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Everything posted by castle

  1. I replied on this very subject in the other thread, so I just cut and pasted my post: "Personally, and this is just my opinion and I completely understand why some would disagree, but I would hope that if I pass away and one of my regular SP's finds out about it in time that they would feel that they can come to the funeral, at least under the guise of friend or former coworker. SP's are people too and should be allowed to pay their respects. I only see SP's when I'm single, and I'm the type who is not really into the whole "cruising the bars for chicks" scene, so while I'm single SP's are my only outlet for physical intimacy, or intimacy of any kind really. So the SP's I see regularly are a very large and important part of my life. As such I feel they would have just as much right to be there as anyone else." I'm glad to hear you're open to the idea of attending the funeral, or as Lexy suggested, at the very least visiting the grave site at a later time. One way or the other everyone should the right to be able to pay their respects.
  2. -The Perfect Steak (had recently in Montreal) -The Perfect morning (waking up early enough to not have to rush to get to work on time, a rarity for me lol) -Getting reacquainted with one of your old childhood friends, whom you haven't seen in about 10 years, and realizing things haven't changed in the least between you. -The Perfect Day: Getting to work on time with no rush, no fuss, nice chill day at work, being let go from work early giving you the chance to walk around downtown, soak up the sun and good vibes, listening to some good Blues on your ipod, get an amazingly good sausage from your favorite street vendor, stopping at a gas station and running into a former coworker (a smoking hot former coworker) whom you haven't seen in a while, chat with her for about 10 mins then she gives you a warm hug before leaving and asks you out for drinks at some point and gives you her number, then you leave the gas station and go to an encounter with a SP whom you haven't met yet but have been wanting to for a long time and the encounter goes perfectly, and everything is as you imagined it would be (SaraMQ, I'm looking at you ;) ). This all happened to me recently, and it was by far...the perfect day. The apocalypse couldn't have wiped the smile off my face that day!
  3. My heart goes out to you Samantha...yes, this is a "business" but considering the nature of the business we do form connections with SP's and they with their clients....connections within the boundaries of what is appropriate in the lifestyle to be sure...but connections never the less. Were I to find out one of my favorite SP's passed away suddenly I would be quite devastated, it would feel like I lost a close friend, which for all intents and purposes, I did. Personally, and this is just my opinion and I completely understand why some would disagree, but I would hope that if I pass away and one of my regular SP's finds out about it in time that they would feel that they can come to the funeral, at least under the guise of friend or former coworker. SP's are people too and should be allowed to pay their respects. I only see SP's when I'm single, and I'm the type who is not really into the whole "cruising the bars for chicks" scene, so while I'm single SP's are my only outlet for physical intimacy, or intimacy of any kind really. So the SP's I see regularly are a very large and important part of my life. As such I feel they would have just as much right to be there as anyone else.
  4. Personally I think Slutty vs Sexy is very much up in the air depending on what kind of date it is. Personally if I show up to an encounter and the SP is wearing some skimpy, lingerie...it doesn't look slutty to me at all, it looks sexy as hell. If I'm seeing the SP outside, say for dinner or something before retiring to my place or hers for more fun, and she's wearing that same skimpy outfit while we're out then it would strike me more as looking slutty (which is also sexy in it's own way :p). Or maybe a better example of what I'm trying to explain is to picture coming home from work on your birthday (or even better on Steak And Bj day hehe ;) ) and finding your wife or SO wearing one of these outfits:
  5. Did you really have to post that right now? And I haven't eaten yet! I think I'd push anyone's button for that thing right about now :p
  6. Or this one? http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/thriller-frankenstein-cat/1gl47hee3?from={from}
  7. Whatever happened to agreeing to disagree? Seriously not liking the tone of these threads for the past few days....I log onto cerb to escape from the drama of my everyday life...the last thing I need when coming here is even more drama. Is the heat getting to us or something? For the record I support decriminalization, but is getting nasty with each other really going to help change anyone's opinions? Opinions are like assholes, the world's full of them :p, nothing's going to change that. It's clear SA is not going to change his mind, and SA it's clear nothing you say will change the ladies' minds. Just let it go people.
  8. After watching this clip I think I will run out of my building roaring at the top of my lungs, maybe commit a few acts of vehicular manslaughter on my way to work, all the while still roaring, run into my office....roaring. Punch my boss in the face. Then sit at my desk and do my job with gusto! This lion's gonna show the jackals who he is today! ...Ok maybe not.... Damn, Walken should be a motivational speaker, lol.
  9. Ack, sorry Erin! By "he" I was referring to the original poster of the daty vs digits thread. My apologies if that wasn't clear :redface: I am very much aware that you are all woman :)
  10. Gotta agree with online shopping! I'm getting Alice Cooper's new album TWO (that's 2) months before it's official release here in Canada. Some deal through a UK rock magazine, get a limited addition version of the cd with a few extra tracks on it, a collectible magazine all about the Coop, and a signed poster, 1 month prior to it's UK release (in which it's being released 1 month earlier than in Canada, thus I'm getting it two months before the official Canadian release) all for about $25 canadian, what I probably would have paid to buy the normal edition of it at HMV, without all the bells and whistles! Yay for online shopping!!
  11. Yeah....I started reading and then got to "Prostitution is one of those social toxins that never goes away" and realized that finishing the article would have been a complete and utter waste of a few minutes....and by my estimates I've only got about 40 years left on this planet...and I intend to use every minute wisely....and there's clearly nothing wise about this article. Quite the opposite actually.
  12. ummmm.....disturbing, lol. I've always considered myself more of a dog person than a cat person (you're the exception, Cleo Catra ;) ), but even I have my limits....I gotta say I think I prefer the lolcats :p
  13. Couldn't agree more, Cleo! CERB is nothing if not a place which celebrates diversity...in every respect, including the sexual. Some people like to get explicit, some don't. Some people like to say pussy, some like to say kitty, some like to say vagina (which sounds a little clinical if you ask me, I have a preference for "kitty" myself :p). The intent of a post is everything, not the language. If the poster's heart is in the right place, and is being respectful, I honestly don't care what words they're using. And as for certain topics being offensive, I agree some may be, but others which are being deemed as offensive, I think really are not...a good example is the Daty vs Digits thread. The OP just had an honest question, I don't think he views the women here as just a list of acronyms and services..it's just that, where else can he ask such a question and get an unbiased, non-judgmental female point of view from multiple sources? This is one of the things I like most about cerb. I recently posted a similar thread, asking about a particular fantasy of mine, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=58575, Now, my posting this question doesn't mean I only view the ladies here as something to cum on. I have the utmost respect for the ladies here. It's just that being someone who has never been ejaculated on, I was curious how pleasant or unpleasant this act would be to ladies and if my request would be deemed unacceptable or not, and was looking for multiple points of views. Now where else could I go to get an non-judgmental opinion on such a topic? It's not exactly something I can ask my female friends on facebook about, lol. Nor can I ask any of my female coworkers lol...I can picture it now "Hey Becky, did you get that memo about that new policy? Ok good. Oh by the way, can I get your opinion on something as a woman? How would you feel about your male partner cumming on your face and then proceeding to go down on you before you have a chance to clean up?" ...yeah...that would go over REAL well...goodbye job, hello, black eye and a sexual harassment suit :p. So really....there's not really any other place for us to ask these types of questions. At the end of the day, considering the type of site that cerb is, there will always be posts or threads that will offend some and not others. If a certain topic offends us we just need to say to ourselves "oh well" and move on to the next thread. p.s, a little bit of shameless self promotion here :p, but I understand how many people may feel the need to censor themselves on the general topics or recommendations for fear of offending others, I find myself doing the same. So to those people who enjoy getting a little more explicit, and enjoy occasionally using some non-PC terms (in other words, people who like to talk dirty) but are afraid to do it on the open forums, feel free to join up the "Fans of The Lost Art (or not so lost art) of Dirty Talking" group, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=88. It's new and only has a few posts so far, but I'm hoping all you "dirty little perverts" ;) will help me get it filled full of filthy fucking nastiness, lol. I'm hoping it'll be no holds barred there as it's all just for fun and fantasy and not actual recommendations or anything, in other words, nothing meant to be taken to heart or taken too seriously.
  14. Congrats! Looking forward to 500 more! :)
  15. I like that Malika is cerb-stalking me! And I like that she's hot as hell. Hottest damn stalker I've ever had! ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  16. Nope. Didn't order away for it. Can't remember where I got it...probably in some random used bin somewhere. Yup I read that crossover! But was very disappointed with a lot of the outcomes! :p
  17. With each passing days and every new post I'm coming to realize how very like minded we are Surf_Nazis_Must_Die! I still have this issue, lol.
  18. I never before realized until this thread how many women don't seem to enjoy deep digits. I often perform digits with a lady with or without daty (assuming I've seen it as part of her services offered on her website or in an ad), and often building up momentum until it gets to be some pretty intense fingering, not quite the "jackhammer", but I suspect pretty close, and often with more than one digit (usually not more than 2)...and so far haven't had any complaints and the ladies always seemed to be enjoying themselves. If I get a sense she's not then I'll stop. I really hope the reason I've had no complaints is because they were genuinely enjoying themselves and weren't just "putting up with it" or pretending in order to spare my feelings. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....please ladies, and this goes for any ladies reading this who I've seen or any ladies who I may see in the future...please, PLEASE....tell me if I'm doing something you don't enjoy, or tell me if you prefer I do it differently (faster/slower or not so deep/ or deeper)! The last thing I want is to cause someone discomfort....my pride be damned, the best encounter for me is the one where we BOTH get off.
  19. I'll be lazy and say...just pick one :p http://amog.com/lifestyle/sex-euphemisms/
  20. Something's wrong here. All the ladies here at my place of work still have their tops on...I don't think they got the memo about topless tuesday... Posted via Mobile Device
  21. I like that PistolPete decided not to change his handle! :p And his years of informative posts and valuable and insightful opinions :)
  22. "Ah, for fuck's sake!" - Fat bad guy in the elevator from Punisher War Zone, warning, this is a pretty gory clip, but it honestly cracks me up every time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9HogaSC3Mo
  23. No worries, with all the rules on this board it's hard to keep track sometimes. I've been on here close to 6 years now and still make mistakes, just got an infraction last week actually. I simply view it as a lesson learned and move on.
  24. -This album, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3495 - and a cold shower -This album, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=2920 - and a cold shower -This album, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=2944 - and a cold shower -This ablum, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=2989 - and a cold shower -This ablum, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3050 - and a cold shower -This album, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3491 - and a cold shower And plenty of other albums - and plenty cold showers Yeah, you guys get my drift :p
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