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Everything posted by XMOTX

  1. BootLoving, you are absolutely correct !!! She cannot help who she is, which is a sweet and genuine person, in other words, what you see is what you get. Lookinggg ... that is just too funny !!!!
  2. I am new to all of this and am generally cautious and maybe a little skeptical by nature. I am not very experienced in this world, but I have always considered myself to be a good judge of character. I am sure you have all read Paige’s posts and have become as intrigued with her as I was. Her sincerity that she shows in her posts is actually her. She is not pretentious and is incredibly polite, grounded and sincere. I am so pleased to say that I feel that I have judged her character correctly. To get to the point, I had the incredible honour to meet Paige last night. I mean honour, as she is very selective about whom she will allow to visit her. I will not talk about what when on between us as that is private and will remain so, but suffice to say I have not felt this good in a very long time. I do want to talk about Paige though. From the moment I walked in the door, I felt like I had known her forever. She has such an open, honest smile that just seems to embrace you and draws you in. Once you look into those dark incredible eyes, you will be consumed by her sensuality and obvious intelligence. She is very attentive, is exceptionally pretty and has an extremely toned body that she obviously takes care of. It would be really easy to feel intimidated by Paige, but she does not give you the opportunity. She is mature beyond her years and it is obvious that she knows what she wants in life. I have a feeling that she will be very successful! I know from what I have written it will seem that Paige seems too good to be true, but she really is a down to earth and loyal person. Paige may be embarrassed by some of the things I have written, as she is quite modest, but I do not believe I have said anything that is not true. I will say though that I am really looking forward to learning more about this extraordinary woman.
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