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Everything posted by antlerman

  1. damn...there is a great joke in there some where...........:sm185: Personal use.........has equipment........mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  2. I loved it man....the puppet going craqzy on her :bddog:....hahahahahah...freaking great
  3. dude...you are on a roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bowdown:
  4. Time frame...hmmm...well that's why I wanted 7 at once. What can you handle. Are 3 pops pr hour unreasonable? proper lubrication....and the below options....this might be possible Then what do we in between. Do you give foot rubs? OK....I will rub your feet and give you a total body massage to your satisfaction only....your direction and boundries only. Any time during this massage I get excited....I must pull back and take care of business by myself. As long as the first load is good, the others can be watered down. agreed.......then there will be some sort of ejaculate at each orgasm. I will play with myself and we can throw on some pornos Sounds good...... Touching..now you're getting pushy...not me to you unless you direct me to as in foot rub or what ever. Visual only..if it's a freebie - can't be disloyal to my other clients. fully understandable So when and where? to be determined once we agree on most of the options. How much admission should we charge for voyeurs? mmmmmm........lady voyeurs....sure......men voyeurs.....could be good also This is starting to sound a little submissive.....I kind of like it:jackoff:
  5. I can not vote on this black and white question....... I have had good luck with both....so.. It would be better with "it all depends ".....option
  6. wow...7 times....... but we have to discuss the details to such a fine challange.... - in what time frame does this have to happen? - is there a minimum of ejaculate required from each orgasm or in total? - what type type of stimulation will you provide? - Is touching allowed.....one way..both ways....or only visual teasing? - any other ideas..... I am "up" for this.....:jackoff:
  7. holly crap!!!!! You think about how many trees are being killed by men every day by wacking off!!!!!!!
  8. OK...I think I can answer this...... When I first started intot he hobby I felt that once I was done...I felt I should leave. part of that is due to the feeling that this lady gave me her time and that if I finish early then I leave. Another part is the possible feeling of in-experiance some men may have with post-coital cuddle or wind down time after sex.......they could possibly be used to the get in...get off..get back to the kids before they find us......and are unaware of the nice time you can have after the act. Is it guilt of...."Oh my God I just did this and the sooner I get out the less guilty I will feel"..or...."I am embarassed of my naked body and my sexualtity and feel insecure with a woman paying attention to me after sex......" Or they are in a hurry to light a smoke or are affraid they will roll over and fall alsep on the lady as per a possible usual habbit......
  9. if that is the case...I do believe there will be a line up....a very long line up!!!!
  10. well......you could hire the fatbastard escort agency.......ok we may not be fire fighters.........we may not have impressive hoses.......but we can work something out...hehehehehe
  11. can any one suggest some good Sci-fi space authors..... I love the stuff and have been running out of decent reading material...... I have the box of Kleenex memorized now:handjob:
  12. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: way to go CK.......outstanding work!!!!
  13. wow...all so nice....me love them long time........:motion:
  14. I......I...I....wh...wh......I...I.....duh................:bowdown:
  15. any one figure out her tatto on her belly?
  16. SOLD!!!!!! with one condition.........you get thrown in with one of the options....or as many options as you choose......but one of them for sure.......wink wink.......
  17. I love this thread...thanks for brining it back to life
  18. my pet peeves??? Well people that ride off my idea of posting a rant!!!! People that try and take credit for a Rant when it has been covered before!! People that think they are sooooo smart......... Opps..there I go ranting again...never mind...... How about people that do not know how to park!!! You know theose littel yellow lines in the shopping mall made for one car to fit BETWEEN!!!!!!!......not stradle the yellow line and take 2 places.......look no matter how much you pride your car and park ove 2 lines to protect people from parking close ...you think you are protecting it?...nope I am the asshole that will scratch it just to piss you off.........move it to the far back corner of the lot dude!!!! Or the people who do not relaize the whit marks on the road for paekong are the same....to park BETWEEN!!!!........
  19. I like the oil part........nothing like two bodies rolling around in oil...hands...fingers....all over.....mmmmmmm
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