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Everything posted by SexyLacy

  1. When I was 29 years old I chose to start my escort business.. I honestly believe that was the perfect age for me. When I first started although I had an innocence about me I was still mature and was able to learn quickly on how to be a good escort. And I loved it! Now at 36 with almost 8 years of great memories and experiences I feel that I am not only confident in my skills but also with life in general. I feel that we SP's understand men on a level that most civillian women just wouldn't understand. I walk away from almost all of my appointments with a smile.. this industry has reminded me that real men do exist. I did leave the industry for a couple of years (2011-2013) - I came back because I was missing out on apart of who I am and what I enjoy doing. Since I have been back I have been reminded of how much I was meant to be a service provider lol So, I don't know if it is age, experience or lifestyle choices that make girls different ... I think some just don't care to view this as a business and that's fine too xoxo
  2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Power of Equality
  3. a new bistro set for my front porch and new seat cushions for my deck chairs ... bright blue is my theme for this summer :)
  4. SexyLacy

    Lacy Rose ~ Windsor's True GFE

    These pictures were taken in March 2014 xoxo
  5. I am a Perky Panda Happy Halloween Cerb xoxo
  6. I love watching a guy a cum .. afterall I worked so hard for it I want to enjoy it too
  7. this is a very helpful thread. Thank you to those who contributed
  8. Happy Holidays to Everyone here on cerb
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