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Everything posted by yabut

  1. yabut

    Jessica Lee

    Such a sexy behind, welcome back
  2. Ah jerking off yes it sure can be fun but honest when I am with a lady would rather do other things hehe but sometimes it sure is hot to just watch her pleasure herself and you do the same usually save this for cam
  3. Mine is just after I knock on the door and hear the click click of high heels as she walks to the door, oh the anticipation
  4. All I can say is he is nuts, something wrong with a guy that expects oral but does not return the favor and to top it all off you were soaked waiting for a licking, hehe should have called me
  5. yabut

    Maya 0067C

    Damn you are 1 stunning lady
  6. Nothing makes an encounter more fun than DATY and more DATY. Can't get enough of it
  7. Just woke up, sitting here naked with my first coffee of the day looking at cerb and thinking of taking a walk along the river.
  8. As someone who love to explore a vagina thank god that they come in different shapes and sizes. Never even occurred to me that woman would be self conchence about there vagina but honest nothing better when there is a bit more to explore, so ladies don't be self conchence about it just be happy and show away
  9. Watched "The Call" last night and have to say I really enjoyed it from start to finish.
  10. Had the honor of meeting Maya this Friday and it was an awesome time, great gal to chat with and even more fun in the room
  11. Rainy days are great for watching movies, cleaning my place up and when I can not find sex its good for masterbating
  12. My thoughts exactly if thats what you wanna nag about, nag all you want
  13. Personally I think its a rue, if I can not DATY I may as well end life hehe to much fun and enjoyable to stop
  14. I'll bring the lube and suntan lotion
  15. Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares To You Everytime I hear this sound brings me back to a road trip to visit a friend and ended up at McMaster University, hehe to much alcohol but remember being awoke by a girl jumping on my bed in just her bra and panties, lets just say before we even got to say hi we were having some fun together. Mkaes me still wish I went to University.
  16. Nothing better than DATY and am proud to say will do it till the day I die, also been told that I am pretty damn god at. No DATY no return for me.
  17. Mr Big Chocolate bars and Ruffles BBQ chips almost like crack to me
  18. Can say from first hand, you look simply stunning XXXAXXX and a great person to spend time with, yes beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and my eyes were definitely looking at beauty
  19. damn nothing better than a good blow job, the better the job the better I return the favor when it comes my time to pleasure her
  20. Nothing sexier to me than a nice tight fitting pair of white lace panties, now if she is wearing garters and stocking I would have to go with black and most likely a thong
  21. Still remember the first time when a lady showed up with a can of cream, lets say it sure led to some very fun that night. cream makes everything taste better for sure
  22. Never had a review about myself but have had more than a few kind words said
  23. Sunday is my breaky day and most Sundays I have 2 eggs over easy, brown toast, peameal bacon, 2 sausages, 1 slice of ham and coffee. Like Emily said morning sex would have been the perfect finish to it.
  24. Have to admit that yes I get spring fever something with the nice weather and maybe seeing lady sheeding layers of clothes. So nice to see ladies walking in skirts again
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