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Everything posted by yabut

  1. T is for Titties of all size and shape
  2. A Keurig brewer no more Timmies for me in the morning
  3. Happy birthday Gina hope your day is filled with joy
  4. Have to agree thought Flight was an awesome movie. Just seen Deadfall liked this movie action packed Also saw Stand Up Guys- aging con men finishing there last job found very good to
  5. Happy birthday Emma hope your day is filled with joy.
  6. Have to agree remember years ago when there was no Cerb, LOL I was more known in Toronto than in Ottawa, sure know what you miss when its not on line. Glad to see your back
  7. D is for dining wish i love so much
  8. Katrine Cannon is all set up for that type of date
  9. K for kissing which leads to so much more
  10. Have to say I never get the flu shot, last time was like 10 years ago and got badly sick. Can not remember the last time I was sick hehehe and ill touch wood to
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