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Everything posted by namssa

  1. namssa


    you look great honey!
  2. namssa


    Wonderful profile shot!
  3. namssa

    41 main

    WOW, very nice!
  4. Well done Roamingguy. I really enjoyed reading this.
  5. Personally, I use mainly session or appointment, but they all work to different degrees. The only one from your list that I would not use is tryst.
  6. There is no excuse for not having the correct amount available when you go for a session. If you don't have the correct amount, always over pay, so if it is $250 you would pay $260, you don't give under the donation request. If you are spending that much to see a lady, what the hell is an extra $10, especially if you had a decent time.
  7. WOW, that would certainly break the ice for me, but you would have to let me do some "motorboating" while your boobs are in my face, lol. I research a girl extensively before approaching, so my success rate is like 98% for connecting/clicking. I am pretty sure that I am going to have a good session before the first contact. The first couple message tell me if I am on base or not and if not, I take a pass. I did see an Asian lady once from an ad on CL, it was pretty much a bait and switch, but I was horny and the little guy did my bidding. Even though she was not the girl in the pic and somewhat older, I stayed and although it was ok, I should have walked and would do so if it ever happens again. Researching and a few messages back and forth can go a long long ways to ensuring a really great session with a lady.
  8. I should probably mention to expect Shelbie's contact information by PM, you would have to be a person that has been on a forum for a while, posted a decent amount and provided a couple of reviews. In other words, if you are new, with very few posts and no reviews, please don't expect her contact information. Without a reputation and a review or two, I have no idea who or what you are and you could easily be LE, so it is best to air on the side of caution. She is a very sweet and private girl and is somewhat selective on who she sees.
  9. Love those long, long, long legs.....WOW!
  10. Just a quick note that Shelbie is back on the market, outcall only. She is not on ANY board or forum though, very private and low key girl.
  11. namssa

    yummy body and very sexy long legs
  12. Some good posts and ideas regarding my inquiry. I think that the tried and true method of a bit of back and forth with PM's, emails and such with the experience of that first appointment are still the best way overall. Thank you to everyone that responded for your thoughts and ideas, it is appreciated.
  13. Just to be clear, my original post was NOT about role play, acting out anything or predesignated activities of any kind. Nor am I advocating anything of that nature. It was more about providing some basic information to an SP of a client's personality, likes/dislikes type thing. For instance, theoretically say a client was into fly fishing or Nascar racing, a SP may chose to wear some hip waders for the fly fishing client or perhaps a Nascar race jumpsuit or perhaps nothing related at all, but at least she has the ability to make that choice if she wants. Let's say that I like ladies dressed in a black skirt and white top or a black cocktail type dress. If a lady knew that is what I liked, she still can choose to wear whatever she likes, but at least she knows I have a preference of some sort. Not that nothing else will be good for me, quite the opposite, I like lots of looks, just a preference in a certain direction. I agree that it may not be a workable idea for the most part. I am just exploring it's viability and I get the sense that nothing can beat that first meeting. Personally, I believe and enjoy seeing what a lady chooses to wear when she sees me, especially after the first meeting. Also I am a big believer in the natural interaction of two people with no preset scenarios in the session and being there for the total unplanned experience and the intimacy, not just service. Once a client and lady get to know each other they can take an encounter in whatever direction that they both agree.
  14. Early January, I found out that Ms Emily Marie was going to be in Red Deer during the second week of February. I contacted Emily and set up an appointment to see her with great ease. As the weeks passed, I found that I would be in Edmonton the same time as Emily was ending her time there and coming to Red Deer. Having seen Emily previously and knowing that we had a very nice rapport and a wonderful session previously, I inquired with Emily if she and Missy might be interested in coming to Red Deer with me. I got a reply from Emily advising that she and Missy were interested and we made arrangements to meet. Picked Emily up at her Edmonton incall and I have to say that I was greatly impressed with the location, it was beyond very nice, this young lady has great taste and class. Met Emily and we gathered her belongings and loaded everything up. Emily and Missy got in and we were soon on our way to Red Deer. On the way we had a few stops to make and we were soon at her Red Deer incall. I have to say that Missy is a very nice and well behaved companion for Emily. I got to see Emily and Missy interact during our time together and I was quite impressed at how well behaved Missy was and the great relationship they have together. Got Emily and Missy settled into her incall and in a short while Emily was ready to play. Looks Emily is a shorter, petite, curvy girl with longer, golden curly hair, a pretty face, nice brown eyes and a great smile. Always dressed to impress, sexy and hot. Attitude Warm greeting and aways a smile, Emily is personable, friendly and provides an impressive GFE attitude. Service A very safe GFE with enthusiasm, a good effort, was there to please. Summary Emily is an attractive, petite girl with a sexy, curvy body. A natural beauty that projects a warm, friendly attitude. She is provides a safe GFE and gives a good effort with enthusiasm.
  15. Was 5C here today, so that makes me pretty happy, especially considering a week ago it was -30C or colder. Hell yeah, I am happy!
  16. The Egypt situation is far from over. The door is now open for terrorist elements to possibly take control of the government. Egypt could easily end up like Iran or Iraq if the wrong people get in there, things are very unstable and potentially dangerous there. They need someone who truly wants to help the people and not for self interest or to exploit a political agenda of a particular group. Like Iraq, Egypt is now in a power vacuum state and who knows what is going to happen. Let's hope for the sake of the people that they can get someone in power that truly cares about the people. Iran is starting to heat up again as well with protests against the government planned. In a few breathtaking weeks, the winds of change whipped from Tunisia east to Egypt and Jordan, bringing down two regimes and putting the third on notice that it must make democratic changes. Now analysts, and a world suddenly focused on the region, are wondering whether those winds will continue blowing east into Iran and bring real democratic change or, instead, amount to only a whisper. A year and a half after the Iranian regime brutally suppressed the so-called Green Movement, a new test of its openness to reform and patience may come Monday. The government -- which Friday said the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt "joyfully" coincided with the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution -- has rounded up activists after Iran's two leading opposition figures called for a rally Monday in support of the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/02/11/egypt.iran/ Algeria is experiencing unrest as well.........................Algerian demonstrators, inspired by popular protests in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East, protested in the capital, Algiers, on Saturday before security forces moved in to break up the demonstration. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/13/world/africa/13algeria.html
  17. There is never a guarantee with trying to pick up ladies, it seems to be like a roll of the dice almost. There are bars and pubs with ladies looking to have fun, check out Whyte Ave. as it is a popular area of the city. Edmonton is mostly an MP city and there are lots, you can just walk in mostly. Lots and lots of ladies to choose from, but as far as which one to see, that depends on your taste in women and activities you wish to engage in, but there are lots of ladies to choose from. Do your research and you will leave the city a happy guy. Edit: There are lots of Indie SP's from all over Canada that visit Edmonton regularly, so that is an option as well.
  18. As Megan indicates, some women really enjoy sex during their period. Years ago I had a gf that enjoyed sex during her time as she said it helped lessen her cramps. I must agree with Charlotte as my gf at the time really enjoyed using me as a way to relieve her cramps. A lady working during this time should make her situation explicitly clear, let's face it us guys have tunnel vision when we get horny and we can only see what we want. As long as we know up front, we can decide if we want to continue, and a lot of times it does depend on the lady. Knowing up front will save both parties from those awkward few moments and disappointment on both sides.
  19. I had a gf that used the sponge and quite often I would hit that sucker while engaged. Felt like sandpaper.......so yeah, it can be detectable, lol.
  20. I would be ok with a reduced service for reduced (and fair) pricing. I agree with other's here in that the reason for the reduced service would have to be made specifically clear and upfront.
  21. I can rarely do a last minute appointment, usually 2 days is the quickest I can do should a lady pop up on my radar. The girls that I like to see I have to book probably about 3-4 weeks in advance of their arrival here or I would never get to see them because they would be booked up. Early bird gets the worm I guess.
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