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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. I hope she will be back. Her only faults were that she was young and idealistic, perhaps -- not as jaded as most of us are regarding city politics and the business. She obviously had a sound understanding of the business from the perspective of customer satisfaction and marketing. Hopefully she will return stronger than ever. One thing about this biz: you can't keep a good woman down. ..c..
  2. Unfortunately, as an advertiser, I find it's necessary to advertise in the Sun -- I say unfortunately because 1) i't pricey; and 2) all the jerks call the Sun ads. But yeah, I know what you mean. An agency phoned me earlier this week and offered me a job (...another case of doing your homework, eh??). In any event, I tried to advise the woman who phoned me that she might have better luck calling some of the advertisers on Qwest (Quest??) and offering them jobs, but when I tried to look up the ad for them online, to my surprise, I found no adult ads. ??? This surprises me since our ad rates have gone up with the Sun twice in the past year or so, and yet now we have decreased coverage. This is a long ongoing problem with The Sun. ..c..
  3. No recommendations for you, but if Ron Jeremy Sr. ever shows up in town, tell him to call me! ..c..
  4. And really, don't think for a minute that it's only guys looking for some discreet fun who use day rates. Actually, a lot of people use them for different reasons. When I travel, I often use them -- I travel at night when there's less traffic on the roads and when temps are a bit cooler on my engine, and I get a room during the middle of the day to shower, grab a few hours of sleep, all at a discounted rate. ..c..
  5. I tend to be more attracted to/comfortable with clients who were raised in North America. Guys from India or Pakistan seem to be very romantic, and recent generations from China tend to be very cool. Guys from cultures that are generally morally or gender-uptight I am less comfortable with -- for example, recently Eastern European guys seem to put me off a bit. I like guys from cultures who are honest about their own interests and desires and honest about my role in satisfying the same. ..c..
  6. Your best bet in the event of a problem or a suspected problem is to phone 911 and let the professionals take care of the sitaution. As romantic as it might sound to think that drivers can bust down doors to rescue escorts, the fact is that it's quite illegal. Later the whole matter can look quite different in court and can reflect badly on our industry as a whole. Drivers should do what their name implies: drive. Nothing more. There is absolutely nothing in any form of Canadian law that allows escorts or escort services to have goon enforcers doing their dirty work. Verify your customers well, and work with local authorities when there is a problem -- it will save you (and all of us) much grief and aggravation in the long run. ..c..
  7. And now I have another problem: when I open a thread, I see the most recently posted reply first. Ain't technology wonderful?? ;) ..c..
  8. I think this is yet more evidence as to why regulation is unworkable. Sure, municipalities like to license various adult services -- strip clubs, massage parlours, escorts -- but they can't get off the fence. As with most politicians, they can't decide whether they like the money or moral platform rights better. They try to have it both ways, and it's just not possible. When municipalities attempt to license sex workers, they essentially step into the role of pimps -- and so to satisfy that portion of their constitutency that wouldn't understand that, they try to eliminate the "sex" from sex work. And it's sex workers and their customers who end up paying the price. I've worked under a few different systems now, and frankly, I find it much easier to work where it's against the law right across the board than where it's "regulated." As usual, the minute government -- especially a municipal government -- gets involved, they quickly screw it up. ..c..
  9. When I logged on today and looked, I had to click on the column to show postings by date "Last Post" column -- to get it to show the posts in most recent order of activity. They were apparently ordered alphabetically in the first view I had. ..c..
  10. Actually, you know me and you've seen me -- and you've indicated that you'd like to see me again -- but you have a problem with my rate of $100/half hour. You know me as Christine and saw me near Woodroffe and Pinecrest -- remember? ..c..
  11. So?? How is it going?? I can't wait for this system to be up and running. I think it will be a valuable addition to the Ottawa scene. ..c..
  12. I agree -- this girl needs help from social services and the police. Best of luck to her, the poor little thing! In years past, we might have taken her in, but experience has taught us that we're not qualified to provide the full range of help some of these girls need. We can provide support and unconditional caring, but in the case of most of these girls, that's not enough. They need help from people qualified to deal with the problems they've unfortunately acquired from the abuse and neglect they've suffered. ..c..
  13. I can't wait for this idea to get up and running. Right now, the Sun appears to be the best place in town to advertise to "locals." It wasn't always so -- there was a time when Ottawa was on the leading edge of internet advertising -- but things change, and it appears that technological advances have come back to bite us all in the ass. There was a time when probably a higher than average per capita of Ottawa men were going online to find escorts. But that's changed now -- and the reasons I'm hearing are: 1) That wives/kids/companies are more computer/internet literate these days, and it's harder to cover one's tracks; 2) More wives/companies are checking cell phone bills, browser histories and questioning records. So the time is ripe now for something new. Kudos to the developers of this new system. I look forward to using it. ..c..
  14. The only hotel you really should avoid is the Southway Inn, down at Hunt Club & Bank. They take a very aggressive stance against escorts -- to give you an example, they tear all the escort ads out of the Yellow Pages that they put in their rooms. Even though it is completely legal for their guests to phone escorts, and even though they have no right to censor the Yellow Pages, they are so anti-escort that they persist in behaving this way. They also have crucifixes in the rooms (or did last time I was there). I think it's fine for them to take this stance, BUT they really should make it clear to every guest BEFORE booking. They shouldn't wait to spring it on people until after they're checked in and it's too late that the hotel reserves the right to violate their guests rights under the law. Some people's kids, eh? ..c..
  15. I'm not sure what good reviews do anyway. Recently, a couple of (probably well-meaning) guys posted some good, but extremely explicit, reviews of me here. Suddenly, I started receiving all sorts of e-mails and phone calls from unsophisticated guys insisting that I verify whether what the reviews said was true. They asked compromising questions and many asked for invites to my private site, as well. That's just not how I do things, and so it didn't really result in anything more than a waste of my time and theirs, too. I would prefer that my clients leave what goes on behind closed doors in private -- after all, I thought mutual confidentiality was part of the bargain -- but if some don't wish to respect that, I'm not going to get all upset and demand that site moderators remove reviews, etc. I'm just not going to be impressed. ..c.. Keep the mystique!
  16. This is one of the most brilliant ideas you've ever come up with! I think there's a tremendous need for it. Recently, many clients I originally met online are now even shunning e-mail as a method of communication because of concerns that wives, kids, colleagues are knowledgeable enough to check out what they're up to online. I've even heard of instances where guys were questioned about cleared caches. Advertising a "no telltale tracks" site might prove the most difficult aspect, but I think word would eventually get out. I hope you go for it! The part about the flash keyboard is a stroke of pure genius! I don't think key recording is nearly as common as the paranoia about it, but this is an excellent solution for getting around it. ..c..
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