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Everything posted by castle

  1. Yup. That's another one on my bucket list. Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Agree with all of the above with the addition of services offered. I agree with what most have said. Multiple factors come into play for most gentlemen. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Yeah I know that one too! She's one of my faves. I have every one of her issues ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Reminds me of the original Godfather...another one which should be considered untouchable.
  5. OMG yes the Littlest Hobo!! How did I forget about that one??! Loved that show growing up. And I agree with you about the "used to watch comment"....most of the shows I listed I now have on dvd and still watch lol. Moonlighting in particular is a lot more enjoyable now...Now I actually get all of Bruce Willis' dirty jokes :p Totally forgot about the cartoons I used to watch growing up:
  6. The Incredible Hulk - I have this show to thank (or to blame depending on how you want to look at it :p ) for turning me into the geek I am today Cheers....who didn't love Cheers?? Night Court - I didn't watch it while it was on, but would get home from primary school and watch the reruns every day :) Quantum Leap - I NEVER missed this show! Moonlighting.........I have fond memories of secretly staying up late with my brother after we were supposed to be in bed so we could watch this. This is pre Die-Hard and before Bruce Willis became a household tough guy name.....but even then we thought he was just about the coolest fuckin' thing on two feet :D.....and Cybil Sheppard was freakin' sexy. Lois And Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - This is more something I watched during my teenage years...but I really dug this show...I loved how it was more about Clark Kent than it was about Superman...I hadn't ever seen it done quite that way before.
  7. I'd pretty much have to list all my movies....which would take waaaaayyy too long. But a few at the top of the list are: -Rocky, Rocky 2, Rocky Balboa -First Blood, Rambo: First Blood part 2, and Rambo (2008 ) -The Expendables -the whole Friday The 13th series (except for Jason Goes to Hell), including Freddy Vs Jason -The Devil's Rejects -Superman (the 1978 movie with Christopher Reeve) -Hulk (2003) and The Incredible Hulk (2008 ) -Black Snake Moan (Samuel L Jackson makes Justin Timberlake cry...what more could you ask for? :p) -Always Outnumbered Always Outgunned -Dog Soldiers -Bon Cop Bad Cop -Bad Boys 1 and 2 -Planet Terror -True Romance -Get Carter (the remake with Stallone) -Any Punisher movie (including the 1989 one with Dolph Lundgren...I'm a huge Punisher fanboy :D ) -Machete -Gran Torino -Willard -Suicide Kings
  8. I just googled "phallic looking castle" and that's what I found....easy peasy :p
  9. I'm glad you said it because I was too shy to say the same thing after reading everyone else's fantasies :p So yes, a naughty encounter with two wonderful ladies (to start ;) ) would be right up there. I had one of my longtime fantasies recently fulfilled by a very special kitty (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=58575) Another one would be to get naughty on my apartment balcony....Would have to be a late night encounter though, like 1 or 2am on a weeknight...that's the only way I'd have the balls to try it out the first time lol.
  10. I too am kind of glad about this but only because I felt the creative team working on it were not quite right. I didn't really have faith that Ron Howard could pull it off....and the screenwriter was the guy who wrote Batman and Robin....'nuff said. However I do hope Frank Darabont gets his hands on it now that he's no longer overseeing The Walking Dead. IMO he's directed 3 of the best Stephen King adaptations yet (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and The Mist). And he even wrote a few Dark Tower references into the Mist that were not in the original short story...so I know he has an interest in the Dark Tower story. I think he's the only one I have any faith in to bring that series to the screen properly.
  11. The Shining was remade in the late 90's as a tv mini series. Personally I wasn't crazy about it, but if you're looking for a more faithful adaptation of the novel than you may want to check it out http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi714342681/
  12. Casualties Of War with Michael J Fox and Sean Penn is another good one. Probably one of my favorite Vietnam based movies....but holy depressing! I own it but only watch it about once every 10 years lol.
  13. Requiem For A Dream....great movie....but Jesus Christ if I ever have to watch it again I'd probably do away with myself :p Apocolypse Now - Another great movie....but not really "entertaining" per se
  14. Angel on a coffee buzz means an even more energetic Angel doesn't it?.........I need only know one thing. Where do I sign up??! ;)
  15. Happy Sunday everyone!! Do yourselves a favor and don't give a fuck today! :p
  16. Happy Sunday everyone!! Do yourselves a favor and don't give a fuck today! :p
  17. -Dirty Harry -Any Clint Eastwood western -Rocky -First Blood (Rambo) -Jaws -Braveheart -Misery -Shadow Of The Vampire (not very well known but any fan of John Malkovich or especially Willem Dafoe needs to check that one out. It's wickedly amusing) -Bad Boys 1 and 2 -It (although apparently it is being remade) -Escape From New York -Die Hard -Predator -Terminator -Shaft (the Samuel L Jackson version from a few years back is technically a sequel..not a remake) -Tombstone -Young Guns -The Ref -Suicide Kings -Any of Kevin Smith's movies featuring Jay and Silent Bob Ok so it's a long list but these are my DO NOT TOUCH movies :p. There's probably a few others but that's what I can think of right now Additional Comments: Oh! The Dead Zone, The Fly (two of Chronenberg's best) and The Exorcist! 'kay...I'm done now
  18. Congratulations........Now get off my lawn! :p Before things get fucking ugly
  19. Agree with this completely. In one of my past relationships I started frequenting SC's quite regularly in secret...and felt completely guilty about it. Even though I never "crossed that line" I knew that if she were to find out she would be hurt and feel that for some reason I wasn't satisfied seeing her naked that I had to go out and see other women naked. So for all intents and purposes I was cheating....and the SC's progressed to seeing SP's...and then there was no doubt that I was cheating. Even though we haven't been together in years that guilt still haunts me. With my most recent relationship I stopped seeing SP's and stopped going to SC's altogether. Because I know now that the act itself isn't the issue. What you need to think about is how you feel about doing it, and how she would feel were she to find out. If you think you would feel guilty and you think she would be hurt...then you're cheating. Just my opinion anyway.
  20. I like hfxandy's avatar! Clint forever!! :D
  21. I want to thank all of you for your input on either side of the fence. It gave me much to think about. Many of you are right, that lying seems to be a habit of hers and the hard truth is I have to take everything she tells me with a grain of salt. This is something I've slowly been coming to realize for a while now. Even if I were to win her back....would I ever be able to fully trust her? This isn't new behavior for her. She's cheated on everyone she's every been with. Making myself sick worrying about this when in reality I truly don't believe there's anything I can do to change it is pointless. And I'm no longer even sure I should as everything I think I know about this guy may very well be BS. And for my own health and well-being I need to put this behind me. I've been pretty candid here already, so I may as well share this too...I used to have a pretty serious drinking problem...a few years ago I quit. Close to 3 years now without a drop. I haven't even felt the need for a drink for about a year....been able to go out to bars with friends and not be tempted.....but these last few weeks have been a different story. The stress and frustration of this has been pushing me to that line I haven't crossed in years. If I keep obsessing and worrying about this then I will end up making my own mistakes. I can't let myself go down that path again. So long story short I've decided to stay out of it...I need to figure out some subtle way of letting her know that I'll be there for her........as a friend......when the shit eventually hits the fan...but her mistakes are her own to make and learn from. I need to leave the past where it is....in the past... and start looking forward instead. Every day is a new beginning, and I plan to look at this new day in just that way. Thanks again everyone for your support and advice! I love this little community we've built ourselves here and don't know what I'd do without it! :)
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