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Everything posted by explorer69

  1. This is the wrong place to ask. Anyone in a relationship is not monogamous if seeing SPs and MPAs
  2. yeah but you take the risk or not. I respect that decision, but I don't respect charging more.
  3. One price is the way to go. I won't repeat with someone who asks extra for different services that are standard (fk/bj/daty/msog). I especially do not like different prices for bbbj/cbj. Either you do bbbj or you don't(subject to ymmv). It is no extra work. I understand and expect that Greek would be extra as this is industry practice.
  4. I don't agree. I won't provide my cerb/terb handle. Nor will I provide my real name. Anonymity is essential, espcially when SOME SPs/MPAs(and I mean just a very few ) are indiscreet. I have never had a problem with not providing a real name or refernces, as the majority SPs/MPAs don't ask for them. I will provide whatever other info an SPA?MPA mey require (phone# as i have a hobby phone))
  5. She is fun , sexy and really nice. She is also Rosa's daughter.
  6. You may have to fend off more clients than you want. Usually the MPAs using a bed offer a lot more. Some of your new clients may assume this. Depending on services offered you may want to consider this.
  7. SinCindy does amazing DT .I saw her last week. Bbbj is as good or better than anyone in Ottawa.
  8. Seymour is 100% on the money. I saw her last week. Beautiful eyes and face. Incredible bbbj and DT. As good as it ever gets. Other positions are fun too. Great dfk and loves doggy. Service 10 BBBJ 10+++ Repeat: hopefully this week.
  9. DaisyDDs from Montreal is apparently very talented and comes regularly with Mercedes. Her reviews on a Montreal Board say she is a master of DT. Also Vanessa kelly is coming here this week. She advertises herself as the Queen of fellatio. I've never tried either.
  10. Try brianna at PK. Her bj was absolutely amazing ( I think it was deepthroat). She is busty and gorgeous.
  11. The last one I received is always the best. The next one will even be better.
  13. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=84148#post84148 I did a CL phone check and is Brittany/Rachel
  14. I HATE to run into someone else. Way beyond my comfort level.This happened to me when I went to see Taylor. I guess her rave reviews are making people line-up. I will not put myself in that position, so unless booking policies change I will probably go elsewhere. Or I will call ahead to make sure coast is clear. This is sad for me because I have always enjoyed Taylor.
  15. I'll raise a different view. I see SPs and MPAS and it is a fantasy and sex thing. Sometimes I like to think of her as my temporary GF... That is why we all love the GFE. On the other hand when an SP advertises a gangbang , it raises the idea of ultimate slutiness. This is in contrast to my fantasy as the girl next door. Therfore I prefer not to see those who advertise this. I stopped seeing one of my faves because of this.It may be a double standard but it is my standard. I also like when SPs/ MPAs shower between clients which won't happen in a poly party. However i would never tell a sex worker how to conduct her business. I also don't condemn those who participate. Every one can do what makes them happy as long as it is consenual and doesn't involve minors.
  16. Doesn't having the hand off get expensive as you would have to tip both girls. Christina is so much fun on her own, i don't need someone else. I had a really stermy session with her that rivalled the weather these days.
  17. All of the CMJ MPAs are sexy and well trained in pampering. The only real difference is chemistry. When you click you could easily fall in love/lust. As with all MPAs repeat visits MAY result in a YMMV situation. Jasmin tries to run a tight ship so anyone getting extras is unlikelyto pass on this info, for the risk of getting the MPA in trouble, as Jasmin seems to have lots of sources of info on her MPAs. On a first visit expect nothing more than a really enjoyable bodyslide/hj/and possibly msog.This is probably the most dependable place in Ottawa where you are guaranteed a certain level of sevice at a set price.
  18. Erica on E-C is really nice. Great service and friendly. Not a bbw but well proportioned
  19. Erica on EC does both MPA and massage, so would do this. She is very good dfk and cbj and reasonable massage
  20. Trish from AAA.HOT HOT HOT!!!! She gives the best bodyslide I have ever had and never disappoints.Her bs is as good as fs. She is sexy, beautiful and fun.
  21. There have been 2 Daisys at Bodycare. The original one was the best.She is long gone.
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