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Cowboy kenny

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Everything posted by Cowboy kenny

  1. Looks like our pal boner or rather igotaboner is approaching that distinguished plateau of 1000 posts. Time to get fitted for your green velour smoking jacket and pointy crown! Boner, your posts and recommendations are always much appreciated on top of which you crack me up especially in chat after a few pops. We have simillar tastes in women so I'm always keen to hear about your experiences. Thanks for sharing with us all here Well done boner keep it up, the boner that is...
  2. Sure I may be a little biased but the axiom "you get what you pay for " DOES NOT apply in the instance of 69Nikki69. You're getting a hell of a deal if you take advantage of the specials that she offers. She is customer focused and cute as a button. I would generaly agree with the statement but needed to point out the exception to the rule.
  3. Thanks again for the additional words of encouragement from ya'll. Sepcial thanks to 69Nikki69 for your post on CL as well. I'm sure there will be more posts from those yahoos, but as I've said already do any of us really care about what these guys think ? Thanks again.
  4. Cowboy kenny


    i love this picture, for obvious reasons....:)
  5. Very sad indeed, sorry to hear about this Pete. So young and so much life still ahead of her, snatched away. My condolences to her family and those who knew her as friend.
  6. Thank you Bridget and all who've offered your support in the form of Kind words. I find it amusing myself, I've got a pretty thick skin and could careless about what a dishonest scammer thinks about me and the diary. I know many of you visit the diary to see what's up, to check out a number or two from an ad that you find to be too good to be true, to look at pictures of pretty girls ( ya I'm talkin' to you Pete :) ) or just to get a laugh at all the silliness that goes on. Depending on the day, depending on the scams anywhere between 80-120 visits a day. I guess the scammers are visiting too. LOL yes Seymour it's very ironic. Thanks again everyone, you're good folks and I like to surround my self with good folks, that's why I love this place soo much!
  7. Rick, these guys are kids they have no clue what they are doing or how to operate a viable business. It's amazing these day's if you can post an ad on CL and you've got a cellphone it seems you are automaticaly qualified to run an escort agency. :) LOL
  8. Not only nice abs Dummpy, if you read on further you'll note tha Jimmy is 17 years old? WTF ! My spidey senses tell me to avoid this place, something ain't right in doge. First of all they don't appear to be aware of the laws in Canada, as no agency hires any girls, a true agency is hired by the SP to represent them, market them and arrange bookings. Otherwise that would be pimping. The fact that they are recruiting in a number of unconventional venues is another example of their ignorance of the law. They seem uncertain as to what services they offer, are they an escort agency or do they provide strippers or are they a massage therapist...there's a huge difference as any stripper, massage attendant or escort will tell you! http://www.todays-classifieds.com/employment/job.cfm/312205 http://www.ottawakiosk.com/forum/showthread.php?p=11606 http://ottawa.kijiji.ca/c-services-skilled-trades-Ottawa-Masseuse-W0QQAdIdZ99383747 One of those numbers is also a number used often by an sp on CL, the same woman pictured on their site as Eva, however on CL she is known as Ceyenne. In one of their "recruitment" ads they claim to be teaming with girls, funny I only count one. In another ad they pride them selves on their honesty, then why the deception of one girl with two names ? As I was researching this one I strongly suspected that this might be our Honeyzworld /Stash entertainment/slang media friends, sure enough when I came across Eva Essentials "model" page http://www.musecube.com/evaessentials/ look at the website listed on her about page. Coincidence ? Kids...
  9. Where have you been fisihing ? If you've spent anytime here it's like shootin' fish in a barrel. There's plenty of ladies for every taste and desire right here. Check out the recommendation section and use the review feature to narrow down your search. Once you've found a few that have sparked some interest you can contact them directly or pm the memebers who've recomended the lady. This is an open community where clients and providers interact regularly don't be shy to speak directly with the ladies, you'd be surprised how effective that can be. Good luck with your mission!
  10. TRman, no one said it wasn't polite and I would agree you went about the request resonsably discreetly, you put the offer out there now let's see who bites, it can't hurt to make the offer. No one can be insulted as the offer was very general. I think the point cumquat was making was that some guys are never happy and even though the ladies offer discounts or specials they are still asked for more and that's not fair. If a special is offered, thank your lucky stars, and if one isn't offered then don't ask when setting up your meeting. There are plenty of SPs on cerb that are lowering their prices, be thankful for that guys and if your favorite isn't at the time then continue to save your pennies until wich time you can see her, the wait and anticipation will make all the more worth the will. Failing that you could always see Joeblow1969's SO :grin:, lmao!
  11. Shit, I'm so broke I had to have sex with joeblow's SO this week! :-D
  12. I must admit that when I type you're/your gets me quite often. I type faster than I think, as I'm sure you've noticed from time to time in my blog or here. I'm not as critical 'bout it here although I should be. When I actually put pen to paper I'm much more aware of my spelling and grammar, and therin lies the problem, kids these days don't use pen and paper any more.
  13. I agree, these damn fangled cell phones 'n blackberries are the decline of proper english as we know it. Seriously, I've received cover letters for resumes with U not You, and 2 not to in the body of the letter along with typos and spelling errors. This aint for no burger flippin job either, these are college and specialty training graduates. Makes ya wonder what those high tuitions are paying for ?
  14. God love the french! Only in Quebec. What a fantastic concept.
  15. mmm interesting question, in no particular order Sunny Lane porn star http://images.google.com/images?q=sunny%20lane&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA285CA285&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi Lara Spencer tv host - the insider http://images.google.com/images?q=lara%20spencer&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA285CA285&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi Bonnie Hunt, yes Bonnie Hunt - comidienne/tv host http://images.google.com/images?q=bonnie%20hunt&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA285CA285&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi Yvonne Strahovski -Sara Walker "Chuck" http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA285CA285&q=Yvonne%20Strahovski&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi Alison Angel softcore internet model http://images.google.com/images?q=alison%20angel&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA285CA285&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi
  16. I dated a polish girl in the 80s she was a terrible dancer, but a fantastic lover. :-P
  17. Rick we were hardly rude, just confused... it's tough sometimes, when you know exactly what your thinking of but putting it into words sometimes the message get's lost. If you choose to leave that's your decision, but really this site is as strong as you want to make it. You get what you put in, if you were to put a little more time into your posts or maybe even your searches you'd get the results you were looking for. There are a number of black SPs and MAs in the capital that would meet your requirements, a number of them members right here on CERB. Good luck no matter what your decission.
  18. Flamed, hardly look at all the love comin' your way. It's like I said in the other thread, your experience and wisdom are welcome here.
  19. and full of excitement, sure to be a paige turner :) get it page turner... ahhh
  20. Spud, hope ya had a hop-a-long happy birthday and got to spend some quality time with some quality ladies!
  21. Honeyzworld is a perfect example of how to run a thriving successful business into the ground. They had a good thing going got greedy overworked the girls and scared of the regular clientel, they along with "slang media and $tash entertainment quietly staging a comeback but they aren't welcome around here. I noticed their ad on the weekend posted a note about it on my diary. Shame really, Jessica and Mia were top notch gals.
  22. Thank you ottawajamie, that was just what I needed to jog my memmory. I fell off my horse recently and my mind just ain't what it used to be! I've tracked this one down to be stolen picture from another scammer, can you believe it a scammer scamming a scammer, LOL. To follow the trail of fakery it's best to read this post from my diary, which i've convieniently posted the link to here.... http://cowboysdiary.blogspot.com/2009/03/pettite-college-fake.html Mod, looks like this thread can move to the warnings section....
  23. While I can't come up with the source picture I believe it to be fake, more so I have it on good authority, although I hate not having 100% proof that this is the same girl has been previously reported here before the warnings got separated by each city, she was said to have boyfriend show up after leaving the room with the money. I cannot be sure but I'm skeptical, in the spirit of keeping with the guidelines of this board I won't say anymore but to say why bother with the unknown when there are so many proven, established lovelies right here on this forum. Meanwhile I'll try to find out what I can.
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