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Everything posted by Touch

  1. That might be true if we are talking about the 60's -- so I will go with "YES". T/F? When I took a Montreal stripper shopping at the old Eaton Centre she refused to use the changing rooms to try on clothes claiming they were a bourgeois affectation.
  2. If a naked lady in a grocery cart needed a push, I believe Old Dog would have obliged -- the call of duty you know. True or False? My next door neighbor owns a Ford Escort (and she was quite miffed when I smirked when she first drove it home).
  3. How could I forget? La Columbiana (Angie Cepeda) in Vargas Llosa's "Pantaleón y las visitadoras"
  4. Sophia Loren gives Jayne Mansfield's boobies the eye... Women never look at other women like that, do they???
  5. Susie Bright seems very bright :)
  6. Angela I am going to say TRUE. T? or F? One of my great, great, great uncles burned down the city of Atlanta, Georgia.
  7. I rarely wear a tie any more in the broader outside world. But I love having an escort take a tie off me, especially a silk tie that makes such a wonderful sound of silk being pulled through a knot of silk. And if she winds up wearing some of my clothes post coitus, so much the better!!!
  8. You know you're old if you remember ever having watched porn on 16mm FILM in pre-VCR days.
  9. CheektoCheek: I will go with TRUE True or False: A stripper in a Montreal club once fell fast asleep on my lap.
  10. This has been an illuminating thread for me. But sorry Nicolette, I really dislike templates for recommendations. I don't participate in review boards that require a template format. Just because this is a recommendation board (not a bipolar review board) doesn't make a required template format any less distasteful to me.
  11. Zara White http://tubeporninside.com/scj/thumbs/108/674.jpg
  12. Jayne M in all her glory! Wardrobe malfunction or nip slip ;) or not! Head to toe
  13. Every teenage guy in 1962 wanted to make it with Cricket Blake (Connie Stevens) including me. In: Hawaiian Eye
  14. You know your old if you can remember her full name!
  15. Lois Lane's mum Ella (a post- "Lois & Clark" Teri Hatcher) or maybe just Lois Lane herself
  16. Actually banana cream pie has always been one of favorite desserts ever since I was a kid. It never occurred to me it could it could have a very different meaning until I started to read 'the boards' several years ago. I hope to have the former from time to time, but it is unlikely I will be having the latter in the foreseeable future. In respect to the previous post I meant to write in my 'reputation comments' I meant to write: For me growing up in California in the sixties, a "woody" was a wood-panelled stationwagon. (I wasn't at all aware of the meaning the porn industry had given to "a woody." )
  17. [quote I got to see the group Alabama backstage RG I am going to say true, RG you just seem like a straight shooter. T or F: I was punched in the face by a complete stranger the day I arrived in Canada as a landed immigrant.
  18. Even my real cat who had been asleep on my lap got very perked up when she saw Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman on the TV screen
  19. Kathleen Turner had such fabulous legs (& sultry voice) I had altogether forgotten what her titties looked like! LOL It is interesting to see IBTs on a woman who is decidedly not a spinner. Thank you "the driver" for the titties photo post. :)
  20. Issy: only if that is REAL maple syrup & butter we are looking at, with back-bacon on the side...
  21. Outside of the hobby, I don't think I could keep a straight face if a woman was introduced to me as "Trixie." I have a hard enough time with "Fanny" -- although if a woman as classy as Fanny Ardant has that name it can't be all bad. ;)
  22. That's funny Berlin! I don't think I could say "Let's all put on 'party hats'" with a straight face at a party any more -- certainly not with kids around.
  23. "Nuff said"! seen frequently in advertising for sex related products and services = means just the opposite: they are not telling you what you want to know and more needs to be "said."
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