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Everything posted by loneskater

  1. Again ur comment is not quite accurate in the context of the discussion. That SC ruling happened on Dec 5th, 2013. Most reputable spas in this city existed long before that. I have moved to this area in 2005 and the only arrest there has been against spas were those involved with human trafficking. None of the reputable spas got busted and shut down. Therefore your comment saying none were busted because of the supreme court ruling is totally inaccurate. I can understand that many of us react differently to the new laws as our situations and risk tolerance varies. However if your going to put forth arguments on this board that may shy other's away from the reputable spas, at least don't put half truths to support your view and leave out the facts that do not support it!
  2. Maybe you should go back and read the old law. They were highly illegal under those laws and I haven't heard of anybody that got arrested back then. Actually in a sense they break less laws now. So if you did go back then your post doesn't make much sense. Since the law makes it illegal to see anyone offering sexual services for money, Indy or not!
  3. Certainly when the OP writes in his post; " I have a feeling that if more of the popular girls from the South and West End Spa's ..." he can't be only talking about CMJ as they only have one other location besides the East one. In addition the word Spa was written in plurial. Add to that what the title was and I believe I read properly!!! And I know I am not the only one!
  4. I am really surprised given the fact there is a current thread suggesting there isn't enough MA's working out in OT's East end!
  5. Any ladies interested in attending the social tonight please send me a PM
  6. Good evening everyone. Just got back from the venue a short while ago. Management has done lots to get the place ready for us and it is looking great. One note with regards to my instructions,, cash payment is preferred as they were having some issues today with CC processing. As for the evening events, we will have performers doing their thing around 9:30. We should be serving the buffet right after performers are done. Also one member has volunteered to play music for us throughout the evening. So as per the instructions we sent, doors open at 7 PM. For those making their way there, keep in mind the limo should arrive between 7:50 and 8. With 24 ppl in the limo that will create a temporary line up at the bar! Also big hockey game and possible traffic for the early birds! Hope everyone has a great time. Its xmas so we tried to make this a nice evening event! Remember about discretion especially around the bar staff. Also for those who wish we will have boxes to drop toys for toy mountain. Cute0aza0Button said she would help with toys so I am making sure mine is all ready! lol See you all tomorrow evening!
  7. Actually we are sold out as I have ordered the food. No tickets unless we get a cancellation. BTW any cancelled tockets need to be process through the organisers. We want to make sure ppl on the stby list get first chance at them and we do screen members attending!
  8. And I just updated the attendance list! 89 ppl attending. What a party this will be!!!
  9. Ladies and gents, seems that VIP ticket is available again. Therefore anyone wishing to upgrade and get a limo ride from Dtown and back, contact mistert or myself. Its only 15 dollars for the return trip. Only thing cheaper would be taking a bus to Kanata!!! 4 Days left till Party time!!!
  10. Good afternoon social fans! I have sent relevant info to all that are on the guest list except for those for whom I am waiting payment confirmation and/or e-transfer. If I missed anyone, please let me know. With 85 guests and having two types of tickets, it's quite possible I missed someone. Any additional info we may have, we will post here on this thread. A little over 5 days left to party!!!
  11. So ladies and gents, as per last year we will be supporting toy mountain for those who wish to make a donation. This is totally on a volunteer basis. We will have boxes to drop toys in for those whishing to do so! Let me tell you he does have secret wishes about ladies but has nothing to do with getting them fat!!! lol
  12. We will be sending PMs to everyone this weekend. We are just waiting for tomorrow's deadline to pass so we can confirm a few final details with the venue management. We want to make sure we provide you all with as much information as possible. Having been at the location many times already, I strongly believe you will all like it. As previously mentioned in my posts, there is nothing else in the building. Therefore it will make our life easier trying to make sure only invited guests are attending and make your life easier knowing no unwanted visitors are trying to sneak in or mix themselves within the crowd. Still tickets left till end of day tomorrow if anyone wants to join 7 DAYS LEFT BEFORE THE PARTY! YAY! BTW someone grab that VIP tickets within minutes after I posted. Just shows that sometimes patience pays off!
  13. Hello everyone! Due to a cancellation, we now have a VIP ticket available either for sale to a member without a ticket or if someone that bought a regular ticket wishes to upgrade to VIP its only an extra 15 dollars for a limo ride from and back to dtown area! I would like to remind everyone that mistert and I do not take even a penny as profit for this nor have we done so since we been organising the socials starting back in Sep 2013. As a matter of fact, those that have met me in person to pay cash, know that I drive a truck which is not cheap on gas. With the number of trips I have to take I easily burn a tank of gas which comes out of my own pockets. Mistert also spends money as well. Therefore due to the fact we make zero profit from the socials, everyone has to understand that once we committed money towards the event we can not give it back to ppl cancelling at the last minute unless we take it out of our own pockets. To date we have paid for the limo and the entertainment. Deadline for tickets is tomorrow as we will have to confirm and pay for the food then. Next time someone can't seem to understand when we say sorry no refund, think about how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of the complaint and you had spent close to 100 dollars of your own pocket to organise an event to try and get community members together!!!
  14. Were not fussy on the tie but forget the sweater or you may have to answer to a certain redhead I know. lol 8 Days left before the party!!!
  15. Ladies and Gents! 9 Days left till party time!!! And what a party it will be. I just updated the attendees list and we are now up to 83 members coming to the xmas social! I have attended most socials and as far as I remember this will be the biggest social to date. Great Venue, Hot and cold buffet, great entertainment and awesome people, it will be a most memorable social! We were lucky to get a venue large enough to accommodate that many ppl comfortably. We may not have such a place next time and have to limit the numbers of attendees again. Want to join the fun? We still have room for a few more members. Contact either mistert. ALO management or myself to get a ticket. Don't wait too long. Deadline is this Friday, Nov 28th!
  16. Good news! as per my previous post, we have asked management at the venue for a deadline extension. They have agreed to give us a week to give our final numbers after which they need to order food. Therefore, we can make an extra 10 tickets available while ensuring we will not be overcrowded! These tickets are for either ladies or gents and available on a first come basis. As posted earlier on this thread you can contact either mistert, ALO management or myself to reserve get a ticket. If you missed the previous deadline this will be your last chance to join 75 other members who already confirmed their attendance! Dec 4th will be the biggest OT social to date. This is your last chance to join the party!
  17. Ladies and gents, thank you for the great response. We have sold all the tickets before deadline expired. We know form previous socials that there might still be some members out there that may wish to attend but could not commit due to scheduling. Therefore we will check with management at the venue to see if we can postponed the deadline till next week. Will let everyone know if that is the case. In the meantime, if there are others that wish to attend, contact mistert, ALO management or myself. We may have cancellations and be able to sell you a ticket or you will have priority if the deadline gets postponed.
  18. Gentlemen we are down to the last ticket and deadline is tomorrow. Who will grab that ticket??? As posted in previous post this will be a very special event. There are 45 ladies attending. There will be a hot and cold buffet serve. Entertainment has been booked as well. Best of all it is legal and a great way to meet other gents and ladies from the community!
  19. Ladies and Gents; some of you contacted me to pay cash while I was away last week. I told everyone I would contact them via PM once I was back today. I have done so, in the last hour, and hopefully I did not miss anyone. If I did please contact me soonest. As we have oversold ladies tickets, and are down to our last few gents tickets, it's important that you do get back in touch soonest. Remember that posting on this thread do not guarantee you a spot. What does is us receiving your payment. As per previous socials there are always a rush just before the deadline to get the last few tickets. We will not take the chance not to sell the last tickets on those dragging their feet. If we don't get confirmation for payment we will sell the remaining tickets to others. As always its on a first come basis unless special arrangements have been made. Thank you and hope everyone will have a great evening!
  20. All VIP tickets have either been sold or cash payments arranged with me for next week. Therefore only a few regular tickets are available now. Ladies we are way above our initial numbers so for the moment we are adding names to the standby list. Possibly we can add a few more tickets later on. Gents, not many regular tickets left and has posted previously deadline is Nov 20th. We have to pay for things in advance so if you wait too long it will be too bad. Last social many contacted us after the deadline and we had to turn them down. We will not entertain last minute reservation. As per my latest shouts, we have 45 ladies attending. This is your chance to meet numerous local and visiting ladies for a fraction of what it would cost you to book their social fee. Its also an occasion to put faces to pictures and introduce yourself. Therefore don't miss the Xmas social as we don't know when we will have another one!
  21. This was already posted in the news section where such articles belong. Refer to the following thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198974
  22. Happy Bday! Have a most wonderful day!
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