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Everything posted by mrgreen760

  1. My era......until we matured of course ;) http://youtu.be/zFWGOKuFyjk Peace MG
  2. What is hell really like? The only TV channel is the Sun News Network...no on/off button and no plug to pull..:( Peace MG
  3. Penelope Cruz Scarlett Johansson......In Lost in Translation (sigh) Sarah Silverman Meryl Streep Helen Mirren Susan Sarandon Michelle Pfeiffer.........Fabulous Baker Boys. Chloe Sevigny Amy Sedaris and a huge man crush on Neil Patrick Harris....how could I not? Peace MG
  4. That everyone's out to get me :). The Oswald lone shooter thing for sure. I rushed home from high school to watch the Watergate Trials on TV and I've often thought they were wrapped up before getting into the really juicy stuff which may have exposed conspiracies invloving JFK, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Exposing corruption of that magnitude at the highest levels of government was shocking at the time. The re-opening of the Natalie Wood case is interesting as well. Peace MG
  5. All the characteristics previously mentioned are good ones for sure. I find not being affraid to let the walls down very sexy. Comfortable enough to be vulnerable, not have all the answers, searching, interested, learning, laughing at yourself, sharing ideas, experimenting, not being affraid to be who you are warts and all. Being confident enough to that is very sexy to me. Peace MG
  6. Turns on: That little look of happy surprise after our first kiss. Someone appreciating my interest in a woman's back, neck and shoulder areas. Conversation. Being as real as individual comfort levels allow because I will be. Turn offs: Obvious disinterest. Peace MG
  7. Pretty Simple.......I resolve to be taller. Peace MG
  8. Maybe we should just buy the world a Coke and not take this stuff so seriously.There's much better things to be serious about! Peace MG Posted via Mobile Device
  9. Sounds familiar. 4 friends gone, dad and many family members gone as well..3 friends dying.. I push people away now. It's far too hard to love them and loose them. I don't judge because this stuff is so hard and scary and some don't know what to say so they nothing at all.. but I do the exact opposite, even though I'm scared as it could easily happen to me, I'm not affraid to pull those people closer. My Dad taught me many things, the most important lesson for me was...it's easy to there when it's easy...it's much more important to be there when it's hard...so I am. Peace MG
  10. Losing my sister at 44 a female cousin at 32. My Mom, Grandma and Aunt (in a 47 day span) all to female cancers. My Mom on a Xmas Eve. These events shaped my character in many many ways and the lessons that I learned was to live in the moment, not to take to much shit too seriously, be an open person and be open to all experiences, tred lightly and to try my best to do no harm. We're all a Dtrs call away from our lives turning on a dime. Don't sweat the stuff you can't control. Peace MG
  11. Change and renewal is inevitable and needed if Cerb is to survive and remain relevant. PP is not the first to go nor will he be the last there have been many others who have just slipped away or reduced their public involvement. Seems to be the nature of the beast. Cerb just might be on the cusp of a changing of the guard as it were and it might be the time for a new generation of players to make Cerb their own. With the new year coming it seems timely to look to the future. Peace MG
  12. Life is way too short to be so serious about stuff that is so often just plain nonsense. Nothing wrong in letting it slide, folks just seem so eager to confront someone or get in their face all in the name of the most overblown and over used word of the past decade RESPECT! The person who deserves respect is the one who will turn the other cheek and just walk away from an ignorant argument. Peace MG
  13. Internet coffee wine meat grass plain natural yogurt blueberries excercise sunscreen music laughing Peace MG
  14. No gifts except for the kids (nieces and nephews and friends kids) and even those are most likely to be books or things that can easily be re-used in later years. I donate all year but at Xmas I do ramp it up, one year I bought 20 coats with toques and mitts for a local shelter. This year the Xmas Cheer Board, Winnipeg Harvest and a few others. My car blew up literally (blown motor) on my way to make donations today. My companion asked now what? Let's call a tow truck and a cab and carry on I said..which is what we did. Oddly, it was a pretty fun day! Peace MG
  15. Be on time, be polite, be fresh and be engaged. It takes two to tango and I really dont know if i've had a ymmv encounter. Obviously each is different but certainly being conversational, friendly and interested helps everyone relax and that can't hurt. Peace MG
  16. Nope does zero for me. And seriously how often can two hotties not have enough dough to pay the Pizza delivery guy any way??? :) Peace MG
  17. If you wake up with morning wood, the equipment is in working order. At my annual physical I spoke to my Dtr about a sort of similair issue. It wasn't about the ability to achieve an erection it was about the strength and maintaining one. I'm 57. My tests results are normal, weight is undercontrol and I work out regularly. He offered a sample of Viagara, he perfers it as it will clear your system where some of the daily ones Cilalis doesn't and if you arrive at emerge in distress at our age the first thing they'll likely give you is nitro glycerin which could be fatal. I passed because I know the most effective aphrodisiac is my brain. I may need take advantage of modern science at some point but I'd rather not. Open communication with my dance partners has worked for me so far. Peace MG
  18. I've cancelled very rarely (1-2) and provided more than 24 hours notice....and as such I wouldn't be inclined to pay anything. If I cancelled inside 24 hours, then I'd acknowledge a lost revenue opportunity and reimburse accordingly. I'd expect a similiar consideration if the shoe was on the other foot...as it were. Peace MG
  19. I'm a tenor and have been blessed with a lovely singing and speaking voice. Haven't had any formal training but a choir master taught me to sing from my diaphragm and my voice fills a room quite easily. Peace MG
  20. Hung How to make it in America Nurse Jackie Bored to Death Dexter Breaking Bad Mad Men The Killing Treme Shameless Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother and Weeds (of course :P ) Loved and missed Rescue Me United States of Tara Secret Diary of a Call Girl Peace MG
  21. I do remember when I started on with cerb, I belong to other boards as well. I find that each board has it's utility and I'm for anything that provides additonal tools for the toolbox. Peace MG
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