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Everything posted by whatsup

  1. Happy Bday Spud Can't wait to hear of your erotic planting.
  2. Maybe you could call me old fashioned but I will hold the door for anyone, I do this out of respect for the Old or Young, Man or Women. Will I do it till the day I die, ya betcha. No matter how it is perceived I really do not care. Welcomed or not, Makes me feel good about Values.
  3. What a Hurricane Goddess Sophia. :icon_wink: Great to have you here on CERB.
  4. Soleil, Congrats to you Sun Goddess great accomplishment.
  5. Sweet reco PP I have a hot spot for Delilah/Victoria as well, If you do a Duo, would love to hear. They both look super sexy.
  6. Rock on, my guess is that you may pop in to give us an update on your current status . All the best to you and enjoy yourself.
  7. I have had great encounters with co-workers in the past, keep it to yourself and all is good. Do not share over a beer with a buddy. Just saying.
  8. It seems the that most state that one should keep the work/escort/hobbyist relationship at bay. I think that if you are compatable and comfortable with each other, you could broach the subject with an open mind and respect each others limitations. He knows he is a hobbyist and she know nows he is a hobbyist, it is a private declaration to each other. If done with a respecting discretion it could be a wonderful thing.
  9. Not sure where the ing went too, on outstanding in my comment ? Very nice to say the least.
  10. Hygeine, make sure you are very fresh. Shaving the boys is always a smart move. Be respectful. Enjoy you companionship. Don't be overly shy, let loose a bit.
  11. I am ready after another Stolichnaya. Are they receptive. LMAO. just having fun. :-)
  12. Middle aged gentleman, tired of choking the chicken would rather do you instead. Sophia Varoom Varoom Varouskha. ;-)
  13. Well done Cato, 10,000 that's a well deserved big number. Congrats.
  14. It would be nice to know that these agencies had a time out and for how long. I do miss their schedules and updates. Hopefully shorter than longer supensions.
  15. Law enforcement have much larger fish to fry than prosecuting a few spa's or indies. I would hope that the real focus is on streetwalkers and the pushing pimps as I do believe that is the real issue. I always feel somewhat uncomfortable when visiting a spa as I do not ever want to run into someone that I know. Gee, Hi Fred how was the Happy Ending. LOL Umm just devine, Stan ... BTW how is the wife these days. Ahhh just fine. Yes you did not see me here right Fred. No of course not Stan. Say Hi to Mary for me.
  16. I will say that it must be made clear to the government that search warrants must be provided. To have unscrupulous police prying into every day peoples lives is unacceptable. It could be likened to a form of voyerism by the law enforcement that do not have their morals intact. I am sure we have met a number of them in our personal lives and heard of many more through the media. They are not all above the law, nor do they all abide by the laws.
  17. Think you might have forgot a category or two. Example. I have never received one but it could be erotically interesting. Nor have I gave one.
  18. To set the record straight. I am not racist, it is only an observation of the facts presented by the media.
  19. Happy B(j) Day Cato Thanks for your stellar contributions to the board. Cheers and Happy Hobbying. :-)
  20. Somehow my Dollar post ended up here. I hope it is where it should be now.
  21. I drove by the Dollar today and there was a vehicle which I believe said TVO with a camera person shooting video of the baron parking lot of the Dollar. I was wondering why at the time, now it makes more sense. It seems that alot of ethnic people are causing much of the gang related violence in the city. I wish it would stop.
  22. I am missing life in the fast lane, ex R1 owner. Damn 50 Km over law. the bike just gets more comfortable at 120 Km +. The raw pure acceleration rush that these Machines deliver is amazing. Do ride with your eyes wide open.
  23. PMing from Android device? Recently I have tried to PM from my android device and when I submit the post it does not post what I have input. Then all typed is poof gone not to be sent and this really sucks when this happens. Anyone else having the same pain in the ass problem?
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