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Everything posted by JoyfulC

  1. Let's put the shoe on the other foot: how many guys here would appreciate having an SP that they saw once continue to contact them, as if a running dialogue were part and parcel of having seen each other once? How would you react to an SP who makes the statement that because they saw a guy once, and he seemed pleasant and to be enjoying of the SP's company, that that automatically meant he was okay with the SP contacting them to say "hey" whenever? And even more so, on judging the hobbyist, saying something to the effect of "how hard can it be for him to respond with a simple 'hi'?" We must respect one another. I don't blame the OP for floating it out there, to see if someone he met is interested in more. If you really felt you clicked with someone, it's always worth a try. I only blame him for his seeming to pass judgment on those who don't respond the way he wants.
  2. So do you expect the same thing with your dentist? The clerk at your local beer store? The tow truck driver that roadside assistance sent out that time you needed a boost? It's not uncommon for SPs and customers to become friends. But we aren't automatically your friend because we saw you and were nice to you, or even enjoyed ourselves with you, while being paid for our time. There's more to friendship than that. I hope you aren't holding it against them as professionals that they aren't jumping through these hoops you're setting out for them. Isn't the only thing they're really responsible for is providing a great service during the time you pay for, and protecting your privacy?
  3. Wondering why in the hell it took me 56 years to find out about salted caramel.
  4. To some degree, though, I wonder if most people today aren't scared off for getting involved for fear of being sued or hung out to dry as a witness, or worse, a suspect. "Don't get involved" seems to be the mantra of the day. It would be a better world if people could help one another. But that's not always rewarded today, and is often punished. Not hard to see how we arrived at this point!
  5. This is one thing I don't like about my current premises. My guest and I have to walk through a sun porch with a wall of windows for me to see them to the door. The urge is always there, even if we embraced before coming out on the porch. And some times it gets the better of us. But that can't look good to any neighbour who might see it!
  6. I just want to bump this thread to remind people, if you have severe allergies, please make that known to your SP before arriving for your appointment. I just had a very nice fellow cut his visit short with me because of a severe allergy to dogs and cats. I put the dogs away before people arrive, and he seemed okay with that, but when Mina, my black cat, sauntered in to sniff his jacket, it was obvious it wasn't going to work. He left a generous cancellation fee, even though I told him it wasn't necessary. I have a lot of allergies myself, but luckily nothing so severe that I'd have to abort an appointment. If your allergies are that severe, please spare yourself and the SP any possible waste of time/disappointment by letting her know up front. Thanks!
  7. I used to jump with an Ottawa cop who, no offense to most cops, was the biggest dumbass you'd ever want to meet. He'd pretty much worn out his welcome around the DZ (which is damned hard to do on DZs, since they're filled with hard-headed egotistical assholes anyway), and was reduced to jumping on his own. Since I'm female and had much more experience than he would ever have, I was singled out for a great deal of his prickery. I had no love for him (although his wife and I are still friends). So one day, just after he'd gotten a new canopy, I was walking back from the bowl just as he was opening overhead. Someone said something to me, and I got an idea. Watch this! I said. When Big Dumb Cop landed and walked by, I said, Geez, you must have balls of stainless steel! He said, what...? I said, That opening! I mean, you sorted it out, but I would have cut it away. I've never seen anything like that before. Weren't you scared?? Now, he'd actually had a perfectly normal opening. But I was counting on him to be clueless, and he was. He proceeded to explain to us all how he handled that poor opening and sorted it out. The other guys jumped right in, asking him questions, stoking his craving for hero worship. By the end of the day, every time he went up, a crowd would gather in front of the hangar to watch his openings. And to ask questions and offer comments on what could possibly be wrong with his new canopy. I kinda lost interest and thought nothing more of it. Until a couple weeks later when I was accosted by our DZO, who told me that a certain parachute manufacturer was none too impressed with me, having now like-for-liked two perfectly good canopies for that guy. Some people's kids!
  8. Found a recipe to use up cottage cheese and sour cream, approaching their best-by date, in a cake. I'm not sure how it will turn out, but if the fragrance is any indication, WOW! And I found one more jar of blueberry preserves in the pantry to heat up and slather on it. (...although, we have tons of local strawberries in the freezer, need be...)
  9. My go-to movie & possibly all-time fave, "Arsenic & Old Lace" with Cary Grant. I think I'm going to have to watch it again tonight. Priscilla Lane, who played Mortimer Brewster's (Grant's) love interest, Elaine Harper, is a dead ringer for a younger Hot Wife Katie Johnson, a buxom Ottawa SP that I used to enjoy duos with in Ottawa. I'm not one to organize and rank things, but this could possibly be my all-time favourite movie.
  10. I made an herb & citrus oven roasted chicken tonight, that looked mind blowing in its pics on Pinterest. It was good, but it's not going on my favourite recipe list.
  11. JoyfulC

    Mobile site

    Jessica, yep! Responsive design. I'm on it, but I'm not there yet. CoffeeCup software just prereleased their responsive design tool, but this has been an expensive month so I'm minding my pesos. Also, I want to learn a bit about break points and such before I start relying on a tool to do it for me. My needs aren't fancy! But Google Analytics and feedback I'm getting suggested that a lot of people were checking out my site on mobile devices. So I guess the timing was good. Viva la jQuery!!!
  12. JoyfulC

    Mobile site

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to test my mobile page out today! I took down that test.htm file, because I had the opportunity to put the finishing touches on my official new mobile site today, and made some changes to my regular site, as well. I decided, for now, just to let people decide whether they want to go to the mobile site or the pc/desktop site themselves. I have to have an entry page anyway with the age advisory on it, so why not? Again, thanks!
  13. JoyfulC

    Mobile site

    Thanks, but the video poses a bit of a technical problem. I set up all the other sections so that they'll collapse on click. But because the user has to click to start the video, I had to disable it for that section. You can still click on the header to toggle it closed. (It's always something!)
  14. JoyfulC

    Mobile site

    Okay, so day before yesterday, I was one if those people who vaguely understood that she needed a mobile site, but had no idea how to get there from here. Then, while looking for the answer to something unrelated, I kept running into this term, jQuery. After a while, I thought, what in the eff is jQuery? I never heard of it before, and suddenly, it's all I'm hearing about. So I looked it up. Then I took a quick online course in it. And next thing you know, I've got a starter mobile site! If you have a minute, please test it out for me. It's at http://www.JoyfulC.com/test.htm . Not looking for feedback on content, but on functionality. PlzKThx!
  15. Just finished mine. I'm going to sit on it a couple hours before submitting. 1. Do you think that purchasing sexual services from an adult should be a criminal offence? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain. No. It should not be illegal for any adult to purchase sexual services directly from a consenting adult who will be providing those services. 2. Do you think that selling sexual services by an adult should be a criminal offence? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain. No. It should not be illegal for any consenting adult to sell their own sexual services to another consenting adult. 3. If you support allowing the sale or purchase of sexual services, what limitations should there be, if any, on where or how this can be conducted? Please explain. Communities should be able to penalize those who cause real problems as the result of any type of public commercial conduct. This includes littering, lewd public behaviour, harassment, and interfering with the flow of traffic. However, if street prostitutes and customers are behaving responsibly and not causing any problems, they should not be penalized on purely ideological grounds. Independent sex workers and customers should be allowed to meet in their homes, hotel rooms or premises rented for the purpose of prostitution. Multiple prostitutes should be able to work from one residence, as long as they legally reside at that residence and there are no outward signs that the residence is being used commercially (such as a sign, display visible to those outside the residence, or other indicator), and services are provided by appointment only (not on a walk-in basis). Third party walk-in operations, such as massage parlours or brothels, should exist only in properly zoned areas, should be licensed, and should be restricted to renting premises and services to independent prostitutes (not to consumers of sex services). Private clubs should be allowed to hold adult events involving prostitution. 4. Do you think that it should be a criminal offence for a person to benefit economically from the prostitution of an adult? Should there be any exceptions? Please explain. Obviously, prostitutes, like anyone else in our society, should be able to use their earnings to support their families, and spend as they please. Prostitutes should be able to hire the services of others, including drivers, agents, and housekeepers. It should be illegal for any person to employ prostitutes to provide services to third parties. The potential for exploitation is too great with this model. For example, an escort agency, where the agent provides services to the prostitute, is fine. An escort service, where the operator hires and fires prostitutes, is not. A massage parlour or brothel that rents space to prostitutes, along with providing services including advertising, reception, laundry and security is fine. A massage parlour or brothel that employs prostitutes to provide sex to customers, and takes the profits off the top, giving the prostitutes no control over who they see or how they work, is not. As long as the prostitute is the customer, and can choose from among any number of service providers, exploitation will be best checked. When the prostitute is the employee, at the mercy of one employer for her livelihood, that is a situation ripe for exploitation. 5. Are there any other comments you wish to offer to inform the Government's response to the Bedford decision? Prostitution has always happened and always will happen. There is even evidence of animals engaging in prostitution. So any attempt to criminalize prostitution in order to eradicate it is doomed to fail and cause extensive damage, both to individuals and to communities. Therefore, only those aspects of prostitution which are shown to cause a real harm, either to sex workers or communities, should be targeted by the law. Lawmakers should work closely with sex workers across Canada in the writing of any new law. As with many issues, laws based on ideology or public stigma will prove disastrous. 6. Are you writing on behalf of an organization? If so, please identify the organization and your title or role: Nope! Just me. My credentials? Independent prostitute in Canada since 1982.
  16. Yep, I guess we do have those features. Forgive me! I'm a recent arrival to the 21st century. ;) But still, I am wondering exactly what harm was done here. Certainly, no SP should contact any hobbyist unsolicited, but it happens. People make mistakes. It happens the other way around too. Recently, someone I know here on CERB and whom I am friends with on mainstream social media went looking through my friend's list for another SP whom he knew I was friends with on this other media. Trouble is, my SP friend doesn't use this other social media for business communications, but exclusively for personal or family. She was unimpressed to have her personal identity, unshared here, ferreted out. And I agree, on the face, it seems a little stalky, even though the hobbyist in question surely did not mean it that way.
  17. But you did the right thing. Sometimes well-made decisions turn out badly. Other times, badly made decisions turn out well. That doesn't absolve us of trying to make decisions well, though.
  18. Having to remake a double batch of crêpes because The Puppy From Hell got ahold of the ones I made yesterday. (Wicked tasty shrimp crêpes though!)
  19. Have you ever had to? (Me, more than once.) I'm not asking anyone to confess what it was that they had to forgive themselves for. That's personal. I'm asking about the process? Was it easy? Were there conditions? How did it change things for you?
  20. It's crucial to forgive. If for no other reason than that it drives the bastards crazy. But seriously, I've had to do some serious forgiving over the years, and people are right when they say you should forgive for yourself. Some people: you can forgive them, you can wish them all the best, but you know, in your heart, that they probably won't have it because they just have their heads stuck too far up their own asses to allow themselves to. But having forgiven, you're free to move on.
  21. I have always wanted to visit Iceland. And I am hoping some day to travel around the Maritime provinces with maybe a little pop-up trailer. Although I can't even imagine trying anything like that with our puppy/beast. Maybe he'll settle down in a few years. And I'd love to return to northern Ontario someday. Nipigon is lovely!
  22. Wondering if it was really a good idea to try to work on the furnace ourselves.
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