed your chance for the moment. Your best bet is to wait until she pokes her head back up again. You expect your privacy to be respected. Give the same in return. We live in an extremely judgmental world. ..c..
  5. I prefer guys in the 40+ range, and I always did. It's not about the money, and for sure it's not about maturity (...I think by the time a guy gets to be 40, he's decided that maturity is over-rated). I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's a life-experience thing. I always did prefer guys in this age range, even when I was very young. Now I'm older than some of them (the ones under 50), and it's still what I prefer. I can't really say why I do, but should I have to? How many guys here have preferences? Big tits? Small tits? Blondes? Brunettes? Redheads? Orientals? Blacks? Whites? BBW? Petite? How can we ever explain our personal preferences? I don't think we should have to. But that said, I will note that I'm probably pretty lucky in my preference in that most guys over 40 are probably a bit more heads-up than some younger guys. It's not that I never see younger guys -- sometimes one slips through my best guard, and what am I going to do if the kid is standing there with the money in his hand and a big expectant grin on his face? Ruin his day? I try to avoid the younger ones, but when one sneaks through, there's really nothing to do but put my preferences aside and focus on having fun. I don't think younger guys should take it personally if an SP prefers older guys though. At least you have that to look forward to. Imagine if it were the other way around; if an SP were rejecting you because you were too old. ..c.. (BTW, I'm posting this from my new mac -- a first for me! Now I've got some experience on DOS, UNIX, all Windows, some Linux and a little bit of Mac. Oh, and I actually had a job working on Wangs back in the early 80s!)
  6. Myself (a woman and an SP), I can and often do MSOG in half hours and hours. It seems to turn the customers on that I can get off that frequently. But between you and me, i'd rather spend the time doing edge play. That time just this side of going over the edge is the sweetest for me, and if I were footing the tab, that's what I'd be paying for. ..c..
  7. Just by chance, I downloaded this book (http://www.ereader.com/servlet/mw?t=book&bi=69464&si=59) a couple weeks back. It turned out to be a pretty good story -- I couldn't go to bed or put it down until I finished it. (Thank goodness it wasn't War & Peace!!) Turns out the author, James W. Foster, is a Canadian who lives in (of all places!) Port Dover. If you'd like to check out a fellow Canadian's work, I'd recommend it. I think this was his first published book, but he has more in the pipe. I hope to see as good and better from him in the future. ..c..
  8. A lot of guys send me photos prior to our initial meeting ... but it's not like I'd recognize them at the door from the angle they send. ;-) What is it with guys and pics of that area of their anatomy?? I met a guy last week with Katie that had sent me such pics a couple weeks in advance. I told him, "You know... from your pics, I would have guessed you'd be a lot shorter... and bald." ;-) (but really, a girl can never have too many pics of dicks) ..c..
  9. Very appropriate, cat. I like that one too. ..c..
  10. The thing you need to understand is that this is a direct result of the problem that SPs have with no-shows. The problem has gotten so bad that it would be foolish for us to count on any guy until we see "the whites of his eyes." Regulars who have good reps for showing up have the best success -- so all I can recommend is that you become a regular or you establish a rep and use the providers you see as a reference. Most of us are very happy to provide honest references for customers. ... We don't (in my experience) get into the type of lockerroom details you'd find in most SP reviews, but we stick to the basics: does he show up on time, pay without quibbling, have good hygiene, leave on time, etc. Because of the legal situation in many places in the US, it's not at all uncommon for guys there to ask us to provide references for them. Maybe we could establish something similar here to help people like yourself get earlier confirmations of appointments with SPs you haven't yet met. ..c..
  11. I, myself, have probably been with more than a hundred other SPs over the years -- but somehow I always manage to stay awake! ;) ..c..
  12. I dunno if I find the notion of sitting around waiting for customers to come in all that appealing -- but then, I've worked both ways, and that's why I feel there's something to be said for having a life beyond this. Why not a happy medium? Call 20-30 minutes in advance? That gives your favourite lady a chance to wrap up what she's doing and slither into something sexy for you. I, personally, don't like to take new clients from the Sun on more notice than that due to cancellations and other problems*. Advance bookings are for known and trusted regulars. (*Re: "other problems," you know how some ladies like to have customers call from a local payphone? Well, I decided to try it. It worked out quite well! Unfortunately, not for me, but for a streetwalker who discovered that if she hung around, she could scoop my business by approaching the guys at the phone and undercutting me. She wasn't much to look at, but the price was apparently pretty good! And you couldn't beat the deal for her -- I was paying for the advertising; she was getting the business. Can you believe the nerve of some people? A couple people who didn't take her up on her offer told me about it. At first, I didn't believe it, but I had someone check it out. She's gone now -- but too, I stopped asking people to phone me from that payphone. Sheesh!) ..c..
  13. I'll be popping in and out of chat this afternoon. Look forward to meeting other CERBies there! ..Christine..
  14. You're probably not talking about me, but you certainly could be. And no-shows are the reason why. These days, unless I know and trust someone well, all appointments are tentative until the last minute. If a regular I can trust asks for something around that same time, I have to do what's best for myself and go with the sure thing. I don't know you and if you no-show on me, and I sit here having lost both the appt I thought I had with you AND the sure thing I could have had with a regular, then I'll have no one to blame but myself for not having kept my options open. I understand how frustrating it must be for someone to be counting on seeing me at a certain time, possibly even to travel to my vicinity, and then not be able to reach me. But from my perspective, I have to go with the sure thing. As I've said here before, and will repeat again, we SPs are trying to cope with rising costs while not raising our rates for you guys. Somewhere, something has to give. Please don't be mad at us for this. We're only trying to make livings and support ourselves and our families. Be mad at the guys who no-show and thus necessitated the change in the way we do things. Only thing I can recommend is get to be known by some of the ladies, ask them to provide references for you, and maintain a good reputation for not no-showing. This is a luxury for you guys. It's a livelihood for us. ..c..
  15. Being Ottawa, I'm sure a lot of these no-showers were called in to emergency consultations with Parliament -- you know, saving the free world and that sort of thing. I don't think some guys realize just how much a no-show can sting. If an SP gives someone an appointment, she might recieve other requests which she will then turn down for the same time frame. So not only did you stand her up, but you cost her the opportunity to take something else for that slot, often ensuring that her time is completely wasted. Also, if you don't even do her the courtesy of cancelling, you leave her hanging, not knowing how long to wait before beginning to accept appointments again. When SPs tour, they usually incur a set of fixed expenses, over and above their usual monthly overhead, which they must recoup before they can make a cent on the tour. I can remember times ten years ago or so when we couldn't get ladies to come to Ottawa. I asked a number of friends to come for a working visit back in the 90s and the general attitude was that Ottawa sucked for customers. As a resident, I wouldn't agree, but if this is the kind of inconsideration touring SPs here have to put up with, then you can bet that as soon as things pick back up in other markets, that will spell a drought in touring treats for you boys. It's definitely a problem on the customers' side, but I'm not sure what you can do about it. Perhaps agree to put up with a slight inconvenience, perhaps only being able to confirm appointments on a very short-term basis to reduce risk for touring escorts? Some of us locals already have such a policy for first time or known-problem clients. Good luck! ..c..
  16. I just popped in to check out the new live chat with video feature -- very impressive!! I love edgy stuff like that. Unfortunately (or maybe luckily, as I couldn't stay long) there was no one there. I predict this will become one of this site's best loved features. Congratulations, CERB! ..c..
  17. Frankly, I suspect a lot of this "anti-terrorism" security stuff is actually designed to deal with serious revolutions and civil unrest in Canada and the US. And I think it's coming. I think (sure hope I'm wrong!) that we're going to get kicked in the economy harder than we have any time since the Great Depression. And when that happens, Americans and Canadians may not be so complacent. It's probably quite wise of the government to do all it can to get a handle on matters before it gets to that point -- although, ultimately, I don't think there's much they'll be able to do about it. Who knows! Maybe we're overdue for a good ol' fashioned revolution! ;) ..c..
  18. I'm sure the SPs you visit appreciate that! That's perfect. But you wouldn't believe how many guys make really weird choices. I had an appointment the other day, and as I was getting ready -- like 15 minutes ahead -- I noticed some guy pacing back and forth, back and forth in front of my building. I even mentioned it to my daughter, who I was talking with on Skype as I was getting ready. "Who is that guy out there pacing back and forth??" I mean, I'm sure everyone in the neighbourhood was thinking the same thing. Then I realized -- OMG!! I went out and brought him in. (And gave him a little scolding ... although he was so cute and charming, it was hard to scold effectively.) I used to live in a burbsy type of neighbourhood where the streets didn't have sidewalks. Sometimes neighbours would walk their dogs, but it was rare to see strangers walking around in the neighbourhood -- the exception being people visiting the school next door who were hoping to find free parking in our subdivision. Since this was a huge problem, everyone was on the lookout for strange cars parked on the streets there. And yet, guys would come to visit, park a block and a half over, and walk over to my house. This is ludicrous because, had they pulled right into my driveway, no one would have ever noticed them. But parking on the street and walking around is a surefire way to draw attention in that particular neighbourhood. Perhaps the most hilarious situations were the brief time I lived in a rural town in Alberta. The guys there were very welcoming of an Ontario SP, but they made some really odd choices. Most would park and walk a couple blocks to my house -- trouble is, the town I lived in was SO small, that pretty much meant walking "across town." And for guys trying to be discreet, they weren't all that discreet. One brought me a big pink heart-shaped box of chocolates. Sure! Who'd notice a stranger walking around in a small farm town with a big pink heart, eh? Another carried a bottle of champagne, and brought me a couple crystal glasses for us to drink out of -- at 11 in the morning. (Did he think I only had paper cups?) Quite a few brought flowers. Suddenly, all the clerks in the local shops got really friendly with me. It was probably the juiciest scandal that ever happened in that little town. (... well, actually, maybe not -- but it did give me something of a celebrity status) I say, just use common sense. If the SP has a driveway, that's probably your best bet for parking unless she indicates otherwise. How often do you notice people visiting your neighbours when they pull right up into their driveway?) In some neighbourhoods, unknown pedestrian traffic is the norm -- but if it's not, then a stranger will be noticed walking around much more readily than someone who parks where a visitor to the home normally would. Never park in paid parking, even if the spot is empty -- you could get towed, and how discreet is that? Usually the SP will have advice on where to park -- and if you don't trust her enough to take her advice on this, then you shouldn't be visiting her anyway. And definitely NEVER come early -- believe it or not, we don't sit around in our Victoria's Secrets all day. The last 15 minutes or so before an appointment, we're usually getting ready and getting the place ready. With respect to late, each SP has her own policy -- but I think if you're 15 minutes or more late without having contacted the SP, it's reasonable she can give the slot to someone else. ..c..
  19. It seems to me there were a couple cases in recent years of homes being sold right out from under people through identity theft, so maybe it's a good idea. In at least one case I followed, the courts basically told the bank that it had failed to do due diligence and so they'd have to eat the loss. (You know, Dummpy, one thing you've got to say for the "underground economy" is it seems to be doing a lot better than the above ground economy. Maybe instead of sending cops and revenuers after them, we should send them a few Greenspans and Bernankes to advise them, eh? ;) ) ..c..
  20. I guess the thing that annoys me about it is the way they labelled it. We hear so much about terrorism these days -- the only thing that seems to be missing from the scenario are the actual terrorists. I truly feel the whole thing is blown way out of proportion. Sure, every culture has some terrorist element and acts of terrorism will always occur, and it's true that any terrorists (of any stripe) would have access to better technology these days. But so does everybody else. If anything, I think we're as vulnerable or perhaps even more so than we were on 911. Look at a countries that have serious problems with terrorism -- like Israel, for example. The terrorists there don't worry about smuggling explosives onto airplanes. They blow up buses and pizza parlours. In Iraq, they go to security check points, police recruitment centers and local markets. It would be insane to think that we're not just as vulnerable if not more vulnerable here -- and the secret isn't in cutting off financing or detaining people's laptops. You know something weird? I wonder if the police and the authorities don't suffer from a bit of the same complex some call girls do. When I was very young, before I started this, I imagined that being a call girl would be amazingly glamorous and that all my clients would be ultra-sophisticated high-powered types. But it turns out that most of my clients are just ordinary guys -- like the guy next door. And even with those who are perhaps a little extraordinary, they still come with the same needs and desires -- and when they leave, they still put their pants on one leg at a time. I often wonder if some of our law enforcement and counter terrorist experts aren't all caught up in the romance of spy thrillers. They're super focused on ferreting out ultra well financed, well trained professionals and ultra complex strategists -- when it's probably true that most terrorism is carried out by people who actually aren't all that well financed or trained, and the plots are fairly simple. It's not as romantic, to be sure -- but I think that's probably closer to the truth. People with lots of money and sophistication will have little use for terrorism -- if they use it at all, it will be from behind the scenes and purely as a distraction or to pit players off one another. (How do you think we ended up in Afghanistan and Iraq, wasting treasure and young lives for the corporate oil wars?) To me, it makes more sense that MOs simply needed upgrading to bring them inline with other financial technologies. If anything, it will probably go further to thwart fraud -- which unlike terrorism, IS a concern for me. So why not just tell us this? Why do they have to treat us like halfwits and slap the "terrorism" label on everything they do? ..c..
  21. ah, I saw this and assumed you meant being held DOWN. I just had an amazing wrestling session with a friend -- and yeah! I pinned him and kept him pinned. I'm not really all that strong but I have a good sense for wrestling. ;-) Hugging and cuddling is great stuff -- but going best two pins out of three has its merits, as well. Nothing like clenching some guy's head in the iron grip of your thighs while you take what you want! :-) ..c..
  22. Maybe one lesson to take away from all of this is not to ask an incall service provider to commit to sex in exchange for money verbally or in writing. She's taking some degree of risk to provide you with the convenience and lower cost -- you can meet her halfway by not expecting her to spell out things that would compromise her legally. ..c..
  23. Has anyone seen Canada Posts new money order policies? http://www.canadapost.ca/business/offerings/supplementary_services_bus/can/money_orders_faqs-e.asp Apparently they're targetted for money laundering and terrorist financing. I was floored to learn this. Do you think there's enough organized crime money laundering and terrorist financing going on to justify this change? I'm not sure what to think. ..c..
  24. I love having my own incall location. While plenty of outcalls take place in clean, comfortable, romantic circumstances, the fact is, many of them take place in a bed on which the sheets haven't been changed for over a week, or on the carpet in the family room, or (possibly worst case scenario) on a sofa bed! Many times, I was handed a used and slightly damp towel to clean up with. And a few times I had to skedaddle when someone came home unexpectedly. (Once I had to hide in a credenza butt naked when a client's wife dropped in with lunch unexpectedly -- that was not fun!) Being in my golden years, I've treated myself to a few sweet things, like my liberator shapes and my mirrors and such. I keep my place clean and make sure I have plenty of fresh linens on hand. The sound system is only so-so, but the music is great! But technically, it is illegal -- although apparently the city has decided not to enforce the law unless there are major problems. It's very difficult to explain to customers that this option is illegal when they see it happening and being advertised openly everywhere. Still, the legalities aren't my main concern. I'm discreet and selective about who my clients are, how much traffic I have and what times of day, etc., and so far, so good. The overhead costs are born by the incall provider, as well. When you look at what a day rate for a decent room would cost you in Ottawa and then subtract that from the total price, it's not a bad deal for the customers. I'd agree that the dangers involved in incall are the major concern from the SP's perspective. Every time you close the door behind someone new, you're taking a risk. One person here said that he wouldn't bother with incalls and would choose a bike path instead -- but he's probably not an actual robber or rapist, and so he probably doesn't think like one. The fact is, criminals aren't usually the sharpest tacks in the box. Most of them don't run out and educate themselves before going on a spree. Often their logic goes something like, "hmmm... she charges $250/hr... 40 hours a week... that's a lot!" And then, when the poor girl he has at knifepoint can't produce as much as he thinks she should, he may decide that she's holding out on him and beating or torturing her would produce results. And the fact is, once that door is closed -- outcall or incall -- there's really nothing anyone else can do for you until after the fact. At least with outcall, the guy is tied to the address. That might assist a bit in bringing him to justice -- although make no mistake that going through that whole process is a form of assault all its own. Best to avoid trouble in the first place. There are risks on both sides. We've all chosen to take some degree of risk, and we draw the line as each individual sees fit. I always feel that it's best when risk is balanced fairly equally between both parties. That's probably the safest situation. ..c..
  25. OMG, these are so funny I think I just peed myself!! Thanks guys!! :) ..c..
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