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Everything posted by cordsboy

  1. Excellent thread, I'm of the opinion that while an hour has been paid for it is crucial to establish some of the ground rules before meeting, at the very least at the start of the meeting. One cannot assume that the services offered to one client will automatically be give to another. I find that by explaining to the SP what I am looking for and allowing her to let me know if she can accommodate I do not get disappointed and even more important that the SP is not put into an awkward position (no pun intended) during the meeting. While I agree that with some SP's "YMMV" is very accurate; I find that you will always be treated well if you are polite, kind and treat her with respect. I'm a one SP guy and find that by establishing a rapport with one SP goes a long way and in the end we both end up having a great time when we meet. My 2 cents.
  2. Lot's to chose from in Ottawa, have a look at the reviews I'm sure you'll find something to your liking. Price point may be a good starting point as it will dictate what you get. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125
  3. Agreed, must be clear as to what you want or you may be disappointed at your own expense, no fault to the SP here (in my opinion).
  4. A lot of excellent submissions already, would nominate most if not all, here is one more... http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=678&pictureid=3759 http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=678&pictureid=3759 Caress...
  5. Wow I never thought I end this epic novel... excellent thread, I'll keep my opinion short. #1 You were duped and I can imagine how you felt; but remember this is a job to most girls and some people will do anything for a few extra bucks. #2 based on what you've explained you seemed to have had a great relationship with this SP; do you really want to end it because of this incident without talking to her about it! #3 - the refund, given the amount I imagine you paid and your apparent generosity I can only assume the 5hr refund is not on your mind.
  6. I contacted her today and yes she is open, location is off Preston.
  7. Have seen Metallica multiple times definetly worth seeing them; not sure about Winterpeg and Metallica but by far in the top 5 for concerts. Enjoy
  8. May want to give Angeleyes a try; I've never seen her but heard good things.
  9. Shrink2Go most ads on CL are scams, stick with CERB; a lot of hard work by MOD and others have made dealing with good SP and MA much easier and safer. And I cannot agree more with CK' if you are to venture out of CERB join the 1000 strong posse behind our fearless leader Cowboy Kenny. MOD & CK I know you get this all the time but thanks for all the hard work.
  10. Like most; given I love all types of women this provides me with a large pool to choose from... so in short the age thing is not that important. Now based on my experience I find that older (25+) SP's tend to provide better service; not sure if it is because some have made a career of this or just really enjoy what they do? So I base my SP selection on someone who seems to enjoy my company, enjoys what they do and whom can help little Willy release some built up stress... * Now before I get inundated with message I know there are several younger SP's that love what they do, etc... this is based on what I have experienced.
  11. While I have not seen Annessa (yet) I have read excellent reviews and heard great things. She is not "fully" asian so I guess it depends on how flexible you are. Here is a member review, she is also on CERB so you can check out her page, worth looking at her pics very hot. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10258
  12. I agree with Slurp, YMMV with most MA's in Ottawa especially when it comes to kissing; I'd reveal a few of my favorites but I suspect I would get a flat tire and my mileage will end; trail and error is your best option... PM me if you want the name of the locations as a starting point
  13. When I find an SP that I like I tend to stick with them so I guess it all depends on their schedule. My most recent and by far favorite is an out of towner so I'm down to 1 x month...:sad:
  14. Celine at Body Care get's my vote, something about that sexy French accent.
  15. Okay I'm a little :???: about this post. At first I thought it was 8-) and I was :-D to see someone bring it up but the more I think about it the more I start to :cry:. I would have kept going but the system only lets me use 4 images.... I tried my best, enjoy the weekend guys and gals.
  16. Slurp, a good option is Mooney's Bay (MB), I would not recommend the main park in front of the beach but the smaller park to the left of the beach is quieter. The sun sets over the water so depending of the time of day it can be very nice. The one down side is the amount of traffic, lots of people at MB but from experience the left side is much quieter. The bonus of MB is that after dinner you can walk along the beach. Another great option is the park next to Dow's Lake (cannot recall the name), access is via Prince of Whales / NCC Scenic Drive, lot's of trees, on the water and not as busy (dog walkers tend to use this park as well). I've seen BBQ'a at both so I assume its all good but you never know the City may be hard up for some $$ and decide to ruin your day. Enjoy.
  17. Nothing beats boy shorts http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v461/franku/boycut-maximus-babes.jpg
  18. I must be to new to the scene not to have someone retire on me...(I'm sure my time will come) I'm also one to stick with an SP that I like so I do not tend to venture out to far; but I can only imagine the feeling. I agree with most posts so far the connection with some SP's does get intense at times. I guess it depends on what you're looking for in an SP, if it's just a late night call down an endless list of available girls then I would guess the odds of you seeing them again or missing them is slim. If your lucky enough to find a great SP and start seeing them more frequently then you run the risk of feeling hurt (no fault to the SP) when them leave the business. But I agree 100% when the girl decides to leave the business this is most likely a good thing.
  19. May want to give Marie Soleil a try in Gatineau, a little older but great massage and extras are available (YMMV)
  20. Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese. Enjoy life even better enjoy the ladies and life...
  21. Has anyone been with Suri who is advertising on CL? Her last post was on May 28th at 4H16PM. http://ottawa.en............ca/ers/1193663609.html Please PM me your comments and reviews.
  22. I am leaning on the side that GFE is more the overall experience with the SP: conversation, kissing, foreplay... while I agree and love BBBJ I would not question if an SP preferred giving a CBJ (ultimately its her mouth on my junk). Probably the best way to make sure you know what you are getting is to ask before hand.
  23. Wow it took me about an hour to read through this tread, totally forgot about an appointment I had... I agree it sucks if you get stood up but move on and enjoy life, better yet enjoy all the sexy ladies of Ottawa
  24. Has anyone tried Sasha advertising on CL, she seems a little to good to be true but you never know, please PM me with any feedback. Her ad is posted at 11h59 may 6th on CL in case the link does not work. http://ottawa.en..ca/ers/1157342861.html
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