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Everything posted by warpdwhim

  1. Photos are all fake as are descriptions.
  2. Have they improved the walls in that place? Went there a few years ago and could hear EVERYTHING going on outside the room
  3. One so-so review on another site.
  4. I"d say that address is wrong - that's the address to the ccfm - Centre culturel franco-manitobain.
  5. Everything worthwhile discussing has had to go to PM's to meet "rules"
  6. It is the true price. No surprise charges.
  7. This isn't a review board - it's a recommendation board. Two entirely different entities 🙂
  8. Do a google image search - that'll answer your question.
  9. Could the admins please crack down on the spam messages here? I belong to many different types of forums all over the net and this is the only one with this issue. Thank you
  10. She's gone by many many many names. That about says it all.
  11. Never do etransfer on arrival for an unknown/LL ad. 99.999% chance it's a scam.
  12. I think it's all in the undergarments/support. Saw her a few weeks ago - was the same from a year ago from what I recall. Still a great massage!
  13. Did I even say what my tolerance is? I was commenting on spontanious' comment of "a few more weeks" as though the risk will be over and he'll be participating soon. /end and /out
  14. Not wanting to sound judgemental but do you actually believe it'll be safe to carry on in a few weeks? The risk of infection may decrease but it's not going to be gone for a long while. Life is a risk - it's everyone's tolerance that differs....
  15. Exactly what I was thinking MtCL! That about says it all I think.. Can't remember what the past names are that she went by.
  16. My experience as well - not a quality sugaring at all.
  17. They don't do a good job there though - I second Bare as an excellent place - no extras but fantastic work. I go to their Windsor Park location.
  18. I've gone there for sugaring...not the cheapest, close to the most expensive in the city. Quality doesn't meet price. Tried twice to be sure. Will not repeat. Can't comment on massage
  19. Couldn't resist the pictures she has in her ad on LL. They are definitely of her but her behind is even better in person! She's an attractive, polite and friendly young lady. She's had formal massage training and it shows. It's the best I've received outside of an RMT or formal massage school. Her communication is excellent, timely and clear which is refreshing. She's not always available as she commutes into Winnipeg but posts ads when she's available. A definite repeat for me.
  20. Can't remember what names she's gone by in the past, can't remember if there's been any reviews. Those exact pictures have been posted for YEARS on other boards/advertising sites.
  21. Do a google image search - all sizes. Comes up in other cities
  22. She's not new - can't remember what name she used to go by. Advertised in inkster area previously
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