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Everything posted by mrgreen760

  1. Duh! :) Very cost effective and some times more fun... Peace MG
  2. I've primarily made contact and booked via email and or text. I've only been asked to call once prior to a meeting. It might be the way I word things but it's never been an issue for me. If someone doesn't state no emails or texts then I send one or another and if someone doesn't state no emails or texts and then doesn't respond to either I move along. I figure there's no sense in making a call after that. Peace MG
  3. mrgreen760

    Nippleicous ;) Peace MG
  4. Then I'm a beautie....lots of scars. Major scars from blown achilles tendon surgery and ACL and MCL repairs, other smaller scars from hockey, rugby and general clumsiness... Peace MG
  5. For me it's more about interest than $$. If no one interests me then I don't play. Peace MG
  6. Sooner than later. I've set my timeline. Like the final episode of The Soprano's one day I'll just fade to black. Peace MG
  7. "However, I have absolutely never felt the least bit of any sort of judgment from any lady I've ever seen." Porthos I certainly hope not..... it wouldn't be a real good business decision to express judgements about fidelity on a large segment of the customer base... Peace MG
  8. If in a relationship as I am then being clandestinely intimate with another woman whether a pro or amateur is cheating. I could try to come up with some sort of justification or rationalization but I don't see the point because it is what it is. Peace MG
  9. Outside lights are used year around....the tree and the rest of the stuff in the next couple of weeks. Peace MG
  10. Emily and Michelle Fox.....took care of the year for me.. :) Peace MG
  11. Hosting an orphans New Years Eve party....anyone with nothing to do is welcome :) Peace MG
  12. No interest in more than an hour. It's not the dough it personally just doesn't interest me. Peace MG
  13. I have no problems at all with tattoos though some seem to suit them more than others. At age 58 and seeing how my skin has and is changing I'm kinda glad I missed out on the whole tattoo era. Barbed wire on my biceps would now be at my forearm or wrist... :) Peace MG
  14. I'm a go with the flow type and have lived most of my life with no plan and it's worked out pretty darn well :) No sense changing now. Peace MG
  15. Lost my sister at 44, a female cousin at 32 both in December and an Aunt, my Grandma and Mom within 48 days of each other, my Mom on a Xmas Eve. We carry on, a little bloodied perhaps but unbowed. I am blessed and appreciate all I have. Xmas to me is not about gifts or food or drink, its about warm memories and making new memories and laughing and living and helping others less fortunate than me. Peace MG
  16. Hanna would not have made a mistake as she said. A little worried that they almost jumped the shark... Peace MG
  17. Jacob's Creek Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir is very tasty and currently my fave. Peace MG
  18. Donating my December "discretionary" fun money to the Xmas Cheer Board. Other donations to Humane Society, Winnipeg Harvest, and a few others. I've got more stuff than I'll ever use. That's my present to me. Peace MG
  19. Advertising a GFE and having to ask if kissing is on the menu because often it isn't.... or you get the old YMMV answer. Peace MG
  20. I'm a non f/s player and find a HH to be adequate most times...45 min would be ideal. I arrive freshly showered, so a nice chat and then away we go, it is surprising what you can accomplished in a HH :) Peace MG
  21. Personally if I'm not comfortable with a rate for the service that I seek then I don't book, simple as that. I'm not going to haggle, debate or complain about it because it's just not that important to me and ultimately the market place will decide any way. It's a want to not a need to thing for me so I pick my spots and play on terms that are acceptable to me. Always a fun thread to read though :) Peace MG
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