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Everything posted by dessijatt

  1. i don't see her on ec post link
  2. pm me too for all info what is cl
  3. pm me the phone no. please
  4. where on ec sabrina is i did not see it
  5. who is mercedez on ec did any body seen her
  6. when u seen her months ago how was everything post a review
  7. who is brooke where is her ad
  8. where on eb sherry is what is the address
  9. kara who where to find her what site
  10. she offer msog only nothing else like daty gfe or other stuff multiple position etc what else she offer or talk to u on phon
  11. what did u actually do or she did i didnot seem u did what? here is her ad on ec http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=7216
  12. same here looking for any review of jess and julia WRONG LINKS - REMVOED
  13. i visted ivy two weeks ago she is clock watcher and does not encourage for second time she used to work in navada as name of april she is good kisser that is only good thingh with that kind of money u can have better
  14. does any body visted elle http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=5970 any revievs please
  15. who is jassica rabbit how to contact her
  16. she is worth the money i visted her couple times and going to visit more she does not do greek but everything else is awesome man
  17. i have asked the same question but no answer
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