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Everything posted by BootyLoving

  1. I went to the wrong hotel, and hence a little late. But Found it, found her. Even though it was slightly rushed, she told me in advance that I may not get my full session time. Very curteous, allowing me to decide to rebook. But there was sufficient time for some fun. Why would I leave now, she's ultra adorable and hot. She provided a very professional, sensual, and pleasant experience. The clean and comfortable hotel also was a pleasure to share. As previous guy stated, with that blazing red hair and advert of soft dom, you'd expect her to be more agressive. She however is quite responsive, and always looking for cue that you want to get wild, and picks up the pace with you. A great experience once again thanks to MGF. MGF so far has once again set the benchmark. Other agency has a lot to learn from you girls. Congrats once again, and thank you for bringing your world class service to Ottawa.
  2. Oh wow, what a tangled mess! But I have to at least complement that the reception girl speaks clear and complete English. Actually, a very pleasant and attractive voice. I'd love to meet some of those beautiful girls you advertised. But as the saying goes ... fooled me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I've moved beyond that and learnt my lesson. And hope to save others from learning my lesson. There are many reputable agencies here, and many more reputable independents. Maybe as your agency evolve to verify your sp, I might feel confident in your reputation, and give you another shot. Till then, good bye.
  3. Throw in Annessa, Sexy Playmate Mia, and a few other independent have been reviewed well. There should be a few more that has been reviewed. Independents tend to be more reliable.
  4. Sorry for your confusion. You should actually be defending Sugar Land, and dropping Asian Passion after that 'May' girl bait and switch situation. I didn't state which building. So ... Eyebrows raised! Anyways, I called Sugar Land and got a callback from your 613-400-3788 number ... So if not one in the same, then what? Balls in your court now! Anyways, I don't slam much on this forum, and more often turn a blind eye. I'll make an exception this time.
  5. Yuri's receptionist is the same receptionist voice for Asian Passion, who brought us May's disappointing fake/unrealistic/bait-switch photo. The location address is also the same. See the cowboy's diary about the landslide of complaints. These Photo of Yuri looks even more professional. I would be prepared for disappointment if I decided to TOFTT again. So somebody else step in on this one. Added: Just confirmed myself - Asian Passion and Sugar Land are one in the same agency.
  6. I will scavage tickets for ties to, snoop puppie, and bunch more. Would be fun this year! Impromptu after party will be fabulous!
  7. I decided to take a health break, and this must have been one of the most complete and relaxing experience! Book yourself a 30-45 min health break, set yourself on cruise control and let this darling guide you all the way through. Accept the shower, let her lather you up, and gently clean all the proper areas. Don't be shy! If she offers you a mouthwash, it's only customary to accept, she will to. She'll guide you to bed. Go face down, receive the massage, is very nice. From there on, get creative! It's fun the rest of the ride. Buckle up, and hold tight. Try not to arrive at your final destination too early. Expect a repeat for the post arrival procedure. Another shower service, and it's a brand new day again! Was a beautiful experience. P.S. she's unshaven, and it's a beautiful bush! Additional Comments: I decided to take a health break, and this must have been one of the most complete and relaxing experience! Book yourself a 30-45 min health break, set yourself on cruise control and let this darling guide you all the way through. Accept the shower, let her lather you up, and gently clean all the proper areas. Don't be shy! If she offers you a mouthwash, it's only customary to accept, she will to. She'll guide you to bed. Go face down, receive the massage, is very nice. From there on, get creative! It's fun the rest of the ride. Buckle up, and hold tight. Try not to arrive at your final destination too early. Expect a repeat for the post arrival procedure. Another shower service, and it's a brand new day again! Was a beautiful experience. P.S. she's unshaven, and it's a beautiful bush!
  8. GFE: 15 - 100 30 - 140 45 - 180 60 - 220 Take-me-out (as option or only course): Events I like - 50 to 100 (depends on how much I like it) Events only you would like - GFE rate ... This actually might be a very great way to enhance development of a repeater or be a great primer to lead into a greater GFE to follow. If the options are initially laid out, would allow for a more complete and enjoyable experience for both.
  9. BootyLoving

    Photo 3

    A patentable idea! I'll buy the concept!
  10. BootyLoving

    Photo 1

    Exquisite is the only word!
  11. Yeah, she peaks my curiosity.. Then again, they all peak my perverted curiosity! ;)
  12. I prefer daytime myself, but near downtown area. Why not have a health break paid for by the office! For the amount of stress, it's nice to sometimes sneak out for time to myself. I am truly thankful for those available to save me from the brink! Thanks girls, you have no idea how much help you've all been!
  13. BootyLoving

    Jessica James

    Stocker I Hate autocorrect
  14. BootyLoving

    Jessica James

    Omfg! You got yourself a sticker now. Anybody want to lend me their copy of stocking for dummies book
  15. Try camen fox (fox den) It's located close to metro town . See escorts-canada.com or localescorts.ca as well for listings
  16. BootyLoving


    The right stuff in the right places - If I needed to draw a perfect figure, this would be it.
  17. BootyLoving


    Yowzah ... that shape is designer fit just for me!
  18. BootyLoving


    Va Va Voom! Very Sexy! Diamond, a man's best friend!
  19. That's one awesome smurfette
  20. BootyLoving


    Boa chikka wawwah!
  21. Which other board? Is there a board better than this?
  22. My mind prefers mind over body, my body prefers body over mind. I think each organ part is casting self serving votes!
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