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Everything posted by bucky501

  1. some of the best SPs I have had the pleasure to spend time with are 40+ there are a lot of good reasons for that And Meg...you are a perfect example:ablow:
  2. some of the SPs I have had the pleasure of their company are 40+
  3. I had my favorite SP on a `special` retainer. It worked out quite well and she was as honorable and honest as the day is long. She made herself availalble for me and I to her whenever the `need` arose.:smile:
  4. yes--for me it is time--to quit that is it just is not the same anymore i fell for a gal and now no one...i mean no one...measures up. i think i am cooked...off on a different trail now thanks for this subject and the previous posts...it helped to my final resolve all the best
  5. cowboy is right___BBW x 5:cool:
  6. once in Las Vegas going from the airport to Lake Las Vegas totally ininterrupted, perfect music and complete privacy kind a cool:bddog:
  7. I don`t know if you are on the strip or not but when I stayed at the Hyatt in Lake Las Vegas the concierge / limo drivers were quite helpful and accomodating with my requests. A nominal tip helped!!!
  8. These girls are not trash--some just trying to get from Point A to Point B in their lives. As a person with many 24 hours of recovery all I can do is pray for those less fortunate than I. Perhaps she, and many others like her, will find their way out of their addictions. And hopefully they stay `safe enough` til they get there. God Bless
  9. The reasons we men seek out SPs are pervasive. For me, as a single Dad and not wanting any kind of `relationship`,going to an SP was an outlet. It fulfilled a `basic human need`, no strings attached...-just spend some quality time and be on my way. My life is full with my professional obligations and my kids that this works out great. My experiences started about 3 or 4 years ago. And all of it was fine for that what it was meant to be at the time. But I must confess that I am not one looking to explore any sexual fantasies. I just wanted to get laid occasionally and it was good for me. And then, after an odd set of circumstances,I met another SP and it became kind of a regular thing for me with her and her alone. I was in my own comfort zone. And then I found myself becoming quite attached to her. I genuinely liked her as a person. OOPs! That can be a real game changer!! Some of you, guys and SPs alike,may be able tro identify. And we developed a very high level of trust in one another. No longer was it about the "basic human need" for me but more about the companionship and intimacy at much higher levels than one would expect in this situation. In any event, you can see where this is going--I`ve written about that before. I have seen other SPs and, no offence ladies, it is just not the same. Duh!!! You just can`t mix business with pleasure (so to speak) unless both of you are on the same page. And you can tell when the feelings are similarily mutual...but that can make either one of you a little skiddish, don`t you think? Because the rules under which you both started the business realtionship in the first place are no longer the rules. So--who blinks first? Me, because I never wanted a `relationship` in the first place? Or the SP, becasue she just can`t afford to mix the two and maintain her professionalism? I think the answer is obvious. It is the SPs livelihood, or a big part of it, and she must do the right thing for her. The only thing that is left dangling is the friendship that has been forged--there becomes a bond. You cannot dismiss that. Friends are hard to walk away from and nor should they be. So--for some of us men (not all of course) we get attached. And that is part of our personality, our physical needs combined with emotional ones etc etc. Perhaps if I was sexually narcicstic (my own term with no scientific basis) I would not feel as such. But I do feel this way and I came out of that "business relationship" actually really giving a damn about that special SP. All the best folks
  10. In my experience -- and Ihave tried CL --I prefer to stick with CERB Seems realiable, safe, predictable and -in any event--the SPs I have known teneded to gravitate towards CERB even after starting on CL
  11. it happens. what can I say? in my experience this is rare. next time make a list of `possibles` and arrange for the encounter when you arrive
  12. yep--i`ve done that don`t know why though ...i`m single!!!!
  13. "For one to be happy one must risk unhappiness" These past few weeks have brought up a number of great topics and discussion, ranging anywhere from `did I fall in love with my SP?` to Discretion to Respect for the SPs. No matter where you are or what you are doing respect is always a #1 on the personal integrity scale. I have always acted as a true gentlemen with any SP and I have always respected each of them for who they are ...- not what they do. And we should be able to respect ourselves as clients for what we do. C`est vrai? I am a single father of 4, a busy professional with, as you may well appreciate, a very full life. No rest for the wicked they say!!! I was not, and am not, ready for any kind of fulltime relationship. There is only so much of me that I can spread around. But as plans go they don`t always come to fruition. For not wanting to be emotionally involved, I ended up being just that after seeing the same SP for upwards of 2 1/2 years. We were becoming quite close ... perhaps too much so for our own good. And it got to the point that the level of seriousness was a little uncomfortable ...- and more for her than I. You see there is quite a different perspective in terms of client and SP. I know that from my own `client` work. Although I have developed a very deep affection for this woman ... and would always be there for her if she needed me...there are some things that can`t mix. And I have to respect that about her. And certainly, especially so, when I know she also has strong feelings for me. So, out of respect for her, I have backed off -- completely. Perhaps things will change over time (I hope so) and perhaps not. I have known many in this buisness over the years, some who no longer practice but remains friends, and they have said this to me: "Whenever we were different feelings for a client and thinking about them often we found ourselves making `love` to him and then seeing others just became emotionally tough on us" Makes sense. This special woman that became part of my life deserves a whole lot of respect for that decision. They should all be treated as ladies ... they are gems to us for a lot of different reasons. To all the `clients` out there ...- be respectful of your SP ... after all she is a vibrant, intelligent woman who treats you well.
  14. why take a chance? Cl Warnings., D.A.R.T.S around, car dates etc etc Just sound awfully risky
  15. My favorite SP would see me, or me her, usually once a week. We would always fit each other in somehow.
  16. thank you Seymour i hope that perhaps she has read some of these postings and maybe...just maybe... she will think a bit about what I have said.
  17. for all 3 of us--here`s to sleep and some of the wonderfull SPs that are there for us; the downtrodden male...-a little funny but there is some truth
  18. quite right. One wonders sometimes just what love is--sounds somewhat goofy--but it can be terribly confusing. There is no precise definition. I have been in love once or twice in my lifetime. This most recent--as I have previously written--was with my SP. When I say `my` I say that because after a while she is the only one I would see. She was all I wanted. Kind oif like unforced manogamy...how ironic is that? But I know in my heart it was (and is) love. It became unconditional, accepting, caring but not consuming. There was more about intimacy in talking over coffee ( and a smoke) about life-families, friends, events, plans for the future, feelings etc etc. You start becoming connected just because. There is that elusive chemistry and kindred spirit thing going on. And then there was the passion, sex ...this was purely physical at the start but got better and better as the emotions and feelings changed. Different and much much better. We found ourselves thinking often about the other and commenting on how strange that was becoming. We never took the time to express our true feelings for one another. we both kept on a `business level`. Why? Good question. Were one of us frightened of doing anything? We didn`t really want to be serious or get hurt in another relationship? Maybe. The sad, or unfortunate thing, is we never to the time to talk about it--one of us just walked the other way. And I understand that a relationship is not likely to work if the SP continues work and the hobbiest continues to hobby. (I`m a little old fashion) I think, had we spoken, we may have been at least able to save what was already a beautiful friendship. I hope someday it could be that. I would continue to cherish her being part of my life. She is a wonderful woman ...- and I value her as both that and a friend
  19. That is right on point Seymour. Thank you for that. I`m in no hurry to find someone (I have a very full life)... but I must back down and hopefully maintain some contact with her and perhaps things can change. We find people in some of the damnest places don`t we, but I will not ignore my feelings for her. And I can wait that perhaps someday this will change.
  20. This is quite a topic. One that many would not wish to recognize as being possible. But, believe me, it is. It is tough to acknowledge and then deny our true feelings. How much do we lose or how much do we gain in doing that?
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