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Carrie Moon

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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. Carrie Moon


    From the album: Feb 2012

  2. Carrie Moon

    close up

    From the album: Feb 2012

  3. a couple of interesting stories from this past week.. a smoking hot 3some with FineWineDiva (Victoria Catharina) and I broke a bed with another client! http://www.carriemoon.com
  4. https://stagshop.com/Stockings-Accessories/ has many stockings for reasonable prices. I've ordered a few times from them before. Great service
  5. Of course not. I was speaking of the guys with the "I'm so cute complex.. I should get deals" Thankfully many mothers (and fathers) teach their sons to be gentlemen... and then they are gentlemen no matter what their age. These are the clients we prefer.
  6. Actually I know a lot of younger providers prefer older clients as well... so I wouldn't worry too much about being too old for 20something providers. I'm open to clients of all ages personally. I only prefer respectful ones. Since I started doing milf movies however I don't get the much older gents and more of the younger ones are drawn my way. I've even had some young clients come to me to lose their virginity. This is a huge responsibility that I found daunting at first but am now comfortable with. I may not connect with them on an age level.. but I connect with them on a teacher/student level which can be quite fun. The main reason younger clients can be less mature in my opinion is that 1) some think they're doing us a favor by providing us with a younger body and providing what they think is a more appealing sexual encounter than what they think we'd find a wrinkly old body. They have no clue what we want but assume. 2) They have a much much higher amount of testosterone surging through their bodies which clouds their judgement 3) They have been getting away with their moms telling them how adorable they are and they're spoiled by them so they carry it with them everywhere else in life (I can't tell you how often myself and other ladies have been asked. 'I'm cute. Can I get a discount?' 4)They lack the experience that an older person does which has already been covered here. I should also mention that ladies I know that are actual mothers in real life (I'm not one) don't want to see someone that could be their child's age. It feels too weird to them
  7. I do as well. Details are on my site http://www.carriemoon.com
  8. If you have specifically asked and directly spoken to a woman who agrees to wear them.. I find it ridiculous that she isn't then wearing them! I will wear only upon request.. because as Cat says.. when I first started escorting it was 'required' uniform at the agency I worked for.. and then I too found guys really mostly didn't care unless they specifically requested. What you might do.. when you've requested is just to ensure they are worn.. bring a pair just in case. If she is wearing them you've still got them for a future encounter when a woman is not.
  9. I've had my vitamix over 5 years now and I couldn't live without it! I also have an easygreens sprouter so I have fresh sprouts almost every day as well.
  10. laughed til I cried. Almost peed myself on #24 http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-25-funniest-autocorrects-of-2012
  11. And... following along with Old Blue Eyes theme...Another food to increase virility http://www.realage.com/mens-health/natures-viagra-big-benefit-of-watermelon-juice?cbr=YSHN1100011&link=rel&dom=yah_life&src=syn&con=blog_rai&mag=rai Watermelon. Nature's viagra!
  12. I had no idea grapes had that effect. Picking some up tomorrow :)
  13. Perhaps you want to start early on a New Year's resolution.. Perhaps you don't need a reason other than to live longer and be more resilient. I have a strong interest in health. Lately there are a bunch of documentaries and blogs I've found online that I find really good. Please add to this if you find some similar! Fat Sick and nearly Dead http://vimeo.com/45359005 Hungry for change http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/92129/Hungry_For_Change/ Fresh the movie http://vimeo.com/41450294 Genetic Roulette http://vimeo.com/49565886 http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/master-tonic-101 sweet misery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM
  14. Even as a seasoned escort I do occasionally encounter a client who steps over the boundaries or attempts to.. so I sympathize with your situation. It sucks.. especially when the client is much larger than yourself. It's such a delicate exchange/dance we engage in sometimes...How to set a boundary without changing the flow too much. Even if this fellow had 10 reviews stating an act or position or length of time of appt even never mind pms.. it NEVER entitles a person to the exact same experience. It takes two to tango. Unless you've bought yourself a blowup doll (or real-doll for 1000's more) it's always YMMV. I mean outside of the obvious.. not making it a bait-n-switch with regards to services. The first time for instance someone accidentally tries to slip it in the backway.. I make a joke.. (it's normally an accident) but if it happens again.. I will not think it's a joke and be direct and firm... make eye contact (or suggest we switch positions so it's not really an option) and confirm that that particular act is never on the menu for me :) But seasoned or not.. something that's never on the menu for me is a slap across the face.. and a client did that to me a couple months back. A colleague of mine has had the same experience out of the blue and with a totally different client! Nowhere was that advertised or talked about in Pm.. Sometimes people are just freaks. lol.. I can laugh about it now.. but I sure wasn't laughing at the time.. and I marched him out of my house with a heck of a lot of noise and definitely no refund.
  15. http://www.maniacworld.com/press-the-button-for-more-drama.html
  16. perhaps instead of escorts for him personally.. a g/g show for everyone? that way only viewing instead of actual intercourse
  17. I highly recommend watching genetic roulette. It really opened my eyes.. I will no longer touch GMO food or any food (meat) that has been fed GMO. Here are a couple of free links to the movie http://vimeo.com/49565886 http://rclvideolibrary.com/2012/10/29/genetic-roulette-the-gamble-of-our-lives/
  18. Wow.. Another very misinformed opinion. re: cancer. Wrong.. that's your opinion. Not fact. Also not a well backed up fact. re: vaccine manufacturers and accountability. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/22/us-pharma-vaccines-lawsuit-idUSTRE71L41420110222 (The Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product-liability lawsuits in state court seeking damages for a child's injuries or death from a vaccine's side effects.) Using a comparison of herbal or homeopathic remedies.. we'd all be strung up and burned were we getting away with the same types of things. and something re: the flu studies.. one major flaw. They lump pneumonia and flu together with deaths. I personally don't know one person who has died of the flu.. but I know several who have of cancer. There are many deaths due to pneumonia.. not all are caused by the flu. Vaccine studies are extremely flawed in many many ways.. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19837123 (Interindividual variations in the efficacy and toxicity of vaccines.) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1505512/ (Pertussis immunization and serious acute neurological illness in children.) Please provide these It's not possible. Each year there are 3 best guesses made.. and more than one manufacturer for the vaccine.. EVERY YEAR we are guinea pigs! I don't know where you get the information that echinacea is a scam.. but first of all.. it's a herb. Echinacea along with 1000's of other plants have many medicinal purposes. That's fact. Not theory. BUT It's not a homeopathic. Homeopathy has tons of back-up research as does echinacea never mind tons of other great herbs. In point of fact many drugs are and were formulated from herbs. Aspirin, Digitalis to be two well known examples.. but a herb of great mention that has long been maligned is Marijuana. Mercola is very reputable. also.. what the heck is wrong with bias. You have yours. I have mine. We all do! For each article he posts.. you can go to the bottom of the page. Click on + sources and references. Here's todays for instance Analysis Finds Flu Vaccine Efficacy Lacking, as Flu Vaccines are Suspended Across Europe and Canada http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/11/06/flu-vaccine-efficacy.aspx#_edn15 and here is the list [--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--]1 MedicineNet.com October 26, 2012 [--]2 The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2012 Jan;12(1):36-44 [--]3 WFMY News2 October 16, 2012 [--]4 New York Times May 8, 2009 [--]5 Annals of Medicine 2007;39(5):392-9 [--]6 Reuters October 17, 2012 [--]7 Reuters October 24, 2012 [--]8 Wall Street Journal October 25, 2012 [--]9 Reuters October 25, 2012 [--]10 The Inquisitr October 27, 2012 [--]11 CBC News October 27, 2012 [--]12 See ref 8 [--]13 Vaccine 2011 Nov 8;29(48):8982-7 [--]14 The Journal of Neuroscience, 3 October 2007, 27(40): 10695-10702 [--]15 See ref 14 [--]16 Infectious Diseases in Children October 24, 2012 As for homeopathy being held to a standard.. or acupuncture or chiropractic etc etc.. I recall one death of a person (I believe it was a few hrs) post chiropractic treatment. It was all over the mainstream news. Meanwhile.. the side-effects and deaths over the pharmaceutical industry have strong attempts to be hidden from the general media. BTW.. a homeopathic remedy cost about $7 - not a huge money making venture..and I can tell you of countless cases where I personally have saved patients quality of life.. from my own grandmothers shingles (My mistake on small pox.. chickenpox is what causes shingles and she's passed now so I can't ask her what vaccine(s) caused her blindness as a child) In her case shingles (modern medicine caused it and couldn't heal it) being a much more minor side effect than blindness which I could do nothing about as she had prosthetic eyeballs. > to a severely arthritic man who was put on a life-threatening anti-malarial drug by a well reknowned rheumetologist in Toronto (he got off the meds and one homeopathic made him able to run never mind walk).. > to a woman with severe migraines who was on 30 codeine pills every day..(followup to a major car accident 20 yrs prior) >to another woman with severe endometriosis (claims I saved her marriage) I understand there's a common misconception that herbal medicine and homeopathic are the same thing but they are like night and day. Homeopathic hospitals are very common in other countries. Here.. nope! We rely on the almighty drug corporations. Keeping in mind I had those patients during a mere 6 month residency prior to being arrested for the job I now have. Comparing a childs death from post-vaccination.. and there are several.. not just one.. to a car getting into an accident is purely callous. Anyway.. I'm likely done with this thread. It saddens me a great deal that there's such a rift over this stuff. But it is representative of the general population whether it be this or politics or what not.. BUT if one person listens to this and looks further into it I feel it's worth it. for anyone interested.. I found this site interesting.. here's a history of the flu vaccine. additional comments: Bringing back the autism/vaccine issue.. CDC Autism and Vaccine Researcher Indicted for Fraud http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/cdc-autism-and-vaccine-researcher-indicted-for-fraud/ I realize the links in this case are dead once again.. sites move things. So I searched my own.. see below http://www.justice.gov/usao/gan/press/2011/04-13-11.html
  19. I apologize for the links. It was late last night when I came upon this thread and I didn't have any handy.. although I should save them up. This discussion comes up every year. I have gotten lazy and relied on mercola.com and the site was down for maintenance last night. Also the problem with some of the articles I provided linked to sites that had moved pages.. this time I checked many of the links and they're current. So.. here we go. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/05/15/australia-bans-flu-vaccine.aspx toddler dies less than 12 hrs after vaccination. Several others have been admitted to hospital with convulsions in Australia. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/toddler-ashley-jade-epapara-2-dies-after-flu-vaccination/story-e6freon6-1225857803417 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids=17701480 http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/10/31/flu-vaccination-epa-safety-limit-for-mercury.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/04/08/more-proof-flu-shots-dont-work.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/06/24/swine-flu-experts-were-paid-by-drug-companies.aspx There are no peer-reviewed double-blind studies available that the flu vaccine works. It's a crap-shoot every year. They take the top 3 possible major offenders to make each new vaccine. If that were it.. I wouldn't have such a problem with the concept. It's actually homeopathic in nature. However homeopathics are made with either alcohol preps or lactose powder. Vaccines are inserted via needle (or occasionally nasal spray - the live version) and use several very toxic preservatives. The claim on the preservatives already mentioned is that the does are extremely small. They're big enough for me. I wouldn't in my right mind inject formaldehyde, mercury, msg etc into my body any more than I would knowingly ingest it. This is enough for my already sensitive immune system to have damage to cause a weakening to create a cold, flu or worse. That is the main issue for me. You may not find the articles helpful. Long are gone the days where I'm going to go the trouble of researching a paper directly myself to prove what I already believe and know. Again that's the crux of it. You can't back up what you know and believe by saying the links don't support the evidence.. but you conveniently ignore the claims of deaths I provided.. Not important enough to consider? I know.. that's hard to prove too eh? soooo many people are coming forward claiming within days that their kids have developed autism.. never mind that one scientist evidence was nullified. Same is true with HPV.. The flu vaccine may not have the same severity..but there are so many other ways to prevent getting the flu.. take care in what you eat (and actually I do prepare virtually all of my own food at home.. rather than eat out), make sure you're getting enough vit D, there are several herbs you can take.. I can spend some time searching more articles.. but the movies are easier. In north america we have the highest incidence of cancer in the world. Cancer is a huge money making industry. View http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/pre-2007/files/health/cancer/ Wendy Mesley did an expose after getting cancer and getting her blood tested for several toxins she was surprised to have in her blood. Here's an interesting link from the same site on where to look for common carcinogens in what you eat and use in your everyday household products http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/pre-2007/files/health/cancer/whatyou.html actually.. that reminds me. A few years ago I heard on the radio that Harper (and I forget who else. McGuinty?) had blood tests that showed several of the same toxins and then never heard a thing about it. I couldn't and still can't find a shred of this online. Anyone know where it is? We all have them. If people really understood how poisoned we are they'd be up in arms. Media won't allow it. Watch for aspartame (speaking of Donald Rumsfeld's involvement in another great toxic scheme) a movie called sweet misery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM the flu vaccine is not an exception the pharmaceutical drug cartel industry.. it's the norm. As for the above mentioned monsato issue.. it's paramount right now. oh yeah.. and then there's the fluoride issue.. several documentaries about both of them right now. GMO and fluoride are banned in several other countries.. not because there are few conspiracists out there like me.. but because they woke up! genetic roulette.. on GMO's (but there are several other movies out now) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao_Hs2nNQDA Additional Comments: well now! this is extremely interesting to me. It was mentioned the Dr. Andrew Wakefield was debunked re: MMR and autism. I urge you all strongly to watch this video... called Selective hearing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fusaNwT22iQ
  20. Actually.. that's a good point. Healthy individuals will suffer the flu shot more easily.. doesn't mean it works though to prevent the flu. Another point.. 30% of all attempts at health improvement have a placebo efffect. They've shown that even 'fake knee surgery' will cause improvement in a double blind study. So if you believe the shot helps.. it may!
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