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Everything posted by Loki318

  1. Communication is two way, being polite and professional is the way of business and "hobby".. Loki318
  2. This could go in the general section but I am more asking the local ladies ... When you do a tour say to another city do you usually try to have a "sponsor" or a few clients lined up before you make the announcement or do you just "Wing it" and hope for a good return on your investment? I would like to see a couple of the Halifax come to SJ :) and yea I know that they do come to Moncton occasionally but that is just that little way further and never seems to hit my schedule .... NE way ...your thoughts?? Loki318
  3. Britney :) I know you are in school or at least I think you are LOL.. what would you think about a short mid week break/tour to another Maritime port city ....Like SJ ..... :) Any other guys in the SJ area think we might get some the lady's in Halifax to vist??? Loki318
  4. Hi Curler: Maybe if a few of us ask nice (see me begging here) Amber would come to SJ for a short tour .... What say Amber?? Pm me I think I might have a few extra air miles ;) Loki318
  5. I am like the rest of you ..almost always in the mood. and there is almost always "someone" available but not ususally the one I want LOL The two biggest factors you didnt even mention in the poll : Time management! For me I have to travel out of town and usually stay over night which requires an bit of advance planning and ..... Money!! There is never enuf so we budget :) Loki318
  6. I go to a SC only about once a year !!!! I always drink too much, spend too much and dance too much, usually close the place!!! Always blow about a full month or more of my Hobby budget!! Latest visit was last week could have two all-nighters for what a dropped in there OMG!!! Was lucky to escape with my G-string !!! When they see your getting a little too drunk and still have a few bucks they turn in to "She Wolves" circling for the kill.... I just CAN'T say no to a pretty girls especially if she is 3/4 nakid and is about to get all nakid :) Loki318
  7. just found this thread but yup count me in LOKI "too buzzed on his home made wine :)"
  8. Slurp! Where is she visiting from? are there other stops on this "tour" dose she have a web site ........ any other info?? Loki318
  9. Scott not only as you have observed but I think that the mean of the posters on this board is way more mature and level headed than your average politician ..... this comeing from a former politician LOL Lok318
  10. GHT if your friend is bragging about all the "married" women he is boneing then chances are he wont keep your secret ? INHO most guys that tell a lot of stories about all the married women ther are getting it is 99% just that stories .... Personally there are a few ladies that know my hobby;) even a couple that arent in the hobby/business... ;) and there is one guy that know only because we have "partied" together a couple of times LOL but we know enuf dirt on each other it would be a mutual disaster to tell stories out of school.... but other than that mums the word..... The big D cost way too much to let the "Kitty" out of the bag... Loki318
  11. She has asked (me at least) not to be publicly reviewed ..... PM me if yu would like a summary or recomendation ... Loki318
  12. One minor brush with LE and that was in the US. The only STI ever caught was from my SO !!!!! NO STDs :) Loki318
  13. Reading this thread has been very hourmous for me. you guys talk about visiting one city from another that is just a drive across the bridge like itis a huge inconvience... For me to visit an SP I have to plan or fake a business meeting that requires me to stay over night, then have to take a 2 hr ferry ride to get to the mainland, pay for a hotel in a small citsy that is an hr drive from the ferry, and to get to a city that has any decent selection (Halifax) expand that driveing time to 5 hrs.. \lol If I had the financial reserves and the convience and varity of Owatta/Hull I would die with a SMILE on my face a mile wide in a very short time LOL I must add that recently 1 incall has opend in SJ and that dose add to convience ..... One can only hope that this new fad ""incall" catches on with other SPs :) Loki318
  14. Welll gents and ladies;) For years it was just agencies with me till I discovered there was such a thing as an Indie ..(u see in the maritimes we are way behind u Upper CDN's) then I lured a sweet young thing away from an agency LOL yes right to work for her self as an indie .... she was then an Exclusive for a few yrs... well at least exclusive for me LOL I'm sure other enjoyed my new Indie..... then she was unavailable LOL WOW I just realized that was almost a marriage LOL Any way I am seeing or negotiating with a mix of Indie and Agency and a new convert from agency to indie (I am also full of S**T) seriously it isn't the mode of delivery as much as it is the product !!!! Or it isnt how I find her it is the person that I am looking for.... Also I am not affraid to TOFTT or to do my own research ... depending on how you look at it....LOL I am thinking of trying a new one next week .... will keep u posted if she allows a review :) Loki318 Hobbiest at large.... PS I didnt vote as neither option suited me ;)
  15. All women are beautiful .... it just depends on who is looking at them :) Loki318
  16. :bddog:Sorry this came out like a rant I didn't mean it as any kind of attack or any thing just good info...... ATH As I said when all else fails...... There are some of us through circumstances that we have no control over are left with out the ability to get an erection any other way...... and yes you can have "sex" with out an erection ..... and yes you can have an O with out an erection ... yes the Warden, and the GF, and the SP will all tell you "it is ok" & "it don't matter to them" etc etc ..... But after about 3 to 6 months of trying find a position to get a softy in or to get a CBJ on a softy u would try just about anything to get a hard on ..... I was about ready to sell my soul to the devil when the DR mentioned the needle. I remember that first erection after 6 months of frustration I was in the city with out a possible anointment and no place to go LOL I played with it my self for 4 hours just like the Teenager I felt like.... had a shit eating grin a mile wide. It is hard to believe that was 2 years ago ... I cant remember every erection I have had sence then but I do remember every frustrating night of that 6 months! As far as HIV goes there is no more risk of that than a Diabetic taking Insulin in fact it is the same needle that is used ... you use your own new needle for each injection take the same safety precautions as any other needle ... I wonder how many men have just given up sex because they couldn't get it up for one or two of many reasons .... this option isn't for every one but as for me at 58 I am way way to young to just give it up.... If any one is in perfect health and doesn't need any help from modern meds than my friend you are truly blessed enjoy it as long as you can. I don't know how long I will be able to use this stuff but so far the minor side effects have been well worth it :) If one is faced with just giving up talk to a Urologist! there are options Loki318
  17. Try this http://www.askbootshealth.com/a_to_z/erection_problems/alprostadil_injection The porn stars drug of choise Loki318
  18. I started on October 14 1980 .... there has been some bad but the good far far out weigh them :) I'll never forget the first LOL Loki318
  19. Not sure where to start with this but ....... over the last couple of years I have had some "medical problems" in the male area which have lead to a couple of operations ..... The short story is that when it gets up :) it will stay up for a while ;) and I can O several time in a row .... no "cum" any more it is a dry hole but the O is there woo hoo and it is multiple much like some ladies :) Kinda give me a glimpse to the other side ... and is gooooddd LOL LOki318
  20. Yea I tried a couple of times and the only way was to be in a situation where I just couldn't for either financial reasons or for more recently medical reasons Did find out that while I couldn't I just wanted to all the more... Now it is in the "budget" as a line item monthly or weekly ;) depending on business LOL and as long as modern medicine keeps it enjoyable In in it for the long haul :) Loki318
  21. And the link to her here would be ? :) Thanks Loki PS Never mind I forunf them :) NICE !
  22. sure i could donate some air miles :) Regionally is ok but i want to go to all three Have a great weekend Loki318
  23. Ok this is going along ...... Using the Rossmount as an example only (but it is a really nice place, to close to home for me LOL) Their business weekend/seminar package is 158.00 /day/person, assuming the Suit's will be picking up the tab :) Each Gent pay for two PPL time 3 days = aprox 950.00 For the deposit to come to the game. The Ladies time to be paid on arrival the concensses so far is 1500.00 plus travel.... Not sure how to factor in the travel but I am thinking that if the event is held mid country to allow the best average ??should 300/lady cover?? So totaling up We are at very aproxamately 3000.00 for a 2.5 to 3 day weekend/event ok I'll need a few months to work it into the budget but I'm in :) I think I am becomeing a "bean counter" We need some more suggestions for where and when? Loki318
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