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Everything posted by antlerman

  1. mind you the monkey and taxes are very similar....you get fucked by both........
  2. congrats.......but....746 of those are jokes and sunshine girls.......hahahaha.....keep it up old man...........
  3. it is still up fotr debate about cumquat being a man..................................
  4. I have had many full sports maaasges...theraputic massages...as well as some....wink...wink...not so professional... If you go to a legit place...expect a legit service..... The first sign is if a towel is placed over your ass..or you place it there.....also....does she turn her back when you flip....if she turns her back to you as you flip ...expect no action.....
  5. that is why I had ....Wedding Jello"...at my last wedding......fun to throw...and a lot cheaper...unless it is electric jello.......hehheh.......
  6. not going to any MP or SP....save the earth of wasted water for showers and soap....no wipes thrown out....and no kleenex to waste.......I am glad it is only one day........ joking of course....
  7. Now I understand as Apex said...it is main reason for heart attacks in men....but is this the same for women?... I mean is it the same vein that goes to a womans heart......if so...it must also be the same vein that goes to her "sex".... as most often when it is put on her finger it cuts off her circulation...and all sex stops from that point.......... heheheeheh
  8. Anything you say can and will be misquoted and used against you........... hahahaha
  9. close?.....how could they be close...they are in other cities....hehehheeh sorry...could not resist.....never been to ther cities......so I could not give an educated answer
  10. I do not take mine off.....why? -because you still see the dent in your finger where is was -never leave it in the car or any where...if it goes missing....how do you explain that -if you gforget to put it back on.....explain that -the ladies do not care.........they likwe others ahve said look for respect and a nice time.
  11. welcome Tia.....another wondeful Lady to join us.....
  12. This whole thread comes to the point I was making a while back..... Chat-lurkers.....people who pop in and out and only talk to the ladies and set up dates.......drop in and out only looking for a free show..... And low posters...I even brought up the idea of a section of legitimate well known contributers would go.......even though it segregates the board......it is almost at this point now........ when in chat as a mod......I will search peoples names and look thier history on CERB......I will then politely say welcome.....invite them to contribute and be part of the forums........if they refuse or do not participate.....well...I am thinking of booting them.........seriously......keep a list of chat-lurkers.....for those times...
  13. kijiji...has gone escort???...what will be next????>.peanut buttter without jam??????? God forbid....
  14. well for me it is easy......I would like the ability to make people see me as a person they have dreamed about...lusted after....the ultimate lover........ That way each time I see a woman she could not resist my charm and looks and would put out like an animal to make sure it was the best ever........ or.....I could just go as myself and have the same effect......:roll:
  15. you and your friend did the right thing from what I can see........ If he was a contact from here I would say post it in the private providers section for you ladies.
  16. Juicy....mod is very right here......I would expect you will get some informtion from a few of the ladies here.........but follow the Mods advice.....he is right in every point.
  17. hahahahahahahaahahaha.......freaking funny comment
  18. well....I look at it as a "C" is a breast size.......and a breast is soft....supple... besides if you use the "K" sound it is like you want to "CURB" you desire to meet the lovely ladies.........where as the "serb" sound is gentle...soft.....
  19. hahahah...I bet CK would have a field day on those pics.........
  20. there is a great forum for shemales.......http://www.tgirlforums.com/.... other than that...I agree with Emma...there is nothing but the best about Lucy.
  21. some ink is nice.....I like the simple ink that shows a womans personality......but some times there is to much..........like one girl I knew..had a hairy dick and balls on her ass........was kind of like strying a DP without the other person actually there....
  22. That is one of the best lines I have ever seen........Erin you are so down to earth and grounded.....damn you are great.......
  23. Yes...classical....wire the horn to the turn signal works well.........it honks with the flash ans usually the user does not realize until much later..... One of my favorite jokes was installing a winshield washer pump into a water jug...installed the jug under the seat. then ran a small hose from the pump to fuel injector nozel we mounted under the passenger head rest and pointed it towards the driver. The wired the pump to the ignition.......we were all outside when my friend got into his car.....we watched patiently as he closed the door......put his key in the ignition.......then turned the key...... The instant he turned the key the pump started.....high pressure pumps those little things are.....and caused the water to come out the injector head.....in a fine...super fine...mist...almost a fog.. Well the container was emptied in less that 4 seconds......it took our friend about 3.5 seconds to get out of the car....... he looked like a wet dog.......and the car had a wonderful fine coating of water all in it......... freaking look on his face when he was getting misted....then out of his car........priceless
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