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Everything posted by castle

  1. Old Dog. Only if you bought me dinner first. Would you have sex on a crowded subway? Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Couldn't agree more. I thought I was enjoying this hobby when years ago I first got into it and I was attached. I had no idea, nothing like how I'm enjoying it now that I'm single....guilt free and no one to worry about hurting....aside from the odd crappy encounter (which, since finding cerb has been VERY rare) there seems to be no downside to his hobby now. I'm in no way judging those guys on here who are "cheating". These are just my own personal views but I personally could never go back to cheating...the guilt I felt when getting home and she was waiting for me with dinner or...even just finding her there asleep in bed....it was too much and almost ruined this hobby for me. The encounters were great but the feelings of guilt afterwards always ruined it for me. If i can't enjoy it to the level that I am now then why bother. For these reasons if I ever do find that "special lady" then that'll be it for me as far as this lifestyle is concerned. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Yes Would you date your mother's ex-girlfriend? :p Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Yes. All my female friends are hot and I've slept with almost each one at one time or another. I never learn lol. It's actually pretty funny. I have a very tight circle of friends, so I went to one of their weddings, I wasn't there "with" anybody and yet I burst out laughing during the ceremony because it suddenly hit me that I had slept with every woman in the bridle party at one time or another...including the bride :D Would you have sex in the clear glass elevator which goes up the side of the cn tower? Posted via Mobile Device
  5. OMG that was priceless! Haha! Angel, ya know, anytime you want to play with clean balls......ahh I don't really need to finish that sentence do I? you know where I'm going with this. I'm so predictable :p Posted via Mobile Device
  6. Heck no! Would you go skinny dipping in loch ness? Posted via Mobile Device
  7. Sure. You only live once and there are much dumber ways to go out :p. Would you have a threesome in a hot air balloon? Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: While it's in the air of course :p Posted via Mobile Device
  8. For those who listed The Incredible Hulk as one of the shows they watched as a child, you wouldn't like him when he's angry :p RIP Bill
  9. Damn straight! Would any of you do this?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE71aKXjss0&feature=related
  10. Yes I would. If the president's not allowed to get a blowjob in his office then who is?? If clint eastwood, christopher walken or someone equally intimidating had a hot daughter would you have the balls to date her....and better yet, keep her out way past the appointed curfue? (This can apply for the ladies too). Posted via Mobile Device
  11. Yes...and I'd mean it..but not "love" in "that" sense. More how I casually tell my friends I love them. Would you go swimming with great white sharks? (I would! It's actually one of those things I want to do before I croak but can't find anyone who would do it with me because they all think I'm nuts :p ) Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I have (drunken spin the bottle game...with my luck it kept landing on other guys :p ) Would you ever close your eyes, spin a globe, with your eyes shut put your finger on some random place and make that your next travel destination? (Assuming it's not the middle of the ocean). Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Oddly enough The Muppets was my first introduction to "the devil's music" :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71hVIGjvuVY
  14. I find it hard to believe you didn't also watch the A-Team :p
  15. Woah! My Dad also took me to a car show to see KITT(at the Ottawa Civic Centre I think). There is also a picture of me as a boy of about 5 sitting in the car. (It talked to me!). I still have clear memories of that day. Posted via Mobile Device
  16. I'll be checking it daily :). Have fun and above all be safe! We want you back safely and in one sexy piece! We'll miss you. Xoxo Posted via Mobile Device
  17. Does that mean you won't give me a sponge bath? :p Posted via Mobile Device
  18. You only have the 1 boytoy? I think perhaps you need a spare for just these kind of days. ....just sayin' ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  19. Story of my life! Lol. Posted via Mobile Device
  20. I do and unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) I didn't do anything that interesting lol. Posted via Mobile Device
  21. When your whole body hurts for about 5 minutes after a sneeze....owwwww...my ass hurts....what the hell does my ass have to do with sneezing?! Posted via Mobile Device
  22. Forgot about the Dukes of Hazzard and Knight Rider. (I had a KITT big wheel. I was the coolest kid on the block with that thing :P ) Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: And Macgyver! Posted via Mobile Device
  23. I really wouldn't go as far as to say that. I personally am quite fond of your boobies ;) I have a preference for natural breasts. I recently got brought to a strip club in montreal. My friends reequested a table dance. This dancer with rock hard boobs stuck my face between them and proceeded to pummel me. NOT a great feeling. I walked out of there feeling like I just got beat up. Next time I'm showing up there with a sparring helmet and a mouthpiece and will call out "ok. Round 2! Bring it ON!!!" :p Posted via Mobile Device
  24. Can't see the pic from my mobile. But you're welcome to get as geeky as you like! Hot geeks are....well.....hot :p Posted via Mobile Device
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