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Everything posted by drg23

  1. I agree with Miss Cloe, Although I love prolonged pleasure as much as the next man, sometimes a passionate quickie is an even more satisfying experience.
  2. Wow Joe, that is quite mischevious ;-). I need to try it! I do alot of hand shaking in a day that could use some spicing up.
  3. hahahaha sorry, this part " I am thinking "you cheap old fart, you can afford Palm Springs but you are saving money on me" ;)" had me LMAO
  4. So I am totally into organizing a lil get together. So far, we have 3 girls that are interested in attending. We will have to cap the amount of men and women who attend. It looks to be a 3 hour engagement. Like I said the menfolk will be responsible for renting their own rooms and providing 2hrs worth of donation. Once we have all the participants set we can then discuss a date that is appropriate for everyone involved. As the lead on this event I am of course reserving a place for myself ;-) and there are a few people I would like to extend invites to as they have been very nice and insightful in their discussions with me. Capman wrinkled with time TrMan Dummppy Porthos Young Stud For any of the additional approx. 4 spots, I will have to go with more senior members of the board who are interested. Anyways, guys and gals if you are interested get back to me. TGIF! Doc
  5. Yea Capman. For myself my tattoos have a way of bringing me back to the juncture in my life when I got them. Otherwise it I would have difficulty remembering my state of mind at that time.
  6. I agree with everyone else on this issue. Honestly, If saving money was my major concern, I would not be able to enjoy the quality of service that I do. Although, I did once negotiate rates with a lady under the following circumstance, Had just enjoyed a most delightful hour and was hoping to extend it with the money I had left over. The lady was extremely nice about the whole thing and obliged my request. The key being that the discount was obviously not my driving concern at the time simply my desire for more time.
  7. I love tattoos, I just wish people didn't get so many dumb things. Anything generic on the lower back i am not a fan of, just too mainstream. The place I find tattoos the sexiest on a women? The ones on the shoulder blade :-) Either way it doesn't really matter too much since its more about the person. I have a few tats myself and sure maybe one of them might be dumb but I like it, so thats al that matters. Cumquat, I really like that little quote you put up.
  8. Played in a soccer scrimmage with my dads 40+ soccer team the other day. He was coming down the wing and I was waiting for him, timing him perfectly, fully aware that I was stronger,faster and able to stop him. I swooped down on him like a hawk on its prey ready to strip him of all his fatherly dignity. Oh crap! subtle leg move perfectly dramatized, a look off with the eyes to a potential but non-existent teammate, and this young stallion tripped over him own feet and went stumbling face first into the dirt with pops laughing gleefully as he carried on his merry way. Moral- It is never good to presume anything about anybody or any situation. More often then not you are wrong and look like an Ass, or just someone with a dirt covered face.
  9. I think this may be the best post in this thread.
  10. Hehehe, I dont actually agree with you buddy lol but I will say this. It does appear at times that some of the more seasoned gents may take pleasure in their obvious superiority on the SP totem pole. This is not meant to be offensive so much as a somewhat humourous observation.
  11. I dunno, I find when I run firefox it works the best for most things, including cerb.
  12. oh my, i hope i didn't offend anyone with the "younger/older" labels. Just curious, appreciate all the opinions :-)
  13. Hehehe, Cherry I was actually talking about those shiny "grills" people have in their teeth and the chains with "spinners"
  14. Hahaha. Its ok Capman. The funny thing about all of this is that I actually agree with the ladies on this issue. I am usually drawn to those older then me both for friendships and otherwise. Just as its possible to be old with a young soul its also possible to be young with an old soul.
  15. Hehehe capable of whole lot! Btw I can't seem to grill a peppersteak without thinkin of ya :-) And yes I do believe the ladies should be able to ask this much, if the information is already listed on the site, you shouldn't be asking those questions to be sure.
  16. So I guess you could say that anyone less then 30 is younger and anyone above 40 is older. With people in their thirties being the average demograph, makes sense!
  17. Yes Sabrina is Awesome! My favourite part about her is that shes really funny and easy to talk with.
  18. Grass_Hopper, Hello!!! Hope everything is well.
  19. Crap, Paige does this mean that when I meet you I have to keep the grill and spinners at home? :-)
  20. I apologize, I may have misunderstood but it was my understanding the OP sent the message privately although I suppose even this is what you meant by "Certain communications in private are evidence of bawdy house". Either way you are totally correct as the girls own safety both physically and from the iron clad hand of the law are of utmost importance. As these precautions are also beneficial to the hobbiest. Unfortunately, it is a fine line I would think because don't both the SP and the man want him to get exactly what they are looking for out of the experience.(That is to say within the boundaries of the SP) And after meeting my share of lovely and sweet ladies I would say the answer from the SP side is invariably , yes :-). Regardless I do see where you are coming from and believe you are correct in that regard.
  21. Oh no, I hope that's not my personal situation, Damn it I might have to leave the board and could anybody ever love me! lol In seriousness though YS, thank you for your reply I was not aware of the girls under thirty sometimes having that rule. Aw well, I'm not too concerned as stupid and narcissistic as it my sound I add it up to their loss. Because I am very loyal, cause no hassles and am big on frequent visits when i am single. Not just that my mother tells me i'm a hoot ;-)
  22. Very interesting point your raise BN, i am very curious to that answer as well. You may in fact be right. But on the other hand maybe the ease of a google search has deadened society to the point that anything extra is seen as too much effort.
  23. To expand a little though, she did ask how old I was to which I gave an honest answer and it was at this point that the rejection happened. (Although to be fair she did comment that I sounded young before that). Therefore, I can only assume that she had no problems with an appointment until that point. Wrinkled- Very appropriate that you would call me on that! ;-)
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