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Loki318 last won the day on November 4 2010

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1631 Excellent

About Loki318

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    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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    Close by Saint John NB

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  1. Loki318

    Tor Browser

    Just a general question... I am starting to use Tor fo all my "sensitive" browsing I have yet to try this site, I'm a slow learner. Can this site be reached from the TOR network? Thanks
  2. Some one Needs to Hack the hackers, publicly ID them! That would cut short a few Hacking careers; I'm Sure Sorry if this opinion ha been posted before I didnt read all of the thread in detail
  3. I agree with the previous poster Ligit and worth the ride ;)
  4. Have heard good comments but havent seen her ......yet ;)
  5. I got into Mod trouble by posting a negitive review on here about her a few months ago nuff said
  6. search other adds by her or about her and you wll find contact info. as usual for this kind of add not exactly as portrayed but still had a great time :)
  7. I started at age 30 1981 had 3 kids 2 older & 1 infant I was a sailor (but not in the military) LOL Loki
  8. I look for it all the time especially this time of year. as to hot or gross ?? i guess it depends on the individual sporting it LOL Hot would apply to the whole package .... Hot isn't just a "look" it is the whole package the twinkle in the eye, the sexy grin, etc etc right down to body language and pheromones Loki
  9. I Glad to see that I am total agreement with so many esteemed hobbyists. Love going down loki318
  10. OD i have enjoyed this soo true thread and only want to add that severing ties with one you Love is heart breaking no matter what the relationship is between you. This one brought tears to my tired old eyes. Was referring to the post on Love You BTW
  11. Wow man!!! I know what its like to be out of action for a time due to health. Take your time do as the Doc says and all the best to you. Hope you are back in the saddle soon:) Loki318
  12. A few years ago I had the "guy operation" (prostrate) and it cam back a bit and was getting better when I developed some complications that required another surgery. This time after the 2nd surgery the ability to get a complete erection or even hold what little there was not there. I tried for 18 months!!! The Urge, Desire, Want NEED was there and as the op says it grows and soon you can think of little else! No matter how much the SO or Fave SP says "it don't matter We can do other things" Let me tell you IT Dose! matter .... With the help of my Doc I tried All of the ED pills even some strong ones some PPL never hear of, and they just gave the worst kind of head ache! so bad that I didn't or couldn't even think of sex. Now having said all this ..... it is possible to have an O with out an erection BUT it just isn't the same. But there is a happy ending :) there is a 100% cure that I have used (mentioned elsewhere on the board) for about 6 years now and have had much of the best sex in my life both at home and abroad ;) So the short answer to the op's question was 18 months!!! and yeah you do get Cranky! Loki318
  13. hi all ;) Another board member recently brought this thread to my attention and thought some my appreciate and up date. Its four years later I'm still using, pun intended ;). As to the listed problems: Pain, very minimal and the reward way worth it IMHO 4 hour Erection ..... it has happened with no ill effects, Ice pack and extra strength antihistamine will bring it down easily; you very quickly learn the proper dosage for your self. (4 hrs = MSOG!!) Thickening around the base yes some thus far, all of my partners to date rather like this; plus yes that little curve UP really dose "hit the spot" Bruising; has only happened when the needle is moved or twisted during the injection like looking for a vein when they take blood, and so far only when i have been slightly inebriated and should NOT have been playing with it any way LOL ... Swelling (other than the good kind), Lasting pain or Soreness NOPE not yet. I have helped a few guys locally with info and my experiences and advice and I have referred some to my Urologist. .... If you want any further info LOL Pm me. Loki318
  14. Just like that I need to be on it too ;) Please and tease or is that tease please or tease then please >>>>>>>>>> Loki318
  15. His Email thread can be traced right to him and the computer that he used so if they should be interested enuf to ask for it send or show it to them I hate to admit it but SJ is a hard city Loki318
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