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Everything posted by antlerman

  1. Not trying to put a damper on this at all......but.... My question is that when some one enters their "recommondation" numbers does it just show a running total or will it show what each persons numbers were? if the thread shows each persons numbers that they used, it will prevent some one comming in and putting all low numbers to discredit a providor.
  2. heheheehehehehehehe.......way to go Catherine.........another one succums to your charms.....
  3. there is a good joke building here some where.......
  4. I like the idea...but does this not make it more live a review rather than a recommondation? You may noy be able to actually write a bad review...but you could not actually lower the ranking by putting lower numbers in?
  5. Waltb....I would do some searchinmg using the search button...and then do alot of reading. We all know how scary but thrilling the first...second...third......time is meeting a lady...but if you inform yourself by using the "search" function above you will be better off. Example...push the search button...enter the name "Erica"...or "tipping"...."legal"....any key word will help you get information. There are many threads about each topic and lady here........ do some home work.....get to feel more informed..then make the plunge...we all look forward to hearing from you
  6. Thanks for the info Jas...we all respect you and admire your honesty and your professionalism.......some times our "little" heads get the better of us.....
  7. I Am worried Cowboy......really worried......this is what I found when I googled Sunny Lane............ You need to get out more....and soon!!! Peeco’s T.R. Ace Pedigree: Creek-Vue Sam Sunny Lane Marquette Dixie Du Marais Fleming’s Star Farceur Gordon’s Kendale De Bruille Cindy Farceur
  8. Way to go..see....you will feel great going after it......the rush you get is great.... Even if it does not work out for some strange reason.........you gave it a good try.....and there is nothing wrong with that.
  9. Cowboy..I think you are on to something...........:cool: Dummpy can create a certificate with a "DA" seal of approval..... The ladies can frame it and hang it on thier walls to proves they are "DA" certified.......... http://www.brainybetty.com/certificates.htm http://www.southworth.com/page.php?id=130 Ahhh...heck we could each create one and hand them out..............:D
  10. something tells me that after the trip out west the guys here will put up a blokade to stop them traveling again.......hahahahaah
  11. You want the job....you want to show him you REALLY want it and you mean it......take the time...I have gone hours out of my way to see jobs and interview...and beieve me....it goes a long way in a persons mind when they see people wanting something enough to go out of thier way to get it.
  12. Bingo......!!! Shorter.....olive complexion.........freckles on face.....bigguns....sweet lady
  13. You could always compete with your neighbor by pointing a few garbage can lids to the sky...then asking him if he likes his dishes...beacause you are thinking of upgrading...after all......... all you are getting is trash........:rolleyes:
  14. I was in something similar a while ago........make an appointment to meet the owner. Hand him your resume personally.......tell him you want the job......be up front and honest and forward. If you take the move to show you want it...then it shows them you are willing......if you sit back and let the other person look more aggressive..then they WILL hire her as she has shown she wants it. Grab the brass ring man!......step up to the plate. Do not let the referral from the previous person be your only hope......the other person does not have the referral like you do so they are making a stab at the position.......go for it.
  15. I saw her a few years ago as an SP.........did a review on another board.........I have no idea what her service or massages are like now....... Back then it was good......not super....but just good.......
  16. we want Lily!...we want Lili!....we want Lili!......please
  17. Dreamer...have a great summer.....he certainly left with a bit of a bang......
  18. Dreamer???.....where did he go??? Paige...Ava....Cat.....one of you has got him tied up somewhere....we know it....!!!....let him out to play!!
  19. again.....nice work Mod.......the page fits now...you da man......!!!!
  20. too wide for the screen.....have to scroll over all the time....or am I a goof and there is a setting on IE to fix this......
  21. Dummpy........you have been getting alot of cool stuff to play with recently....leave the forum for us to play with.......
  22. not really liking the wide screen version....but so far every thing else works well
  23. I am proud to help out and be a member of this board.... Thanks for the board Mod.....thanks
  24. Erica....very well put and mature response.....to the point....full of facts based on your independant status.....
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