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Everything posted by explorer69

  1. There are some MPAs who are very skilled too. Unfortunately they are YMMV and can't be named here.
  2. I have no interest and would not want to see a SP/MPA with bruises because don't know whether caused by BDSM or abuse. (Despite what she might say)
  3. Two different MPAS Elle=Vienna Julie = disappeared
  4. lusciouslilly michaellascaress they are both great
  5. Peachy is in gatineau and she is awesome for massage or escort
  6. Take the money and run. You are running a business.
  7. lusciouslilly is incredibly fun in the shower.So is michaellascaress.
  8. NO, No and NO!!! Go to any locker room in this country and ask hetro guys and you will only get one answer.
  9. http://www.ellentv.com/2013/02/19/get-ready-to-bid-on-justins-underwear/
  10. I voted no, as many others have been banned from cerb for much more trivial transgressions. They weren't given an opportunity to ask for all the members forgiveness. They had to "suck it up" and bide their time. Though maybe all bannings should be subject to a members appeal.
  11. She is a fairly new member who advertises here. Not often that we get a new member who already has her own review on CowboyKennyy's site http://www.cowboysdiary.info/wordpress CowboyKenny rocks!!!
  12. Peachy would be ideal for a first encounter though she may spoil you for life. If you want to see a MPA try lusciouslilly or Michaelacaress
  13. It would be bad advertising and ruin the fantasy.
  14. Just ask any MPA and she will do this. Michaellacaress and lusciouslilly know how to drive a man wild.
  15. She has been around for many, many years. There is always a reason when someone has no recommendations, on this Board, despite being around for a long time. When in doubt cross check with the other Board where reviews are permitted.
  16. It depends which Board you are writing on. On this Board everything is sugar coated so recommendations are taken with a grain of salt, so it really doesn't matter how you do it. On the other Board you would have zero credibility if you ran it by the SP/MPA first. On the other Board, readers expect the unfiltered version;both good and bad.It doesn't mean that you can't be gentle in any criticism as everyone has feelings. Hope this helps
  17. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=416333#post416333 Don't feel bad. Everyone falls in love with her at some point. Just read all her reviews.
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